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Clark R. Chapman


Astronomers overlooked Spaceguard's short-term warning capability. Short-Term Warning Capabilities of NEO Surveys ... Short-term impact warning for 40 m NEA. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Clark R. Chapman


NEO Mitigation and Coordination with the Disaster
Management Community
  • Clark R. Chapman
  • Rusty Schweickart
  • B612 Foundation

1st IAA Planetary Defense Conference Granada,
Spain 1530 29 April 2009
From Telescopic Discovery to Effective Emergency
  • Currently, if a threatening NEO is discovered,
    there is inadequate infrastructure to evaluate
    the threat and communicate it effectively to any
    relevant national or international emergency
    management agency.
  • Pieces are in place (e.g. JPL Sentry, NEODys, IAU
    MPC, UK NEO Information Centre, etc.) but they
    have narrowly defined roles
  • organizing NEO observers
  • calculating orbits and predicting impacts
  • maintaining NEO news websites
  • NASA has a formal structure for observers to
    notify Lindley Johnson, Johnson to notify NASA,
    and NASA to notify US Executive Branch.
  • But it is doubtful that FEMA/DHS in U.S. or any
    other national/international emergency management
    agency would know what to do in response to
  • We will show that the need to establish such
    linkages between astronomers and those who would
    respond to a threat is more urgent than had been

Understand the Power-LawSmall Ones Happen Much
More Often
  • We think about the big ones, which might threaten
    civilizationand we should.
  • But the most likely kind of event that
    politicians, officials, and the public will have
    to deal with are the smallest predicted impacts
    that might be dangerous (Spacelabs re-entry in
    1979 was an extreme example).
  • Past PDCs have studied scenarios focused on
    Apophis and other templates for probable
    impacts, which are far larger NEAs and more
    unlikely than the overwhelmingly most likely
    event to confront officials.
  • For every Apophis, there are more than 50
    Tunguskas, and 1000 impacts by 15 m NEOs that
    might compel officials to act.

What is the Smallest NEO that is Dangerous?
Model of 30 m NEA 1998 KY26 (radar)
This will be a vital issue for decision-makers
  • Metallic objects are not impeded much by the
    atmosphere, whatever their size they create most
    craters lt1 km diam. but are only 3 of NEOs.
  • The 2003 SDT report considered 50 m diameter to
    be the smallest truly dangerous
    non-metallic NEO.
  • Some analyses (e.g. Bosloughs study of Tunguska)
    suggest that the threshold for danger is near 30
    40 m.
  • Should we then be unconcerned about deflection/
    evacuation for a 25 m body? They impact 10
    times as often as 50 m impactors.
  • A nominal 25 m body may actually be 50 m in
    diameter (because of bimodal albedo
  • What will public officials do about a predicted
    impact by a 15 m NEO? Be safe not sorry and
    evacuate! (They impact 30 times as often as 50
    m impactors, 20 chance this decade.)

? LSST 15 m NEO?
Short-Term Warning the New Reality
  • There is better than 1-chance-in-3 that the
    Spaceguard Survey will provide short-term warning
    (few weeks) for any potentially dangerous impact
    during the next decade!
  • Previously it was said that the Survey would
    provide decades of warning for threatening NEOs
    found, but that the Survey would miss the vast
    majority of Tunguskas and we would first learn of
    such an impact by the flash and explosion.
  • The recent case of NEA 2008 TC3 teaches us that
    we have a much better early-warning system than
    we thought.
  • Since astronomers can provide early warning,
    communications channels with emergency managers
    must be established.

2008 TC3 Some Background
  • NEA discovered 7 Oct. 2008, predicted to impact
    Sudan 20 hours later.
  • Before impact, other telescopes observed TC3s
    physical properties.
  • Nearly 300 pieces of rare ureilite meteorites
  • TC3 was 4 meters diameter, roughly an annual
    impact on Earth.
  • Spaceguard Survey was expected to find only
    1-in-1 million TC3-sized NEOs.
  • Was it a miracle that we found beforehand what
    was plausibly the largest NEA to impact Earth in
  • NO! Astronomers overlooked Spaceguards
    short-term warning capability.

Short-Term Warning Capabilities of NEO Surveys
  • Current Spaceguard Survey will find 35 of NEAs
    gt30 m diameter on final plunge could be
    improved to 50 or better.
  • It is 100 times more likely that the Spaceguard
    Survey will find a gt30 m impactor on its final
    plunge than that it will find one long in advance
    that will eventually hit.
  • Next generation survey (LSST, Pan-STARRS) will
    find 35 of impactors gt2 m diameter for gt30 m
    NEAs, there are similar chances for
  • Short-term warning
  • Long-term warning
  • No warning at all
  • Short-term warning was not studied for current
    Survey SDT (2003) did study short-term warning
    for next generation surveys.

Public Officials Must Make Decisions Much More
Often than NEOs will Hit
Low Probability Impact What is the Threshold
for Action? 20? 5?
  • Post-disaster rescue and recovery if NEO strikes
  • Warnings for evacuation, disaster-preparedness if
    there is a short-term warning.
  • Preparing for a low-probability chance that a
    virtual impactor proves to be about to strike.
  • Preparing for Apophis-like scenarios decisions
    to launch a pre-deflection mission (e.g.
    transponder with Gravity Tractor capability) must
    be made long before keyhole passage, perhaps very
    long before the threatened impact.
  • Evaluation of marginal impact scenarios
  • Predicted impact by NEO 15 m diameter just
    watch the fireworks or be prudent?
  • Immature or spurious impact warnings

See next chart
Example Virtual Impactor Search
Palmer Divide Observatory
  • At any time, there are numerous low-probability
    impacts listed on the JPL Sentry Risk website.
  • In some cases, the NEA may not be observable
    again until its possible final plunge.
  • The approach would be to search telescopically
    for the virtual impactors that would strike the
    Earth during the weeks prior to impact.
  • If the NEA is coming from the general direction
    of the Sun, radar would be required to search for
    the possibly incoming NEA (warning might be only
    a couple of days).
  • If the chance for impact were high enough (how
    high?) then public officials (responsible for
    localities in the risk corridor) should give
    forethought to emergency management preparations.
    Note the risk corridor of possible impact
    points will be well known.
  • If the NEA is on an impacting course, then the
    preparations must be implemented quickly.

Relative Frequency of NEO Event-Types and
Required Actions
  • Hyped or unreliable media news stories.
    Officials irritated but must do nothing. Annual
    ? more often?
  • Impact predictions for future decades requiring
    analysis, but leading to no action. 20/decade ?
    several per year.
  • Short-term impact warning for 15 m NEA.
    Immediate evacuation would be prudent.
    7/decade ? 15/decade.
  • Prediction of an impact during next 50 years
    eventually requiring launching of a transponder
    mission (for NEAs gt 100 m). 1 chance ? 15
  • Short-term impact warning for gt40 m NEA.
    Immediate evacuation required (by ships or from
    ground-zero). 0.3/decade ? 1/decade.
  • Detection of NEA gt100 m that would ultimately
    impact during next 50 years if deflection isnt
    attempted or successful. 0.01 ? 0.2.
  • Detection of civilization-threatening NEO that
    will strike in next 50 years. 0.001 ? 0.0003

Mitigation What does it mean?
  • Mitigation means lessening unfavorable
    consequences (in engineering, economics,
    environmental impacts, medical field, and
    especially in emergency management)
  • In Planetary Defense, mitigation has been
    distorted to mean only deflection
  • NASA 2007 report notes broad meaning of
    mitigation but explicitly restricts meaning to
    deflection (not even fragmentation)
  • US Congress has ordered NASA to evaluate NEOs in
    order to provide warning and mitigation for the
    potential NEO hazard.
  • Any sensible mitigation plan must include all
    plausible emergency management methods, including
    warning and evacuation.

What is the Primary Mitigation Approach
Evacuation or Deflection?
  • Evacuation
  • Why it is Important
  • By far the most likely case we will face
  • Attributes
  • Inexpensive and familiar apply usual all
    hazards emergency procedures
  • Requires rapid, reliable communications between
    astronomers and officials, and famililarity with
    the issues by emergency managers.
  • Deflection
  • Why it is Important
  • Only responsible way to prevent global or
    regional-scale disaster from happening.
  • Attributes
  • Deflection implementation is much less likely
    than the need to evacuate.
  • Advance decisions must be made when need to
    deflect is still not known.
  • Expensive! Especially if need uncertain.

Need to Establish Infrastructure for Evaluation,
Warning, Coordination of Emergency Managers
  • Optical and radar observatories need to develop
    rapid communications to respond to NEOs before
  • NASA needs to develop understandings within
    agencies (those it would warn) about nature of
    NEA impact warnings so that emergency responses
    will be appropriate and effective. (Analogous
    links should be established in other countries.)
  • Internationally, ASE has recommended establishing
    under the U.N. an Information Gathering,
    Analysis, and Warning Network (IAWN) to
    coordinate the integrated end-to-end process from
    telescopic searching for threatening NEOs through
    coordination with national and international
    disaster management agencies.
  • These needs exist today, but will become crucial
    as the surveys are upgraded during the next

433 Eros
Comet McNaught
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