2- Veni, Creator Spiritus
- (Come, Creator Spirit)
- Mentes tuorum visita
- (Visit our souls)
3Holy Spirit, we welcome You
4- Holy Spirit, we welcome You.
- Holy Spirit, we welcome You.
- Move among us with Holy fire,
- As we lay aside all earthly, desires,
- Hands reach out, and our hearts aspire.
- Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit,
- Holy Spirit, We welcome You!
5- Holy Spirit, we welcome You.
- Holy Spirit, we welcome You.
- Let the breeze of your presence blow,
- That your children here might truly know
- How to move in the Spirits flow.
- Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit,
- Holy Spirit, We welcome You!
6- Holy Spirit, we welcome You.
- Holy Spirit, we welcome You.
- Please accomplish in me today
- Some new work of loving grace, I pray
- Unreservedly have Your way.
- Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit,
- Holy Spirit, We welcome You!
7Spirit of the Living God
8- Spirit of the living God,
- Fall afresh on me.
- Spirit of the Living God,
- Fall afresh on me.
- Break me,
- Melt me,
- Mould me,
- Fill me.
- Spirit of the living God,
- Fall afresh on me.
9Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent
wind came from heaven and filled the whole house
where they were sitting.
10They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that
separated and came to rest on each of them.
11All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and
began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit
enabled them.
12Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders
and miraculous signs were done by the apostles
13(No Transcript)
14Veni Sancte Spiritus (Come Holy Spirit)
- Come Holy Spirit, from Heaven shine forth with
your glorious light. - Come, Father of the poor, come generous Spirit,
Come light of our hearts. - Come from the four winds, O Spirit, come breath
of God Disperse the shadows over us, renew and
strengthen Your people. - Father of the poor come to our poverty. Shower
upon us the seven gifts of Your grace. Be the
light of our lives, oh come.
15We believe in God the Father
16- We believe in God the Father,
- Maker of the universe,
- And in Christ His Son our Saviour
- Come to us by virgin birth.
- We believe he died to save us,
- Bore our sins, was crucified.
- Then from death He rose victorious,
- Ascended to the Fathers side.
17- Jesus,
- Lord of all,
- Lord of all.
- x4
- Name above all names.
- Name above all names.
18- We believe He sends His Spirit,
- On His church with gifts of power.
- God His word of truth affirming,
- Sends us to the nations now.
- He will come again in glory,
- Judge the living and the dead.
- Every knee shall bow before Him,
- Then must every tongue confess.
19- Jesus,
- Lord of all,
- Lord of all.
- x4
- Name above all names
- Name above all names
- Name above all names
20Junior Choir
- This little light of mine
- Spirit of God, unseen as the wind
21(No Transcript)
22All over the world the Spirit is movingĀ
23- All over the world
- The Spirit is moving.
- All over the world as the prophet said it would
be - All over the world theres a mighty revelation
- Of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the
24- All over His church Gods Spirit is moving,
- All over the church as the prophet said it would
be - All over His church theres a mighty revelation
- Of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the
25- Right here in this place the Spirit is moving,
- Right here in this place as the prophet said it
would be - Right here in this place theres a mighty
revelation - Of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the
26There is a Redeemer
27- There is a Redeemer,
- Jesus, Gods own Son,
- Precious Lamb of God, Messiah,
- Holy One.
- Thank you O my Father,
- For giving us Your Son,
- And leaving Your Spirit till the work on earth is
28- Jesus my Redeemer,
- Name above all names,
- Precious Lamb of God, Messiah,
- O for sinners slain.
- Thank you O my Father
- For giving us Your Son
- And leaving Your Spirit till the work on earth is
29- When I stand in glory,
- I will see his face,
- And there Ill serve my King forever,
- In that Holy place.
- Thank you O my Father
- For giving us Your Son
- And leaving Your Spirit till the work on earth is
30The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of
God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be
with us all evermore. Amen