Title: IMD and BPSK Quality
1IMD and BPSK Quality
Clint Hurd kk7uq
2Presentation on the Web
- A printable copy of this presentation is
available at http//KK7UQ.com - A PowerPoint file of the presentation is also
available, email Clint Hurd at discobay_at_waypt.com
for a copy on CD.
3BPSK31 Modulation
- Phase modulates an audio carrier at 31.25 baud
this audio modulates SSB transmitter - Reverses phase 180 degrees (BPSK)
- Reduces signal level at phase shift time to
reduce spurious frequencies using a cosine
function -
4PSK31 Signal Coding
- 31.25 Baud Rate
- One Bit Time 1/31.25 32 ms
- 0 Defined As Phase Change at Beginning of Bit
Time - 1 Defined as No Phase Change at Beginning of
Bit Time
5Contiguous BPSK31 0 Cycles Each Phase Shift
marks the beginning of a data 0 This is the
BPSK Idle pattern IMD -30dB _at_ Offset Freq
700 Hz Note Waveform is a true two tone signal
6Close up of Phase Shift at Reduced Signal Point
TRANSITION 010 IMD -30dB Signal is NOT
reduced when there is no phase shift to be done,
hence it is flat between the ramp up and ramp
down at the data 0 phase shift points
8IMD Inter Modulation Distortion
- If BPSK signal is run through a linear system in
the rig, the distortion and effective bandwidth
of the signal are minimized - If the signal is run through a non-linear system
(e.g. clipped or compressed), distortion occurs
and the effective bandwidth goes up - IMD (Inter Modulation Distortion) is the
measurement used to define the level of distortion
- A clean signal has unwanted 3rd order products at
-24 dB or better - Overdriving the signal may increase power output,
but does NOT improve copy. - In the examples which follow you will see the
effect of clipping on the transmitted signal,
both in effective bandwidth and IMD
10One BPSK31 Cycle Overdriven and Clipped IMD -11
Compared to a good signal at -32 dB IMD
11MixW Spectrum Scan of BPSK31 Heavily Clipped
Signal Measured IMD -11 dB Effective Bandwidth
150 Hz
12MixW Spectrum Scan of BPSK31 Good
Signal Measured IMD -32 dB Effective Bandwidth
31 Hz
13MixW Spectrum Scan of BPSK31 Moderately Clipped
Signal Measured IMD -19 dB Effective Bandwidth
100 Hz
14BPSK31 Signals
- In these examples, you will be able to compare
the - MixW Waterfall view
- MixW Spectum view
- Oscilloscope view of the transmitted waveform
15IMD -32 dB Good Signal
16IMD -18dB Poor Signal
17IMD -11dB Very Bad Signal
18Stay Within Your Transmit Audio Passband 500
2250 Hz
19Setting the Audio Drive Level
- Adjusting the audio drive level is the proper way
to set power output. - You do NOT improve the signal quality of an
overdriven signal by reducing the power level
setting on the transceiver - you only reduce the
power of an improperly adjusted signal
20Setting the Audio Drive Level
- Adjusting the audio drive level can be done at
the - PC using the WAVE control slider
- Transceiver Mic. Gain
21PC Output Audio Control
- The WAVE output is the one used to generate the
PSK signal - The WAVE and Volume work together -
Mute all other sources
22Transceiver Mic. Gain
- The transceiver Mic. gain can also be used to
control audio drive level. - But normally this is set for proper phone audio
level and left alone when using PSK.
23How Much Power?
- Protect your transceiver finals - normally run at
about 50 of rated CW output (peak) - Turn off Compression
- Run with minimum ALC
24Conservative Method
- Pick a waterfall frequency in the middle of your
rig output filter - typically 1200 Hz - Set your rig power control to 100
- Turn off Compression
- Transmit an IDLE signal (no typing, buffer empty)
- Adjust audio drive level to produce an output of
30 (ave. power) or 50 (peak) of rated CW
output. - ALC should be at low or zero level
25Why Derate Power So Much?
- The PSK signal will run at 60 duty cycle when in
IDLE, and up to 90 when transmitting data. - The transceiver audio path must stay linear (no
or little ALC or Compression). - Other digital modes run at 100 duty cycle
26Aggressive Method
- Use an IMD monitoring device such as the IMD
Meter by kk7uq while you transmit - Turn off Compression
- Set the rig output control to desired level such
as 50 - Transmit an IDLE signal
- Adjust the audio drive level to produce an IMD of
-24 dB or better - typically run at -30 dB
27IMD Meter
- Stand alone instrument - Picks up signal via
whip antenna - Amplifies signal through wideband
RF Amp - Calculates IMD by analyzing the shape of
the signal envelope
28Giving an IMD Report
- Monitor the IMD measurement at the bottom of the
MixW screen - Signal must be in IDLE (no typing, buffer empty)
- Check the S/N of the signal - it should be above
36 dB to get an accurate report
29Things to look out for
- If S/N is too low, the IMD will be reported low
- If S/N is too high, the IMD may also be reported
low - because the receiver may clipping the
signal - adjust the RF gain down if needed
30Spectrum Display
Above MixW spectrum shows S/N about 35 dB, 3rd
order product is about -32dB (IMD in lower right
of display)
31IMD Measurement
The strength of the primary signal compared to
the 3rd harmonic above is -19 dB hence IMD is -19
dB this is a strong signal, and the RF gain
should be checked to be sure that the clipping is
not occurring in the receiver
32Take an IMD measurement with a grain of salt
- If you are given a low IMD (say -19 dB)
- Have them use the spectrum display and check the
S/N to be sure that there is enough signal to
properly report your IMD
33Let Your Eye Be Your Guide
- If the signal you are monitoring has S/N about
-20 dB and IMD is about the same number - If the signal looks clean i.e. straight sides, no
apparent side bars, then the real IMD is probably
-24 or better.