Title: The Weather Research and Forecasting WRF Modeling System
1The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)
Modeling System
- NASAs Short-term Prediction Research and
Transition (SPoRT) Center - 12 October 2005
2Overview of WRF
- A next-generation mesoscale model and
assimilation system, with an emphasis on
horizontal resolutions of 1 10 km - A number of different dynamics and physics
options are available, so many different
configurations of WRF are possible
3Significance of WRF to the NWS
- Intended to promote closer ties between research
and operations - Will replace the PSU/NCAR MM5 and the Eta and RUC
models at NCEP
4SPoRT WRF configuration
- 00 and 12 UTC cycles
- 48 hour forecasts, output every 3h
- 36 km domain and 12 km nest with 37 vertical
levels - Initialized with 40 km NCEP EDAS analyses
- NAM 3h forecasts are used for LBCs
5SST Initial Conditions in SPoRT WRF
- The SST initial conditions, originally from the
RTG SST product, are replaced by a MODIS SST
composite for both the 36 km and 12 km domains - The MODIS SST composite provides more horizontal
MODIS SST - RTG SST 12 UTC August 16, 2005
Differences 2K
6SPoRT WRF dynamics and physics
- Eulerian mass core
- Lin et al. microphysics
- RRTM LW radiation
- Dudhia SW radiation
- Noah land surface model
- YSU PBL scheme
- Kain-Fritsch cumulus parameterization scheme
3h forecast 3h accumulated precipitation
7Availability in AWIPS
- Typically available by 1215 am/pm CDT
- time improvements are possible for the future
- Forecasts are available on the 12 km domain
- Access the WRF in AWIPS just like the NAM or GFS
8WRF Assessments
- Assessments are conducted to study something of
interest to both researchers and forecasters - Surveys for WRF Assessment
- Separate for long-term and short-term desk
- Focused on temperature, precipitation, and clouds
- Measured confidence in WRF, Eta, and GFS
9Summarized WRF Assessment Results
Forecasters had high confidence in all WRF
precipitation categories and moderately-high
confidence in cloud timing and location
There was less confidence in the WRF 2m
Long-term desk
Short-term desk
1029 August 2004 Precipitation
- No model forecasted the correct amount of
precipitation - All models had some precipitation over the
Huntsville area
1129 August 2004 Cloud cover
- The Eta and GFS have a much thicker cloud field
than the WRF
1229 August 2004 2m Temperature
- The WRF model, with its thin cloud cover, has
temperatures much higher than the Eta or GFS - Thick cloud cover was observed at this time,
associated with the convection observed in the
precipitation fields - For 2m temperature, the Eta and GFS outperformed
the WRF for this case
1300 UTC 4 August 2005
24h forecast 3h accumulated precipitation
Composite radar reflectivity
1412 UTC 25 August 2005
Composite radar reflectivity
- Expect the WRF to have utility in forecasting
- Designed for mesoscale modeling
- High-resolution SSTs should improve forecasts,
particularly near the coast - Initial studies indicate it provides value beyond
current operational models