Title: Celebrate
Every human being is unique, for better or for
worse. Roald Dahl
2The Day I Was Born
Terri Lieberman Grade 3 Elbow Creek
Elementary Visalia Unified School District
3Language Arts Standards
1.0 Writing Strategies Writing process 1.1
Create a single paragraph 2.1 Write narratives
a. Provide a context within which an action
takes place b. Include well-chosen
details to develop the plot c. Provide
insight into why the selected incident is
4All kids love to hear about themselves. And
interestingly enough, most kids dont know about
the day they were born. So . . . .
Have students investigate, interrogate, and
initiate research about the day of their birth.
5Where Do I Begin?
Begin by reading trade books related to Me
stories or birthday stories.
6Brainstorm a List of Questions
When was I born? What day of the week was I
born? Where was I born? Who was there when I was
born? Who came to visit me when I was born? Did
anything funny or interesting happen The day I
was born?
7Model Model Model
Model how to give an interview and take notes
during the interview.
Model how to use interview notes to write one or
more paragraphs.
8Begin Writing Process
During Writers Workshop, students begin writing
about the day they were born using the writing
The final copy is published using a writing
software program with pictures scanned in.
Each child will produce a Power Point slide and
orally present The Day I Was Born.
9The Day Mrs. Lieberman Was Born
Date May 8, 19?? Time 1157 a.m. Place St.
Josephs Hospital, Burbank, California Interestin
g Fact I was my dads birthday present. His
birthday was the day I came home.
What a Cutie!
District Writing Rubric
Anecdotal Notes from Student/Teacher Conference
Student Self Assessment
Final Product
11I'm Special!
I'm Unique!