Title: Linear Variational Problems Part II
1Lecture 2
- Linear Variational Problems (Part II)
2Conjugate Gradient Algorithms for Linear
Variational Problems in Hilbert Spaces
- 1.Introduction. Synopsis. Conjugate gradient
algorithms - are among the most popular methods of Scientific
- Computing. Introduced initially for the solution
of linear - finite dimensional problems they have found
applications - for the solution of nonlinear and/or infinite
dimensional - problems and, combined with least-squares can be
- applied to the solution of critical point
problems which - are not minimization ones. We will begin our
discussion - with the solution of linear variational problems
(LVP) - in Hilbert spaces when the bilinear functional
a(,.,) is - symmetric.
32. Formulation of the basic problem. The basic
problemto be considered was discussed in Lecture
1 it reads as follows (with a(.,.) symmetric,
- Find u ? V such that
- (LVP)
- a(u,v) L(v), ? v ? V,
- with V, a, L as in Lecture
I. -
43. Description of the Conjugate Gradient
Algorithm. The algorithm reads as follows
- Step 0 Initialization
- (1) u0 is given in V
- Solve
- g0 ? V,
- (2)
- (g0,v) a(u0,v) L(v), ? v ? V,
- Set (if g0 ? 0)
- (3) w0 g0.
5For n 0, assuming that un, gn and wn are known,
the last two different from 0, we update them as
- Step 1 Descent
- (4) ?n gn2/a(wn, wn),
- (5) un1 un ?nwn.
- Step 2 Testing Convergence Updating wn
- Solve gn1 ? V,
- (6)
- (gn1, v) (gn, v) ?na(wn,v),
? v ? V. -
6If gn 1/g0 ? tol. take u un 1 else
- (7) ?n gn 12/gn 2,
- (8) wn 1 gn 1 ?nwn .
- Do n n 1 and return to (4).
- We observe that the CG algorithm requires the
solution of - one linear variational problem per iteration,
implying that - the choice of the inner product is critical (in
finite dimension - this is related to the choice of the
preconditioning matrix)
74. Convergence of the CG algorithm
- Theorem Suppose that tol. 0 in algorithm
(1)-(8) then, - ? u0 ? V, we have
- limn ?8 un u,
- with u the solution of (LVP). Moreover if dim V
d lt 8, - there exists N ? d, such that uN u (finite
termination - property) .
- Proof See, e.g., RG, HNA, Vol. IX, Chapter 3
(2003). -
8From a practical point of view the most important
result is (Meinardius-Daniel)
- un u ? C u0 u (v?a
1)/(v?a 1)n - with
- ?a supv ??a(v,v) / infv
??a(v,v) - ? being the unit sphere of V (? v ? V, v
1). -
9The Finite Dimensional Case(1)
- Consider
- (LE) Ax b,
- with A a SPD d d real matrix and b ? Rd. Since
(LE) is - equivalent to
- x ? Rd,
- (LEV)
- Ax.y b.y, ? y
? Rd, - we can apply CG algorithms to the solution of
(LE). -
10The Finite Dimensional Case(2)
- Suppose now that the inner product of Rd is
defined by - (y,z) Sy.z
- with S another SPD matrix, then
- ?a ?( S 1A),
- a well-known result (!)
115. An application to the Control of Elliptic PDEs
- Let us consider the following control problem for
an - elliptic PDE
- u ? L2(?),
(ECP) - J(u) ? J(v), ? v ?
L2(?), - with
- J(v) ½??v2dx ½ k ?O
y yd2dx - and
- ?y f v ?? in O, y
0 on ?O. (SE) - Above ? ? O,O ? O and k gt 0.
12- The above control problem has a unique solution
characterized - by
- DJ(u) 0
(OC) - where, ? v ? L2(?),
- DJ(v) v
p? - p being the unique solution of the following
adjoint equation - ?p k(y yd)?O, p 0 on
?O. (ASE) - To solve (OC) we advocate the following conjugate
gradient - algorithm
13- (1) u0 is given in
L2(?). - Solve
- (2) ?y0 f u0?? in O, y0 0
on ?O - and
- (3) ?p0 k(y0 yd)?O, p0
0 on ?O. -
- Set
- (4) g0 u0
p0?, -
- (5) w0 g0.
14- For n 0, un, gn and wn known, the last two ? 0,
we compute un1, - gn1 and, if necessary, wn1 as follows
- Solve
- (6) ??y0 w0?? in O, ?y0 0 on
?O - and
- (7) ??p0 k?y0?O, ?p0 0
on ?O. - Set
- (8) ?g0 w0
?p0?, - and compute
15- (9) ?n ?? gn2dx /
???gnwndx, - (10) un1 un ?n wn,
- (11) gn1 gn ?n ?gn.
- If ?? gn12dx / ?? g02dx ? tol. take u
un1 otherwise, compute - (12) ?n ?? gn12dx / ??
gn2dx, - (13) wn1 gn1 ?nwn.
- Do n n 1 and return to (6).
16- It can be shown that, generically speaking, the
number of - iterations necessary to obtain convergence varies
like -
- k½
log(1/tol.) - For more information and examples on the
application of - conjugate gradient algorithms to the solution of
control - problems, see, e.g.,
- R.GLOWINSKI, J.L. LIONS, J. HE, Exact and
- Approximate Controllability for Distributed
Parameters - Systems A Numerical Approach, Cambridge
- University Press, 2008.