Title: The School Debate
1The School Debate
The motion is "Teenagers would be better off if
they didn't spend as much time watching TV and
playing computer games I am going to speak
against it
2whether teenagers watch more TV and play more
computer games than they did in the past
- TVs were very expensive in those days
- TVs did not come out till 1931
- In those days people went out more and played
more games. People socialised more in those days
and watched less TV -
3what problems people think this causes
- Eye sight problem
- Short sightedness problems
- Myopia
- Blindness
4what teenagers did in their spare time before TV
and computer games were so common
- Many kids worked in those days
- Kids socialised more
- Listened to Radios
5what problems teenagers had in those days
- Toilets were outside
- No central heating
- Not many cars
- No colourful TVs
- People were very violent
- No internet
6what benefits come from watching TV and/or
playing computer games
- Important information from documentaries etc
- Keeps them out of mischief
- Keeps children entertained
7 why teenagers are better off watching TV than
not watching it.
- TV is a good source of information
- TV keeps children out of trouble
- TV is good for entertainment
8why teenagers are better off playing computer
games than not playing.
- Computer games keep teenagers entertained
- Keeps children out of trouble
9End page
- Thank you for viewing my presentation
- I hope you have enjoyed my presentation
- Goodbye