Title: Introduction to VLSI Programming Lecture 6: Resource sharing
1Introduction to VLSI Programming Lecture 6
Resource sharing
- (course 2IN30)
- Prof. dr. ir.Kees van Berkel
2Time table 2005
3Lecture 6
- Outline
- Recapitulation of Lecture 5
- Sharing of sequentially-used resources
- commands
- auxiliary variables
- expressions and operators
- Lab work assignment GCD
- Purpose programming language for asynchronous
VLSI circuits. - Creator Tangram team _at_ Philips Research Labs
(proto-Tangram 1986 release 2 in 1998). - Inspiration Hoares CSP, Dijkstras GCL.
- Lectures no formal introduction manual hand-out
(learn by example, learn by doing). - Main tools compiler, analyzer, simulator, viewer.
5VLSI programming of asynchronous circuits
behavior, area, time, energy, test coverage
Tangram program
Handshake circuit
Asynchronous circuit
(netlist of gates)
6VLSI programming for
- Low costs
- introduce resource sharing.
- Low delay (high throughput)
- introduce parallelism.
- Low energy (low power)
- reduce activity
7VLSI programming for low costs
- Keep it simple!!
- Introduce resource sharing commands, auxiliary
variables, expressions, operators. - Enable resource sharing, by
- reducing parallelism
- making similar commands equal
8Command sharing
P proc(). S P() P()
9Command sharing example
ax proc(). a?x ax() ax()
10Two-place wagging buffer
byte type 0..255 wag2 main
proc(a?chan byte b!chan byte).begin
x,y var byte ax proc(). a?x ax()
forever do (a?y b!x) (ax()
b!y) odend
11Procedure definition vs declaration
- Procedure definition P proc (). S
- provides a textual shorthand (expansion)
- each call generates copy of resource, i.e. no
sharing - Procedure declaration P proc (). S
- defines a sharable resource
- each call generates access to this resource
12Command sharing
- Applies only to sequentially used commands.
- Saves resources, almost always(i.e. when command
is more costly than a mixer). - Impact on delay and energy often favorable.
- Introduced by means of procedure declaration.
- Makes Tangram program less well readable.
Therefore, apply after program is
correct sound. - Should really be applied by compiler.
13Sharing of auxiliary variables
- xE is an auto assignment when E depends on x.
This is compiled as auxE x aux ,
where aux is a fresh auxiliary
variable. - With multiple auto assignments to x, as in
- xE ... xF
- auxiliary variables can be shared, as in
- auxE aux2x() ... auxF aux2x()
with aux2x() proc(). xaux
14Expression sharing
f func(). E xf() a!f()
15Expression sharing
- Applies only to sequentially used expressions.
- Often saves resources, (i.e. when expression is
more costly than the demultiplexer). - Introduced by means of function declarations.
- Makes Tangram program less well readable.
Therefore apply after program is
correct sound. - Should really be applied by compiler.
16Operator sharing
- Consider x0 y0z0 x1 y1z1 .
- Operator can be shared by introducing
- add func(a,b? var T) T. ab
- and applying it as in x0 add(y0, z0)
x1 add(y1,z1) .
17Operator sharing the costs
- Operator sharing may introduce multiplexers to
(all) inputs of the operator and a demultiplexer
to its output. - This form of sharing only reduces costs when
- operator is expensive,
- some input(s) and/or output are common.
18Operator sharing example
- Consider x yz0 x yz1 .
- Operator can be shared by introducingadd2y
proc(b? var T). xyb -
- and applying it as inadd2y(z0) add2y(z1) .
19Making similar equal example
- Consider x yz x y-z .
- Use y-z y bitwise_complement(z) 1
- condinv func (fbool xint8) int8. ?f ? x
f ? bwc(x) - begin yval x cast bool8
- ltltfy.0,fy.1,fy.2,fy.3,fy.4,fy.5,fy.6,fy
.7gtgt cast int8 - end
- addsub func (fbool xint8 yint8) int9.
?f ? xy f ? x-y - (ltltf,xgtgt cast int9 ltltf,condinv(f, y)gtgt cast
int9) cast ltltbool,int9gtgt.1
20Greatest Common Divisor
- gcd main proc (ab?chan ltltbyte,bytegtgt c!chan
byte).begin x,y var byte forever do
ab?ltltx,ygtgt do xlty then y y-x or
xgty then x x-y od c!x odend
21Assigment 3 make GCD smaller
- Both assignments (y y-x and x x-y) are auto
assignments and hence require an auxiliary
variable. - Program requires 4 arithmetic resources (twice lt
and ) . - Reduce costs of GCD by saving on auxiliary
variables and arithmetic resources. (Beware the
costs of multiplexing!) - Use of ff variables not allowed for this
22Lab-work and report
- You are allowed to team up with a colleague.
- Report
- more than listing of functional Tangram
programs - analyze the specifications and requirements
- present design options, alternatives, trade-offs
- motivate your design choices
- explain functional correctness of your Tangram
programs - analyze explain area, time, energy of your
23Next week lecture 7
- Outline
- Introduction to the DLX processor.
- Introduction to Tangram version of a sub-set DLX
(executing a software GCD). - Lab work extend instruction set of Tangram DLX
and reduce its costs.