Prayer is the Key to Revival Prayer and the Holy Spirit Scripture Ref: Joh 14:1617 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Prayer is the Key to Revival Prayer and the Holy Spirit Scripture Ref: Joh 14:1617


He is the Spirit, who reveals the truth about God. ... At the Day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit came upon and filled 120 faithful waiting in Jerusalem. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Prayer is the Key to Revival Prayer and the Holy Spirit Scripture Ref: Joh 14:1617

Prayer is the Key to RevivalPrayer and the Holy
SpiritScripture Ref Joh 1416-17
  • Joh 1416-17 'I will ask the Father, and he will
    give you another Helper, who will stay with you
    forever. He is the Spirit, who reveals the truth
    about God. The world cannot receive him, because
    it cannot see him or know him. But you know him,
    because he remains with you and is in you'
  • I am of the opinion that our outward action will
    never reach higher that our inward life of
    prayer. You will never grow stronger than your
    ability to pray. It does not matter how mutch you
    give or even how mutch you sacrifice. You are
    nothing better than what you are when you are
    alone with God on your knees.
  • How important it is for us to know and understand
    the importance of prayer. There is no way we are
    going to see the will of God accomplished in our
    lives and ministry if we don't learn how to pray.

  • Last week we spend time on the theme - What
    Prayer Accomplishes, and saw that Prayer Produces
    Power. We spoke on prayer and personal power and
    prayer and corporate power. We also saw how that
    Prayer will Overcome Satan. Today we are going to
    see how that Prayer Opens the Door for the Holy
    Spirit How that Prayer Brings the Holy Spirit's
    Manifestation and How that Prayer Creates
    Spiritual Sensitivity.
  • This is the time of the Holy Spirit. Jesus told
    his disciples that it was imperative for Him to
    go away so that the Holy Spirit would come. At
    the Day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit came upon
    and filled 120 faithful waiting in Jerusalem.
    This is the time/dispensation of the Holy Spirit.
  • How do we get to know the Holy Spirit? We only
    become aware of His nature as we enter a life of
  • Prayer Opens the Door for the Holy Spirit
  • The Holy Spirit can bless you when you read the
    Bible. The Holy Spirit can direct you as you
    witness for Christ. The Holy Spirit can anoint
    you as you minister to others.

  • But if you want to have an intimate communion
    with the Holy Spirit you need to pray.
  • See the problem is that we know that we are born
    again and we know we are filled with the Holy
    Spirit. Yet we also think of the Holy Spirit as
    an experience and not as a personality. Getting
    to know this personality would require of us
    spending time talking with the Holy Spirit and
    letting Him talk to us.
  • Prayer is more fellowship with the Holy Spirit
    that any thing else. See it is in this fellowship
    with the Holy Spirit that we are renewed
    spiritualy, mentally and physically. It is the
    Holy Spirit that'll impregnate us with destiny
    and with purpose and with promise. 1Co 212 'But
    we have not the spirit of the world, but the
    Spirit which comes from God, so that we may have
    knowledge of the things which are freely given to
    us by God'
  • See it is the Holy Spirit that anoints us to
    minister with power, but He also protects us from
    the attacks of Satan. Daily communion with the
    Holy Spirit can shield us from the effects of

  • If your prayers are empty and not refreshing, it
    could be that you are not fellowshipping with the
    Holy Spirit. See the Holy Spirit will bring you
    into the same joy, peace and feeling of right
    standing that you so desire. Remember that the
    Kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but
    righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
    (Rom 1417)?
  • Prayer Brings the Holy Spirit's Manifestation
  • 1Co 121 'Now concerning spiritual gifts,
    brethren, I would not have you ignorant' This is
    important because so much of the church is
    ignorant regarding the gifts and the
    manifestation of the Holy Spirit.
  • We receive the fullness of the personality of the
    Holy Spirit when we are born again. After that we
    are admonished to enter a more intimate
    relationship with the Holy Spirit receiving a
    fuller understanding of His personality and
    workings. We enter this fuller understanding and
    functionality through prayer and fellowship with
  • See Purpose and Destiny and Promise will only
    manifest to those who desire to go deeper with
    God. Those who desire true fellowship.

  • Paul divides our purpose and destiny into several
    ministry gifts. These gifts are given as God
    chooses 1Co 1218 And once we know our
    purpose/our ministry gift, we are to develop that
    ministry Paul explains in 1Ti 414-15 'Do not
    neglect the spiritual gift that is in you, which
    was given to you when the prophets spoke and the
    elders laid their hands on you. Practice these
    things and devote yourself to them, in order that
    your progress may be seen by all'
  • In his letter to the Ephesians Paul lists these
    ministry gifts Eph 411 'It was he who "gave
    gifts to people" he appointed some to be
    apostles, others to be prophets, others to be
    evangelists, others to be pastors and teachers'
    and then he explains their function in the next
    verse 12 'For the perfecting of the saints, for
    the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the
    body of Christ'
  • Now how is it that we grow and mature in our
    ministry? There is no other way than prayer and
    fellowship with the gift giver The Holy Spirit
    and to practice and devote oneself to the gifts
    and the gift giver. Your ministry will only grow
    through prayer and fellowship.

  • The Holy Spirit's 7/11 manifestation scripture
    1Co 127-11 'But to every man some form of the
    Spirit's working is given for the common good.
    For to one are given words of wisdom through the
    Spirit and to another words of knowledge through
    the same Spirit To another faith in the same
    Spirit and to another the power of taking away
    disease, by the one Spirit And to another the
    power of working wonders and to another the
    prophet's word and to another the power of
    testing spirits to another different sorts of
    tongues and to another the power of making clear
    the sense of the tongues But all these are the
    operations of the one and the same Spirit, giving
    to every man separately as his pleasure is'
  • The 14th chapter of 1Cor is dedicated to the
    proper use of the Holy Spirits manifestation and
    the 13th chapter of 1Cor the love chapter
    shows the proper motivation for the exercising of
    these gifts.
  • The way to develop spiritual gifts/manifestation
    is to be dedicated to prayer. Prayer will cause
    the different gifts to work together. Prayer will
    develop the motivation of love which will keep
    all spiritual gifts/ manifestation in proper
    order. Prayer is the answer.

  • Prayer Creates Spiritual Sensitivity
  • Scripture is more that black ink on white paper.
    Jesus said in Joh 663 that 'The spirit is the
    life giver and ... the words which I have said to
    you are spirit and they are life' We also read
    that God is spirit, and that they that worship
    him must worship in spirit and in truth. (John
    424) So it is important to alowe the Holy Spirit
    to develop in us such a spiritual sensitivity
    that we are able to understand God's Word in a
    new way and that we worship Him in a new way.
  • The reason the Word of God is sometimes not
    understood is because there is a higher dimention
    or frequency than just a natural wisdom and
    understanding to the Word of God. It contains a
    spiritual dimention impossible to comprehend
    without the Holy Spirit's help.
  • Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of
    God, Paul wrote to the Romans. God increases our
    faith as we develop our hearing or spiritual
    sensitivity. Our sensitivity comes by prayerfully
    studying God's Word.
  • The same is true for our worship. It is much more
    than words we sing

  • As our spiritual senses are developed we can
    understand the 'Solid food' of the Word of God
    and enter the deeper dimentions of His presence
    and Glory. Heb 514 'Solid food, on the other
    hand, is for adults, who through practice are
    able to distinguish between good and evil' See
    those who have not developed their spiritual
    sensitivity can only partake of the milk of God's
  • It is also developing a sensitivity to discern
    the Lord's presence. At times the Lord's presence
    will be so intense during your time of prayer and
    fellowship with Him that you will feel Him close
    enough to touch. It is when we loose this
    intimacy that the Christian life can become dull
    and routine.
  • If you are not accustomed to this type of
    fellowship, the time to begin is now. Right now
    begin to ask the Holy Spirit to make the presence
    of Jesus known to you. Ask Him to give you a new
    understanding of His Word. Ask Him to bring you
    into a new walk of fellowship in the Holy Spirit.
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