Leftovers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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C is a language, originally written for UNIX but ported to other environments. Porting involves writing a ... 'Printable' characters start at 32 (space) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Leftovers

  • Why be pedantic?
  • Undefined behaviour
  • Fun with chars

  • C is a language, originally written for UNIX but
    ported to other environments
  • Porting involves writing a compiler to translate
    C to machine code
  • Variations crop up among compilers
  • Standards have been adopted
  • Lowest common denominator
  • We use C90, GCC supports much of C99 (not all)

  • C standards specify what must be supported
  • Some things are left up to the compiler
  • Ex leaving variables uninitialized, divide by
  • Can range from does what you'd think to crash
  • Avoid undefined behaviour!
  • Especially for portable code!

Fun with char
  • char type is basically an int between 0 and 127
  • Printable characters start at 32 (space)
  • Digits, lower case letters, upper case letters
    each show up in groups
  • You can do math on these

char x 'a' 2 char y 65 char digit
'6' int value digit '0' char upper
'B' char lower upper 32
ArraysFunction Design
  • CS2023 Intersession 2007

Outcomes Arrays
  • The C Programming Language, Sections 1.6, 5.7
  • Other textbooks on C on reserve
  • After the conclusion of this section you should
    be able to
  • Declare, initialize, and traverse C arrays
  • Pass arrays to functions
  • Start working with multidimensional arrays

One-dimensional Arrays
  • C arrays
  • have a lower bound equal to zero
  • are static - their size must be known at compile
  • To define an array
  • type arrayNamesize
  • For example
  • int id1000
  • define SIZE 10
  • double scoresSIZE1

One-dimensional Arrays
  • It is good programming practice to define size of
    an array with a macro
  • define N 100
  • ...
  • int aN
  • for (i0, sum0 i lt N i)
  • sum ai
  • Avoids error of falling off end of array

Array Initialization
  • Most common form
  • int a10 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
  • If list of initializers is shorter, remaining
    elements initialized to zero.
  • int a10 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  • Can omit length of array when initializing
  • int a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Array Subscripting
  • aexpr, when expr is an integer expression
  • aexpr can be used in same way as ordinary
  • a0 1
  • printf("d\n", a5)
  • aiN j 42
  • ai
  • Other idioms with for loops
  • for (i0 i lt N i)
  • ai 0 / clears a /
  • for (i0 i lt N i)
  • scanf("d", ai) / reads data into a /

Array Subscripting
  • C doesn't require that subscript bounds be
  • int aN,i
  • for (i0 i lt N i)
  • ai 0
  • Will compile and run, but could cause infinite

include ltstdio.hgt int main() int i0, j,
a5 printf("enter some integers,followed by D
on blank line ") while(scanf("d",ai)
1) i for(j 0 j lt i j) printf("d
",aj) printf("\n") return 0
Try it with more than 5 integers!
Using sizeof with Arrays
  • sizeof gives number of bytes of argument
  • int a20
  • sizeof(a) \ 20sizeof(int) \
  • sizeof(a) / sizeof(a0) \ 20 \
  • define SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)0))
  • for (i 0 i lt SIZE(a) i)
  • ai 0

Array errors
  • int arrayNameSIZE
  • arrayNameSIZE 2 / error /
  • int n 3
  • double sn wrong size of array must be
  • s 5 wrong arrays are not l-values
  • Side-effects make the result of assignments
    involving index expressions implementation
  • ai i

Array Arguments in Functions
  • Length of array is left unspecified
  • int f(int a)
  • ...
  • If length is needed, must be specified with extra
  • int f(int a, int n)
  • ...
  • Can't use sizeof to determine length of an array
    parameter, as we just did for array variable
  • int f(int a)
  • int len (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a0)) / WRONG
  • ..

include ltstdio.hgt int sizeofArray(int
a) int main() int a5 printf("sizeof
int d\nsizeof array a d\n",
(int)sizeof(int),(int)sizeof(a)) printf("si
zeof of array passed to function
d\n", sizeofArray(a)) return 0 int
sizeofArray(int a) return sizeof(a)
Array Arguments in Functions
  • When calling a function with an array argument,
    simply pass the array name
  • define LEN 100
  • int f(int a, int n)
  • int main()
  • int g, aLEN
  • ...
  • g f(a, LEN) / g f(a, LEN) is WRONG /
  • ...

  • define LEN 100
  • ...
  • int main()
  • int bLEN, total
  • ...
  • total sum_array(b, LEN)
  • ...
  • int sum_array(int a, int n)
  • int i, sum 0
  • for (i 0 i lt n i)
  • sum ai
  • return sum

  • define LEN 100
  • ...
  • int main()
  • int bLEN, total
  • ...
  • total sum_array(b, 50) / sum first 50 /
  • / total sum_array(b, 150) is WRONG! /
  • ...
  • int sum_array(int a, int n)
  • int i, sum 0
  • for (i 0 i lt n i)
  • sum ai
  • return sum

Array Arguments in Functions
  • When array passed as argument to a function, base
    address is passed call-by-value, and not the
    array elements themselves.
  • See pointers (soon!)
  • This means arrays that are passed as parameters
    to functions can be modified by those functions

  • define LEN 100
  • ...
  • int main()
  • int bLEN, total
  • ...
  • read_array(b, LEN)
  • total sum_array(b, LEN)
  • ...
  • void read_array(int a, int n)
  • int i
  • for (i 0 i lt n i)
  • scanf("d", ai)

Multidimensional Arrays
  • An array can have any number of dimensions
  • Create a two-dimensional array
  • int m23
  • To access element in row i and column j
  • mij
  • Arrays stored in row-major order

Initializing Multidimensional Arrays
  • Nest one-dimensional initializers
  • int m23 1, 0, 1,0, 1, 0
  • Inner braces can be omitted

Multidimensional Arrays as Parameters
  • Only length of first dimension may be omitted
  • / call using j sum_array(b, nrows) /
  • int sum_array(int aLEN, int n)
  • int i, j, sum 0
  • for (i 0 i lt n i)
  • for (j 0 j lt LEN j)
  • sum aij
  • return sum
  • Can work around this using pointers (soon!)

Strings in brief
  • Strings are simply an array of characterschar
    s Hellochar t10 Hello
  • Must end with null terminator ('\0')
  • Access/modify characters like arrays
  • For now
  • Declare strings to be big enough
  • Use scanf with s to read them in

String Example
include ltstdio.hgt int main() FILE f char
filename20 / Max length 19 chars / if
(scanf(s, filename) ! 1) fprintf(stderr,
Error reading filename\n) return 1 if
((f fopen(filename, r)) NULL)
fprintf(stderr, Error opening file
s, filename) return 1 ...
Outcomes Function Design
  • Reference Code Complete, Steve McConnell,
    Microsoft Press
  • After the conclusion of this section you should
    know what to aim for when designing functions
    they should be strongly cohesive and loosely

  • How closely are the operations in a function
  • sin()
  • sinAndTan()
  • Strong cohesion
  • Function should do one thing well and not do
    anything else

Types of Cohesion
  • Functional cohesion
  • The best kind!
  • Sin(), GetCustomerName(), CalcLoanPayment()
  • Can be very short
  • Sequential cohesion
  • Temporal cohesion
  • Logical cohesion
  • ...

Sequential Cohesion
  • Operations performed in a specific order, share
    data from step to step, but don't perform a
    complete function
  • Program Open File, Read File, Perform
    Calculations, Output Results, and Close File
  • DoStep1() DoStep2()
  • Open File Output Results
  • Read File Close File
  • Perform Calculations

Removing Sequential Cohesion
  • Names should have verb object
  • GetFileData() MassageData()
  • Open File Perform Calculations
  • Read File
  • OuputFileData()
  • Output Results
  • Close File

Temporal Cohesion
  • Operations combined in a function because all
    done at same time
  • Startup()
  • Best to have this kind of function call other
  • ReadConfigFile()
  • InitializeMemory()
  • ShowInitialScreen()

Logical Cohesion
  • Function does one of several things depending on
    a control flag parameter
  • OutputAll(int mode)
  • Better to have distinct functions for each
  • OutputSummary(), OutputReport(),
  • Can still have logically cohesive function call

  • How strongly functions are related to each other
  • Want loose coupling independent functions
  • Coupling criteria
  • Size (how many variables shared?)
  • Intimacy (parameters, global data, files)
  • Visibility (coupling by global data is sneaky)
  • Flexibility (how easily can connections be

Levels of Coupling
  • Data coupling
  • simple data
  • data structures
  • Control coupling
  • One function controls the logic of another
    function (i.e. by passing control parameters)
  • Global data coupling
  • tolerable if global data is read-only, or if
    global data couples closely related functions in
    a module

Why Loose Coupling?
  • Reduces program complexity, allowing programmer
    to focus on one thing at a time.
  • If functions are too closely coupled then
    complexity is not reduced.

/ Read floats from stdin. Output those that
are greater or equal than average Version 1
no functions other than main / include
ltstdio.hgt define SIZE 10 int main() float
listSIZE, avg 0.0 int i for (i0 i
lt SIZE i) if(scanf("f", listi) !
1) fprintf(stderr,"invalid number\n") return
1 for (i 0 i lt SIZE i) avg
listi avg / i for (i0 i lt SIZE
i) if (listi gt avg) printf ("f
", listi) printf ("\n") return 0
/ Read floats from stdin. Output those that
are greater or equal than average Version 2
first functional decomposition / include
ltstdio.hgt define SIZE 10 float listSIZE,
avg int init() void doStuff1() void
doStuff2() int main() if(init()) doStuff1
() doStuff2() else return 1 return
int init() int i for (i0 i lt SIZE i)
if(scanf("f", listi) ! 1) fprintf(stde
rr,"invalid number\n") return 0 return
1 void doStuff1() int i for (i 0 i lt
SIZE i) avg listi void
doStuff2() int i avg / SIZE for (i0 i lt
SIZE i) if (listi gt avg) printf ("f
", listi) printf ("\n")
/ Read floats from stdin. Output those that
are greater or equal than average Version 3
second functional decomposition / include
ltstdio.hgt define SIZE 10 int readFloatArray(floa
t list, int size) float averageFloat(float
list, int size) void printGreaterAvg(float
list, int size, float avg) int main()
float listSIZE, avg if(readFloatArray(
list, SIZE)) avg averageFloat(list,
SIZE) printGreaterAvg(list, SIZE,
avg) else return 1 return 0
int readFloatArray(float list, int size) int
i for (i0 i lt size i) if(scanf("f",
listi) ! 1) fprintf(stderr,"invalid
number\n") return 0 return 1 float
averageFloat(float list, int size) int
i float avg for (i 0 i lt size
i) avg listi avg / i return
avg void printGreaterAvg(float list, int
size, float avg) int i for (i0 i lt size
i) if (listi gt avg) printf ("f ",
listi) printf ("\n")
void printGreaterAvg(float list, int size,
float avg) int i for (i0 i lt size i)
if (listi gt avg) printf ("f ",
listi) printf ("\n")
/ Read floats from stdin. Output those that
are greater or equal than average Version 4
third functional decomposition / include
ltstdio.hgt define SIZE 10 define GREATER
1 define LESSER 0 int readFloatArray(float
list, int size) float averageFloat(float
list, int size) void printSome(float list,
int size, int flag, float avg) int main()
float listSIZE, avg if(readFloatArray(l
ist, SIZE)) avg averageFloat(list,
SIZE) printSome(list, SIZE, GREATER,
avg) else return 1 return 0
void printSome(float list, int size, int flag,
float avg) int i if(flag) / print greater
or equal than avg / for (i0 i lt size i)
if (listi gt avg) printf ("f ",
listi) else / print lesser or equal than
avg / for (i0 i lt size i) if
(listi lt avg) printf ("f ",
listi) printf ("\n")
  • Most important reason for creating functions
    reduce complexity
  • Complexity easier to manage if functions are
    strongly cohesive and loosely coupled
  • Short functions can be useful
  • But don't go overboard use if sequence of
    operations should be documented
  • The name of a function is an indication of its
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