ECommerce Market Mechanisms

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ECommerce Market Mechanisms


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ECommerce Market Mechanisms

E-Commerce Market Mechanisms
Learning Objectives
  • Define e-marketplaces and list their components
  • List the major types of electronic markets and
    describe their features
  • Define supply chains and value chains and
    understand their roles
  • Describe the role of intermediaries in EC
  • Discuss competition, quality, and liquidity
    issues in e-marketplaces
  • Describe electronic catalogs, shopping carts, and
    search engines

Learning Objectives (cont.)
  • Describe the various types of auctions and list
    their characteristics
  • Discuss the benefits, limitations, and impacts of
  • Describe bartering and negotiating online
  • Describe the impact of e-marketplaces on
  • Define m-commerce and explain its role as a
    market mechanism

Electronic Marketplaces
  • 3 main functions of markets
  • Matching buyers and sellers
  • Facilitating the exchange of information, goods,
    services, and payments associated with market
  • Providing an institutional infrastructure

Marketspace Components
  • Marketspacea marketplace in which sellers and
    buyers exchange goods and services for money (or
    for other goods and services), but do so
  • Customers Sellers
  • Goods (physical or digital) Infrastructure
  • Front-end Back-end
  • Intermediaries/business partners
  • Support services

Marketspace Components (cont.)
  • Customers
  • Web surfers looking for
  • Bargains
  • customized items
  • Collectors items
  • entertainment etc.
  • Organizations account for over 85 percent of EC
  • Sellers
  • Hundreds of thousands of storefronts are on the
  • Advertising and offering millions of Web sites
  • Sellers can sell
  • Direct from their Web site
  • E-marketplaces

Marketspace Components (cont.)
  • Products
  • Physical products
  • Digital productsgoods that can be transformed to
    digital format and delivered over the Internet
  • Infrastructure
  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Networks

Marketspace Components (cont.)
  • Front-end business processes include
  • Sellers portal
  • Electronic catalogs
  • shopping cart
  • Search engine
  • Payment gateway
  • Back-end activities are related to
  • Order aggregation and fulfillment
  • Inventory management
  • Purchasing from suppliers
  • Payment processing
  • Packaging and delivery

Marketspace Components (cont.)
  • Intermediarya third party that operates between
    sellers and buyers
  • Other business partnerscollaborate on the
    Internet, mostly along the supply chain
  • Support services such as
  • Certification and trust services
  • Knowledge providers

Types of Electronic Markets
  • Electronic storefrontsa single companys Web
    site where products and services are sold
  • Mechanisms for conducting sales
  • Electronic catalogs Payment gateway
  • Search engine Shipment court
  • Customer services Electronic cart
  • E-auction facilities
  • Electronic malls (e-malls)an online shopping
    center where many stores are located

Types of Electronic Markets (cont.)
  • Types of stores and malls
  • General stores/mallslarge marketspaces that sell
    all types of products
  • Public portals
  • Specialized stores/mallssell only one or a few
    types of products
  • Regional vs. global stores
  • Pure online organizations vs. click-and-mortar
  • E-marketplacesonline market, usually B2B, in
    which buyers and sellers negotiate the three
    types of e-marketplaces are private , public ,

  • Private e-marketplacesonline markets owned by a
    single company
  • Sell-sidecompany sells either standard or
    customized products to qualified companies
  • Buy-side marketplacescompany makes purchases
    from invited suppliers
  • Public e-marketplacesB2B markets, usually owned
    and/or managed by an independent third party,
    that include many sellers and many buyers

Consortia Information Portals
  • Consortiae-marketplaces that deal with suppliers
    and buyers in a single industry
  • Vertical consortia are confined to one industry
  • Horizontal allow different industries trade there
  • Information portala personalized, single point
    of access through a Web browser to business
    information inside (and marginally from outside)
    an organization
  • Publishing portals Commercial portals
  • Personal portals Corporate portals
  • Mobile portals

Supply Chains
  • Supply chainthe flow of materials, information,
    money, and services from raw material suppliers
    through factories and warehouses to the end
  • Includes organizations and processes that create
    and deliver the following to the end customers
  • Products
  • Information
  • Services

A Simple Supply Chain
Supply Chain Components
  • Upstream supply chainincludes the activities of
    suppliers (manufacturers and/or assemblers) and
    their suppliers
  • Internal supply chainincludes all in-house
    processes used in transforming the inputs
    received from the suppliers into the
    organizations outputs
  • Downstream supply chainincludes all the
    activities involved in delivering the product to
    the final customers

Types of Supply Chains
  • Integrated make-to-stock
  • Continuous replenishment
  • Build-to-ordermodel in which a manufacturer
    begins assembly of the customers order almost
    immediately upon receipt of the order
  • Channel assemblymodel in which product is
    assembled as it moves through the distribution

Supply Chains Integrated Build-to-Order
Value Chain Value System
  • Value chainthe series of activities a company
    performs to achieve its goal(s) at various stages
    of the production process each activity adds
    value to the companys product or service,
    contributes to profit, and enhances competitive
    position in the market
  • Value systema set of value chains in an entire
    industry, including the value chains of tiers of
    suppliers, distribution channels, and customers

Supply Chain Value Chain
  • Value chain and the supply chain concepts are
  • Value chain shows the activities performed by an
    organization and the values added by each
  • The supply chain shows flows of materials, money,
    and information that support the execution of
    these activities

Supply Chain Value Chain (cont.)
  • EC increases the value added by
  • Introducing new business models
  • Automating business processes
  • EC smoothes the supply chain by
  • Reducing problems in the flows of material,
    money, and information
  • EC facilitates the restructuring of business
    activities and supply chains

Intermediation in E-Commerce
  • Intermediaries provide value-added activities and
    services to buyers and sellers wholesalers,
    retailers, infomediaries
  • Roles of intermediaries
  • Search costsdatabases on customer preferences
  • Lack of privacyanonymity of sellers and buyers
  • Incomplete informationgather product information
  • Contract riskprotect sellers against non-payment
  • Pricing inefficienciesinduce appropriate trades

E-Distributors on B2B
  • E-distributoran e-commerce intermediary that
    connects manufacturers (suppliers) with buyers by
    aggregating the catalogs of many suppliers in one
    placethe intermediarys Web site
  • E-distributors also provide support services
  • Payments
  • Deliveries
  • Escrow services
  • Aggregate buyers and or sellers orders

Disintermediation Reintermediation
  • Disintermediationelimination of intermediaries
    between sellers and buyers
  • Reintermediationestablishment of new
    intermediary roles for traditional intermediaries
    that were disintermediated

Syndication as an EC Mechanism
  • Syndicationthe sale of the same good (e.g.,
    digital content) to many customers, who then
    integrate it with other offerings and resell it
    or give it away free

Competition in the Internet Ecosystem
  • Competition in the Internet ecosystem (business
    model of the online economy)
  • Inclusive with low barriers to entry
  • Self-organizing
  • Old rules may no longer apply
  • Competition is tense
  • Lower buyers search cost
  • Speedy comparisons
  • Differentiation and personalization

Competition in the Internet Ecosystem (cont.)
  • Differentiationproviding a product or service
    that is unique
  • Personalizationthe ability to tailor a product,
    service, or Web content to specific user
  • Lower prices

Competition in the Internet Ecosystem (cont.)
  • Customer service is an extremely important
    competitive factor
  • Some competitive factors are less important as a
    result of EC
  • Size of company is no longer significant
  • Geographical location is insignificant
  • Language barriers are being removed
  • Digital products do not have normal wear and tear

Competition in the Internet Ecosystem (cont.)
  • EC supports efficient markets and could result in
    almost perfect competition with these
  • Many buyers and sellers must be able to enter the
    market at no entry cost
  • Large buyers or sellers are not able to
    individually influence the market
  • The products must be homogeneous
  • Buyers and sellers must have comprehensive
    information about the products and about the
    market participants demands, supplies, and

Porters Competitive Analysis
  • Porters competitive forces model applied to an
    industry views 5 major forces of competition that
    determine the industrys structural
  • These forces, in combination, determine how the
    economic value created in an industry is divided
    among the players in the industry
  • Such an industry analysis helps companies develop
    their competitive strategy

Porters Competitive Forces Model
  • Liquiditythe need for a critical mass of buyers
    and sellers
  • The fixed cost of deploying EC can be very high
  • Without a large number of buyers, sellers will
    not make money
  • Early liquidityachieving a critical mass of
    buyers and sellers as fast as possible, before
    the market-makers cash disappears

Quality Uncertainty Assurance
  • Quality uncertaintythe uncertainty of online
    buyers about the quality of products that they
    have never seen, especially from an unknown
  • Provide free samples
  • Return if not satisfied
  • Microproducta small digital product costing a
    few cents
  • Insurance, escrow, and other services

E-Market Success Factors
  • Contributors to e-market success
  • Product characteristics
  • Type
  • Price
  • Availability of standards and product information
  • Industry characteristics
  • Brokers currently necessary
  • Intelligent systems may replace brokers
  • Seller characteristics
  • Consumers find sellers with the lowest prices
  • Low-volume, higher-profit-margin transactions
  • Consumer characteristics
  • Impulse buyers
  • Patient buyers
  • Analytical buyers

Electronic Catalogs
  • Electronic catalogsthe presentation of product
    information in an electronic form the backbone
    of most e-selling sites
  • Evolution of electronic catalogs
  • Merchantsadvertise and promote
  • Customerssource of information and price
  • Consist of product database, directory and search
    capability and presentation function
  • Replication of text that appears in paper
  • More dynamic, customized, and integrated

Classifications ofElectronic Catalogs
  • Dynamics of information presentationstatic or
  • Degree of customizationready-made or customized
  • Electronic catalogs allow integration of
  • Order taking and fulfillment
  • Electronic payment
  • Intranet workflow
  • Inventory and accounting system
  • Suppliers extranet
  • Relationship to paper catalogs

Customized Catalogs
  • Assembled specifically for
  • A company
  • An individual shopper
  • Customization systems can
  • Create branded, value-added capabilities
  • Allows user to compose order
  • May include individualized prices, products, and
    display formats
  • Automatically identify the characteristics of
    customers based on the transaction records

Search Engines
  • Search enginea computer program that can access
    a database of Internet resources, search for
    specific information or keywords, and report the
  • Software (intelligent) agentsoftware that can
    perform routine tasks that require intelligence

Search Engines, Intelligent Agents Shopping
  • E-commerce users use both search engines and
    intelligent agents
  • Search engines find products or services
  • Software agents conduct other tasks (comparisons)
  • Electronic shopping cartan order-processing
    technology that allows customers to accumulate
    items they wish to buy while they continue to shop

  • Auctiona market mechanism by which a seller
    places an offer to sell a product and buyers make
    bids sequentially and competitively until a
    final price is reached
  • Auctions deal with products and services for
    which conventional marketing channels are
    ineffective or inefficient

Limitations of Traditional Auctions
  • Traditional auctions are generally a rapid
  • It may be difficult for sellers to move goods to
    the auction site
  • Commissions are fairly high

Electronic Auctions
  • Electronic auctions (e-auctions)auctions
    conducted online
  • Host sites on the Internet serve as brokers
  • Services for sellers to post their goods for sale
  • Allowing buyers to bid on those items
  • Many sites have certain etiquette rules that must
    be adhered to in order to conduct fair business

Electronic Auctions (cont.)
  • Major online auctions offer
  • Consumer products
  • Electronic parts
  • Artwork
  • Vacation packages
  • Airline tickets
  • Collectibles
  • Excess supplies and inventories being auctioned
    off by B2B marketers

Dynamic Pricing
  • Dynamic pricingprices that change based on
    supply and demand relationships at any given time
  • The four major categories of dynamic pricing are
    based on the number of buyers and sellers
  • One buyer, one seller
  • One seller, many potential buyers
  • One buyer, many potential sellers
  • Many sellers, many buyers

Types of Dynamic Pricing
Dynamic Pricing (cont.)
  • One buyer, one seller uses
  • Negotiation
  • Bargaining
  • Bartering
  • Price will be determined by
  • Each partys bargaining power
  • Supply and demand in the items market
  • Possibly business environment factors

Dynamic Pricing (cont.)
  • One seller, many potential buyers
  • Forward auctionan auction in which a seller
    entertains bids from buyers
  • English auctionan auction in buyers bid on an
    item in sequence and the price increases with
  • Yankee auctionauction of multiple identical
    items in which bidders can bid for any number of
    the items offered, and the highest bid wins

Dynamic Pricing (cont.)
  • Dutch auctionauction of multiple identical
    items, with prices starting at a very high level
    and declining as the auction time passes
  • Free-fall (declining price) auctiona variation
    of the Dutch auction in which only one item is
    auctioned at a time the price starts at a very
    high level and declines at fixed time intervals,
    the winning bid is the lowest one when the time

English Auction, Ascending Price
Dynamic Pricing (cont.)
  • One buyer, many potential sellers
  • Reverse auction (bidding, or tendering
    system)auction in which the buyer places an item
    for bid (tender) on a request for quote (RFQ)
    system, potential suppliers bid on the job, with
    price reducing sequentially, and the lowest bid
    wins primarily a B2B or G2B mechanism

The Reverse Auction Process
Dynamic Pricing (cont.)
  • One buyer, many potential sellers (cont.)
  • Name-your-own-price model
  • Consumer-to-business (C2B) model
  • Many sellers, many buyers
  • Double Auctionbuyers and their bidding prices
    and sellers and their asking prices are matched,
    considering the quantities on both sides

Limitations of Electronic Auctions
  • Possibility of frauddefective goods or receive
    goods/services without paying
  • Limited participationinvitation only or Open to
    dealers only
  • Lack of securityC2C auctions sometimes not done
    in an unencrypted environment
  • Limited softwareonly a few completeor
    off-the-shelf market-enabling solutions

Impacts of Auctions
  • Auctions as a coordination mechanism
  • Auctions as a social mechanism to determine a
  • Auctions as a highly visible distribution
  • Auctions as a component in e-commerce

Bartering Online
  • Barteringan exchange of goods and services
  • Bartering exchanges
  • Give your offer to intermediary
  • Intermediary asses value of your product or
    service inpoints
  • Use points to buy what you need
  • Bartering sites must be financially secure
  • Alternative to bartering is to auction surplus
    and then use the money collected to buy items

Bartering Online (cont.)
  • E-barteringbartering conducted online, usually
    by a bartering exchange
  • Bartering exchangea marketplace in which an
    intermediary arranges barter transactions

Online Negotiating
  • Online negotiationelectronic negotiation,
    usually done by software (intelligent) agents
    that perform searches and comparisons improves
    bundling and customization of products and
  • Dynamic prices can be determined by negotiation
  • Negotiated prices result from interactions and
    bargaining among sellers and buyers
  • Expensive items like cars and real estate
  • Deal with nonpricing terms like payment method
    and credit

Online Negotiating (cont.)
  • Three factors that facilitate negotiated prices
  • Intelligent agents that perform searches and
  • Computer technology that facilitates negotiation
  • Products and services that are bundled and

Mobile Commerce
  • Mobile computing permits real-time access to
    information, applications, and tools that, until
    recently, were accessible only from a desktop
  • Mobile commerce (m-commerce)
  • e-commerce conducted via wireless devices
  • M-businessthe broadest definition of
  • m-commerce, in which e-business is conducted in
    a wireless environment

The Promise of M-Commerce
  • Mobility significantly changes the manner in
    which people and customers
  • Interact
  • Communicate
  • Collaborate
  • Mobile applications are expected to change the
    way we
  • Live
  • Play
  • Do business

The Promise of M-Commerce (cont.)
  • The PC-based Internet culture may change to one
    based on mobile devices
  • M-commerce creates new business models for EC,
    notably location-based applications
  • Many large corporations with huge marketing
    presence are transforming their businesses to
    include m-commerce-based products and services
  • Microsoft ATT
  • Intel AOL-Time-Warner
  • Sony

I-Mode Successful Mobile Portal
An example of the spread of m-commerce is
DoCoMos i-Mode some applications of I-Mode are
  • Shopping guides
  • Maps and transportation
  • Ticketing
  • News and reports
  • Personalized movie service
  • Entertainment
  • Dining and reservations
  • Additional services
  • Banking
  • Stock trading
  • Telephone directory searches
  • Dictionary services
  • Horoscopes

Impacts of E-Markets on Business Processes
Impacts of e-markets on B2C direct marketing
  • Product promotion
  • New sales channel
  • Direct savings
  • Reduced cycle time
  • Customer service
  • Brand or corporate image
  • Customization
  • Advertising
  • Ordering systems
  • Market operations

Analysis-of-Impacts Framework
Transforming Organizations
  • Technology and organizational learning
  • To survive, companies will have to learn and
    adapt quickly to the new technologies
  • Corporate change must be planned and managed
  • New technologies will require new organizational
    structures and approaches

Transforming Organizations (cont.)
  • The changing nature of work
  • Driven by increased competition in the global
    marketplace, firms are Reducing the number of
    employees and Outsourcing whatever work they can
    to countries where wages are significantly less
  • The upheaval brought on by these changes creates
    new opportunities and new risks forces us to
    think new ways of about jobs, careers, and

Transforming Organizations (cont.)
  • Digital-Age workers will have to be very
    flexibletruly secure jobs will be few, many will
    work from home
  • Digital-Age companies will have to prize its core
    of essential workers as its most valuable
    assetempowering them and providing them with
    means to expand their knowledge and skill base

Redefining Organizations
  • New and improved product capabilities
  • E-markets allow for new products to be created
    and/or for existing products to be customized in
    innovative ways
  • Customer profiles and data on customer
    preferencessource of information for improving
    products or designing new ones
  • Mass customization enables manufacturers to
    create specific products for each customer, based
    on the customers exact needs

Redefining Organizations (cont.)
  • New business models
  • E-markets affect individual companies, products,
    entire industries
  • Improving the supply chain
  • Impacts on manufacturing
  • Manufacturing systems changing from mass
    production lines to demand-driven, just-in-time
  • Virtual manufacturing enables global
    manufacturing plants to run as though they were
    one in location

Changes in the Supply Chain
Changes in the Supply Chain
Redefining Organizations (cont.)
  • Impacts on Manufacturing (cont.)
  • Build-to-Orderthe biggest change in
    manufacturing will be the move to build-to-order
  • Manufacturing or assembly will start only after
    an order is received
  • Will change not only the production planning and
    control, but also the entire supply chain

Redefining Organizations (cont.)
  • Impacts on finance and accounting
  • E-markets require special finance and accounting
    systemsmost are electronic payment systems
    complicated by legal issues and international
  • Executing an electronic order triggers
    back-office transactions
  • These activities must be efficient, synchronized,
    and fast so the electronic trade will not be
    slowed down

Ciscos Virtual Close
  • Cisco Systems supplies vast networks that
    connect computers to the Internet
  • Virtual Close was developed to allow companies to
    close its accounting records (its books) more
  • Cisco is implementing such a system for itself
    for closing quarterly accounts
  • Used to take up to 10 days within 4 years it
    took 2 dayssignificantly cut its cost
  • By 2002 or 2003 Cisco hopes to close the books
    with 1 hours notice, on any day in the quarter

Ciscos Virtual Close (cont.)
  • Advantages of Virtual Close
  • Companies can become proactive, spotting problems
    at any time
  • New opportunities can be detected early
  • Enables quick drill down analysis, which
    locates the causes of either poor or excellent
  • Brings huge productivity gains related to
    corporate financial reporting

Redefining Organizations (cont.)
  • Impact on human resource management and training
  • EC is changing how people are recruited,
    evaluated, promoted, and developed
  • EC also is changing the way training and
    education are offered to employees
  • Online distance learning and virtual courses are
  • Companies are cutting training costs by 50
    percent or more

Redefining Organizations (cont.)
  • New e-learning systems offer two-way video,
    on-the-fly interaction, application sharing
  • E- learning may be their ticket to corporate
    survival as changing environments, new
    technologies, and continuously changing
    procedures make it necessary for employees to be
    trained and retrained constantly

Managerial Issues
  • How do we compete in the digital economy?
  • What about intermediaries?
  • What organizational changes will be needed?
  • Should we auction?
  • What should be auctioned?
  • Should we have our own auction site or use a
    third-party site?
  • Should we barter?
  • What m-commerce opportunities are available?

  • E-marketplaces and their components
  • The major types of e-markets
  • Supply chains and value chains
  • The role of intermediation
  • Competition, quality, and liquidity in
  • e-markets
  • Electronic catalogs, search engines, and shopping
  • Types of auctions and their characteristics
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