Title: Dynamic Data Revolutions
1Dynamic Data Revolutions
- Deane Dance Center
- ROMEO Register Organize Manage Everything Online
- Phase II Analysis
2DDR Agenda
1. The Analysis Plan
2. Requirement Gathering Process
3. Use Cases
4. Structural Models
5. Behavioral Models
6. ROMEO Database
3DDR Future Agenda
1. Models to Design
2. Architecture / User Design
3. Class / Object Design
4. Populated Database
4ROMEO Analysis As-Is
- Current card-based system
5ROMEO Analysis Improvement
- Web-Based Customer Information System
Opportunities - No filing or loss of records
- 100 Collection of monies due
- Avoid class scheduling conflicts
- Retain customer information for marketing
6ROMEO Analysis To-Be
- ROMEO (Register Organize Manage Everything
Online) - Web-Based Front-End
- Customer Enroll, Register for Classes, Make
Payments - Employee Run Reports, Track Payments
- MS Access Database Back-End
- Storage of all data in tables connected through
MS Access - Future conversion to MySQL database
7ROMEO Requirements Gathering
- What does DDC want?
- Interview with Project Champions
- TJ Chowdhary and Sandeep Goyal
- Interview with Business Key Contact
- Stephanie
- Documents Analyzed
- Class Schedules
- Registration Card
8ROMEO Use Case Diagram
9ROMEO Use Cases Detail
Ability to view class schedule
Process payment via PayPal
Ability for online payment
Sort customer records by class level and age
Register as student online
Enroll in classes online
View payment reports
Individual who purchases from DDC.
Service(s) offered by DDC.
Register for service(s) of DDC.
Pay for enrolled classes.
Individual that is legal guardian for
customer under age 18.
Employee or volunteer for DDC.
11ROMEO Class Diagram
12ROMEO Customer Seq. Diagram
13ROMEO Management Seq. Diagram
14ROMEO Database
MS Access ROMEO Database DEMO
- Questions?
- Analysis Plan
- Requirements Gathering
- Use Cases
- Structural Models
- Behavioral Models
- Database