Title: Nehemiah the Cup Bearer: Rebuilding Our Lives in Christ
1Nehemiah the Cup BearerRebuilding Our Lives in
In the name of the Father and the Son and the
Holy Spirit, one God. Amen.
- Saint Joseph High School Class
- Saint George Coptic Orthodox Church
- February 16, 2003
2Setting the SceneCaptivity and Destruction
- The Babylonian Captivity (587 B.C.)
- The Persian Empire (538 B.C.)
- Cyrus the Great allows Jews to Return
3Setting the SceneReturn from Captivity
- Not All Chose to Return
- Rebuilding the Temple
- Zerubbabel and Jeshua
- Rebuilding the Walls
- Nehemiah and Ezra
4Who was Nehemiah?
- Cup Bearer
- Led the Construction of the Walls
- Restored the Heart of His Nation to God
5Nehemiah Asks the King
- Sorrow in His Heart
- He prayed to God
- His Request Granted
- Letters from the King
6Nehemiah Faces His Enemies
- Sanballat the Horonite
- Tobiah the Ammonite
7Nehemiah Views the Walls
- Stays in Jerusalem 3 days
- Journeyed at Night
- Found Utter Destruction
8Nehemiah Rebuilds
- Let us rise up and build
- Another Enemy Resists (Geshem the Arab)
- The God of heaven Himself will prosper us
9Lessons from Nehemiah1. Repentance
- Jerusalem is our Heart
- Sin destroys the Walls that Protect It
- Examine and Repent
10Lessons from Nehemiah2. Prayer
- Pray before Undertaking a Difficult Task
- God, You take the Night Shift
- Work as if everything depends on you Pray as if
everything depends on God.
11Lessons from Nehemiah3. Use the Letters from
the King
- The Sacraments
- Spiritual Exercises
- Virtues
12Lessons from Nehemiah4. Resist Temptation
- Sources of Temptation
- Depend on God (The God of heaven will prosper
us) - Evil has no part in our hearts (but you have no
heritage or right or memorial in Jerusalem)
13Lessons from Nehemiah5. The Importance of
- Nehemiah did not build alone
- Encourage Others to Build
- Show Others that Hand of God Is Upon You
14Summary of Lessons Learned
15Glory is due to God Forever. Amen.
- The Fast of Nineveh
- (Jonah the Prophet) begins on Monday
- Liturgies Mon. Wed.
- (11 am 1 pm)
- Liturgy on Thurs.
- (7 am 9 am)
17Recommended Reading this Week
- Read Jonah Chapters 1-4
- (a chapter for each day of the fast/feast)
- Contemplations on the Book of Jonah the Prophet
by H.H. Pope Shenouda III