Title: Welcome to Westover
1Welcome to Westover
2We Shall Assemble
We shall assemble on the mountain, we shall
assemble at the throne.
3With humble hearts into His presence, we bring
an offering of song.
4Glory and honor and dominion unto the Lamb, unto
the King.Oh, hallelujah, hallelujah! We sing
the song of the redeemed.
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5Holy Ground
This is holy ground, were standing on holy
ground. For the Lord is present and where He is
is holy.
6This is holy ground,were standing on holy
ground.For the Lord is presentand where He is
is holy.
7You are holy God,a perfect and holy God.We will
come before Youwith hearts made cleanby Jesus
8You are holy God,a perfect and holy God.We will
come before Youwith hearts made cleanby Jesus
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9Holy Ground
We are standing on holy ground. And I know that
there are angels all around.
10Let us praise Jesus nowWe are standing in
Hispresence on holy ground.
11We are standingon holy ground.And I know that
thereare angels all around.Let us praise Jesus
12We are standing in His presence We are
standing in His presence, We are standing in
His presence, on holy ground.
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13Psalm 19 7-14
- 7 The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the
soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy,
making wise the simple. 8 The precepts of the
LORD are right, giving joy to the heart. The
commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to
the eyes.
14Psalm 19 7-14 (Continued)
- 9 The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever.
The ordinances of the LORD are sure and
altogether righteous. - 10 They are more precious than gold, than much
pure gold they are sweeter than honey, than
honey from the comb.
15Psalm 19 7-14 (Continued)
- 11 By them is your servant warned in keeping
them there is great reward. 12 Who can discern
his errors? Forgive my hidden faults. 13 Keep
your servant also from willful sins may they not
rule over me. Then will I be blameless, innocent
of great transgression.
16Psalm 19 7-14 (Continued)
- 14 May the words of my mouth and the meditation
of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my
Rock and my Redeemer.
17He Will Rejoice Over You
- The Lord our God
- is with you.
- He is mighty to save.
- The Lord will take
- great delight in you.
18- He will quiet
- you with His love.
- The Lord our God
- Is with you.
- He is mighty to save.
19- The Lord will take
- Great delight in you.
- He will quiet
- You with His love.
- He will rejoice over you.
- He will rejoice over you.
20- If you could only
- Hear His voice,
- You would hear the
- Lord rejoice.
- Rejoicing over you
- with singing.
21- He will rejoice over you.
- He will rejoice over you.
22- If you could only
- Hear His voice,
- You would hear the
- Lord rejoice.
- Rejoicing over you
- with singing.
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23Holy Spirit Breathe on Me
Holy Spirit, breathe on me. Holy Spirit, let me
see all the things You are, all the things You
want me to be, Holy Spirit, breathe on me.
24Holy Spirit, breathe on me.Holy Spirit, let me
seeall the things You are,all the things You
want me to be,Holy Spirit, breathe on me.
25All the things You are,all the things You want
me to be,Holy Spirit, breathe on me.
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26Prayer of Praise
27Ages 2 1/2 thru 2nd Grade
29O Sacred Head
O sacred head, now wounded, With grief and shame
weighed down
30Now scornfully surrounded,With thorns, Thine
only crown
31How art Thou pale with anguish,With sore abuse
and scornHow does that visage languish,Which
once was bright as morn!
32What language shall I borrowTo thank Thee,
dearest Friend,For this Thy dying sorrow,Thy
pity without end?
33O make me Thine forever,And, should I fainting
be,Lord, let me never, neverOutlive my love to
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34Sharing the Bread
This is the air I breathe, this is the air I
breathe, Your holy presence living in me.
36This is my daily bread,this is my daily bread,
Your very Word,spoken to me.
37And I, I'm desp'rate for You.And I, I'm lost
without You, without You.
38This is the air I breathe,this is the air I
breathe,Your holy presenceliving in me.
39This is my daily bread,this is my daily bread,
Your very Word,spoken to me.
40And I, I'm desp'rate for You.And I, I'm lost
without You, without You.
41And I, I'm desp'rate for You.And I, I'm lost
without You, without You. This is the air I
breathe,this is the air I breathe.
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42Sharing the Cup
43Bread of Life
- Bread of Life,
- run through me.
- Fill my soul.
- Bread of Life,
- run through me.
- Make me whole!
44- By your stripes
- I am healed,
- by the thorns you wore,
- by the pain you suffered,
- by the blood you poured.
45- Bread of Life,
- run through me.
- Fill my soul.
- Bread of Life,
- run through me.
- Make me whole!
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47How Shall the YoungSecure Their Hearts?
How shall the young secure their hearts, And
guard their lives from sin?
48Thy Word the choicestrules impartsTo keep the
conscience clean,To keep the conscience clean.
49Tis, like the sun,a heavnly light,That guides
us all the dayAnd, thru the dangers of the
50A lamp to lead our way,A lamp to lead our way.
51Thy Word is everlasting truthHow pure is evry
page!That holy book shallguide our youth,And
well support our age,And well support our age.
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52Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
Guide me, O thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim thru
this barren land
53I am weak but Thou art mighty,Hold me with Thy
powrful hand
54Bread of heaven, feed me till I want no more
Bread of heaven, feed me till I want no more.
55Open now the crystal fountain,Whence the
healing waters flowLet the fiery, cloudy
pillar,Lead me all my journey thru
56Strong delivrer, Be thou still my strength and
shield Strong delivrer, Be thou still my
strength and shield.
57When I tread the verge of Jordan,Bid my anxious
fears subside
58Bear me thru the swelling current,Land me safe
on Canaans side.
59Songs of praises I will ever give to Thee
Songs of praises I will ever give to Thee.
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60Hearing the Word
61Thy Word
Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto
my path. Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a
light unto my path.
62When I feel afraid,think Ive lost my way,Still
Youre right there beside me.Nothing will I
fear,as long as you are near,Please be near me
to the end.
63Thy Word is a lampunto my feetand a light unto
my path. Thy Word is a lampunto my feetand a
light unto my path.
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64Shepherds Sharing
65Guests, thank you for being with us today.
Please come by the guest booth in the foyer for
a free gift, our way of saying thank you for
being here.
66Parents, please pick up your children in the
Nursery and Kidz2Praise!
67Great In Power
Praise Him, you heavens and all thats
above. Praise Him, you angels and heavenly
hosts. Let the whole earth praise Him.
68Praise Him, the sun, moon and bright shining
stars.Praise Him, you heavens and water and
skies.Let the whole earth praise Him.
69Great in power,great in glorygreat in
mercy,King of heaven.
70Great in battle,great in wonder,great in
Zion,King over all the earth.
71Praise Him, you heavens and all thats
above.Praise Him, you angels and heavenly
hosts.Let the whole earth praise Him.
72Praise Him, the sun, moon and bright shining
stars.Praise Him, you heavens and water and
skies.Let the whole earth praise Him.
73Great in power,great in glorygreat in
mercy,King of heaven.
74Great in battle,great in wonder,great in
Zion,King over all the earth
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75Thanks for Being With Us Today!
76(No Transcript)