Title: Alice Seagren, Commissioner
1The World is FlatMinnesota Responds
- Alice Seagren, Commissioner
- Minnesota Department of Education
- Kate Rubin, President, Minnesota High Tech
Association - January 24, 2007
- Engineering Minnesotas Future -
- A Critical Partnership Opportunity
- Industrys Role as a Catalyst for STEM Education
In October/November 2006
- North St. Paul
- Mpls Patrick Henry
- Brooklyn Center
- Bemidji
- Moorhead
- Alexandria
- St. Paul Harding
- Duluth
- Brainerd
- Marshall
- St. Cloud
- Rochester
- Mankato
- 1100 Participants (40-250 at each Forum)
- K12 Educators
- Business
- Higher Education
- Parents
- Students
3Purpose of the Forums
- Inform attendees about Minnesotas Plan for High
School Redesign - Hear from local community leaders to learn about
STEM higher ed/workforce opportunities - Engage in conversations to heighten awareness of
current programs - Create new partnerships to establish a pipeline
of STEM activities to prepare Minnesota high
school students to succeed in the global
4- Fueling the Pipeline
- A Regional Forum on STEM Education
- Harding Senior High
- November 17, 2006
- Sample Agenda
- Welcome and Introductions 830- 835
- Kate Rubin, Minnesota High Tech Association
- Minnesota Plan for High School Redesign 835-905
- Commissioner Alice Seagren
- Local Community Perspectives 905- 930
- Peter Hudleston, Associate Dean for Student
Affairs, University of Minnesota Institute of
Technology - Yvonne Ng, Assistant Professor, Computer Science
and Engineering, College of St. Catherine - Anita Jean Hall, Contract Operations, General
Mills - Mike Anders, President and COO, Systems
Consulting Group
5Forum Feedback
- Pre Post survey feedback measured
- Awareness objectives accomplished
- Educators supportive, cautious
- Business/Community Partners Key
- Forum Messages need to be reinforced
6Opinions on STEM Education
Pre-Post Comparisons
(Somewhat / Strongly Agree)
Rate your level of agreement with each of the
following statements
7Knowledge of STEM Education
Pre-Post Comparisons
(Somewhat / Very Knowledgeable)
How knowledgeable do you consider yourself about
each of the following?
8Knowledge of National Trends
Pre-Post Comparisons
(Somewhat / Very Informed)
How well informed are you about each of the
following national trends?
9Encouragement to Pursue STEM
Pre-Post Comparisons
How much encouragement have you given / do you
plan to give your students/children to pursue
STEM education and careers?
10Expect to Learn/Most Valuable Thing Learned
Pre-Post Comparisons
What do you expect to learn or take away from the
STEM forum? What was the best or most valuable
thing you learned from attending the STEM forum?
11Greatest Opportunity to Improve STEM Education
Post-survey Only
What do you see as the greatest opportunity to
improve STEM education?
12Moving Forward
Business Support Through
- Lobbying legislative agenda
- Mentoring (MentorNet, LSAMP)
- Teacher Internships with Business (3M TWIST)
- Awareness of Business Programs web links
- Reinforce links between STEM disciplines, jobs
- - Awareness events, e.g. 9/06 Science Museum
- - MHTA Spring Conference 4/10/07
- - 100 educators attending
- - www.MN-STEM.com website links
- - STEM toolkits distributed, on website
- - Possible Lynx /or Timberwolves Support
13The World Is Flat Minnesota Responds