Title: CVPR 2006 Highlights
1CVPR 2006 Highlights
New York University, June 17-22
2Conference Statistics
- 318 papers (28 acceptance)
- 54 oral presentations (4.7)
- 1136 submissions
- 30 area chairs, 560 reviewers
- 1200 attendees (30 increase)
- Free dinner on last day
- Honored 5 champion reviewers
- Best Paper
- Putting Objects in Perspective
- D. Hoiem, A. Efros, M. Herbert
- Honorable mention Incremental Learning of Object
Detectors Using a Visual Shape Alphabet - A. Opelt, A. Pinz, A. Zisserman
- Best Poster TBA.
4Longuet-Higgins Prize (CVPR 96)
- Neural Network-Based Face Detection
- H. Rowley, S. Baluja, T. Kanade
- Combining Greyvalue Invariants with Local
Constraints for Object Recognition - C. Schmid, R. Mohr
5Workshop Highlights
- 25 Years of RANSAC
- Keynote Robert Bolles (co-inventor of RANSAC)
- 2 Keynotes by Shree Nayar (PROCAMS, Medical
Imaging workshop) - Projector defocus
- Separating direct and indirect illumination
Do NOT miss this at SIGGRAPH!
Orals I 90 min
Posters I 210 min
Posters 2 210 min
Orals 2 90 min
- Oral presentations recorded, broadcast live
- To be put online (somewhere, sometime)
7Papers I Liked
- Papers from Stanford
- Fun with digital photos and video
- Computational imaging and sensors
- Why Bill Gates is rich
- Obituary 3D Reconstruction
- Visual words for recognition
8Papers from Stanford
- A Dynamic Bayesian Network Model for Autonomous
3D Reconstruction from a Single Indoor Image - E. Delage, H. Lee, Andrew Ng
- Learning Object Shape From Drawings to Images
- G. Elidan, Geremy Heitz, Daphne Koller
- Object Pose Detection in Range Scan Data
- Jim Rodgers, Dragomir Anguelov, H Pang, Daphne
Koller - A Comparison and Evaluation of Multi-View Stereo
Algorithms - S. Seitz, B. Curless, J. Diebel, D. Scharstein,
R. Szeliski - Reconstructing Occluded Surfaces blah
9Papers from Stanford
- A Dynamic Bayesian Network Model for Autonomous
3D Reconstruction from a Single Indoor Image - E. Delage, H. Lee, Andrew Ng
- Learning Object Shape From Drawings to Images
- G. Elidan, Geremy Heitz, Daphne Koller
- Object Pose Detection in Range Scan Data
- Jim Rodgers, Dragomir Anguelov, H Pang, Daphne
Koller - A Comparison and Evaluation of Multi-View Stereo
Algorithms - S. Seitz, B. Curless, J. Diebel, D. Scharstein,
R. Szeliski - Reconstructing Occluded Surfaces blah
10Papers I Liked
- Papers from Stanford
- Fun with digital photos and video
- Computational imaging and sensors
- Obituary 3D Reconstruction
- Visual words for recognition
11Making a Long Video ShortDynamic Video Synopsis
- A. Rav-Acha, Yael Pritch, Shmuel Peleg.
- Video Summary
- Short
- Informative
- Accurate
- Seamless
12Making a Long Video ShortDynamic Video Synopsis
- A. Rav-Acha, Yael Pritch, Shmuel Peleg.
Input Video
Summary Video
More demos
13Making a Long Video ShortDynamic Video Synopsis
- Find regions of activity
- Compute summary using MRF optimization
14What Makes A High Quality Photo ?
- The Design of High-Level Features for Photo
Quality Assessment - Yan Ke, Xiaoou Tang, Feng Jing
15Some Ranking Results
- Error rate (snapshot vs professional) 24
16What Makes A High Quality Photo ?
- Pros vs Point-and-shooters
- Simplicity
- (Sur)realism
- Basic Technique
- Features (a subset)
- Lack of blur
- Spatial edge distribution
- Color, brightness, contrast, hue count
- Learn from http//DPChallenge.com
17Picture Collage
- J Wang, J Sun, L Quan, Xiaoou Tang, H Shum
18Picture Collage
- Maximize informative regions, minimize blank
space - Optimize using random grid sampling (Bayesian
19Papers I Liked
- Papers from Stanford
- Fun with digital photos and video
- Computational imaging and sensors
- Why Bill Gates is rich
- Obituary 3D Reconstruction
- Visual words for recognition
20Bilayer Segmentation of Live Video
- A. Criminisi, G. Cross, A. Blake, V. Kolmogorov
- Goals
- Single camera
- Real-time (no optic flow!)
- Good looking results
21How it works
- Priors, priors, priors and priors
- Temporal continuity
- Spatial coherence
- Color likelihood
- Motion likelihood
- Learning
- Fast approximate binary graph cut
22A Closed Form Solution to Natural Image Matting
- Anat Levin, Dani Lischinski, Yair Weiss
- Idea in a small window, colors lie on a line in
color space - Find alpha by minimizing aT L a
- Eigenvectors of L suggest good scribbles
23Lensless Imaging with a Controllable Aperture
24Other Papers
- Instant 3Descatter
- Tali Treibitz, Yoav Schechner
- Blind Haze Separation
- S Shwartz, E Namer, Yoav Schechner
- Space-time Video Montage
- H Kang, Y Matsuhita, Xiaoou Tang, Xue-Quan Chen
25Papers I Liked
- Papers from Stanford
- Fun with digital photos and video
- Computational imaging and sensors
- Obituary 3D Reconstruction
- Visual words for recognition
26Multi-View Stereo Evaluation
- S. Seitz, B. Curless, J Diebel, D Scharstein, R
Szeliski - http//vision.middlebury.edu/mview
27Multi-View Stereo Taxonomy
- Scene representation
- Photo-consistency measure
- Visibility model
- Shape prior
- Reconstruction algorithm
- Initialization
28Multi-View Stereo Evaluation
- Metrics
- Accuracy
- Completeness
- Running time
- Renderings
- Conclusions
- Most work pretty well
- Having lots of views enables simpler algorithms
Multi-view Stereo Revisited, Goesele et al
29Upcoming Deadlines
- December 3rd, 2006.
- CVPR 2007, Minneapolis
- March 2007
- ICCV 2007, Rio de Janeiro
- CVPR 2008 in Anchorage, Alaska
30(No Transcript)