Title: IDD CFO Consortia
1- IDD CFO Consortia
- June 24, 2009
- By
- Mel Hughes Cindy Lucas
2SB 1 Rider 48
- Community Service Expansion
- HCS-Promoting Independence
- HCS-Emergency /Prevent Institutionalization
- Deaf/Blind Multiple Disabilities
3SB 1 Rider 48
- Transfer of HCS Case Management to MRAs
- DADS MRA training and hiring case managers to
provide HCS case management - HCS Hold Harmless Rate Increase
- Safety Net Increase
- Community Based Regulatory
4SB 1 Rider 48
- TxHmL Rate Increase
- ICF/MR Rate Increase
- ECI stimulus funds
5Community IDD Funding
6Community IDD Funding
7Community IDD Funding
8Safety Net Funding
- More than half-distributed on equity formula
(centers below mean per capita) - May exclude ICF and HCS local resources use a
pure per capita formula - Remaining portion distributed across the state as
a rate increase
9Equalization of TxHLW Rates to HCS Rates
10Transferring case management function to local
Mental Retardation Authorities
- Tentatively scheduled to begin June 1, 2010.
(not 2009 error in handout). - How many consumers from private providers will
MRAs be picking up? - How many providers will MRAs be working with?
- (See handouts)
11Transferring case management function to local
Mental Retardation Authorities
- Based on 135 case load.
- MRAs will be responsible for PDP on an ongoing
basis. - The purchaser for the person Service Planning
Team instead of IDT (includes MRA Case
Manager). - More Thursday afternoon at 3pm Mary Skillman
12Schedule for Adoption of Rule Changes
- June 11 Present to MCAC
- June 24 Present to A D Services Council
- July 3 Publish Proposed Rules in Tx
Register - August 28 Publish adopted Rules in Tx Register
- September Rule Effective
13Hearings on Proposed Rate Changes-mid to late
July 2009
- HCS requisition fees
- HCS TXHLW nursing rates
- Equalization of TXHLW rates to HCS rates
- Equalization of non-nursing professional services
rates for CBA, CWP, DBMD to HCS TxHLW - Redistribution of HCS Admin Op Fees
- ICF Rate increase -1.5
- HCS rate adjusted to transfer of CM to MRA
14HHSC Proposal-ICF, HCS TxHLW Reimbursement Rule
- Professional services definitions are identical,
rates are not. (Nursing, OT, PT, ST, dietary,
behavioral support) - Revised HCS TxHLW billing guidelines for
nursing rates will be lower, but guidelines will
allow for significantly more billable UOS - In future-separate rates for LVN vs RN services.
A new service-specialized nursing will be added
(see current rates in other 1915c waivers)
15Waiver Rates
16HCS Admin Op Fee Re-distribution Proposals
17HCS Admin Op Fee Re-distribution Proposals
18HB 2303 - Scope of Services
- Community MHMR centers may provide health and
human services and supports through contracts
with local, state and federal agencies in
addition to operating for the purposes and to
perform the functions defined in the centers
operational plan. - Community Centers may continue to provide
services to persons with developmental
19HB 2309Bond Homes
- Provides for the transfer from DADS of 42
separate properties specifically designated for
providing community-based facilities for
difficult-to-place persons with developmental
disabilities to 10 community mental health and
mental retardation (MHMR) centers in Texas for
the purpose of providing services for persons
with developmental disabilities.
20Rider 9Limitation on Transfer Authority
- Specifies conditions under which DADS may
transfer funds appropriated - Includes waiver programs and ICF/MR services in
state school and community - Must be approved by the Legislative Budget Board
and Governor
21Rider 17MR Residential Placement Options
- MR Residential Services Funded by GR
- Requires DAD to refinance with Medicaid funding
22Rider 22MR Residential Placement Options
- Requires an individual or LAR seeking residential
services to receive a clear explanation of
services - Requires DADS to keep a central listing of
openings available in each type of service
23Rider 31Cost Comparison Report
- DADS must develop a report to legislature
analyzing services in HCS, TxHmL, and ICF/MR
comparing - Monthly average cost per person by level of need
and facility size - Severity across settings
- Number of persons transitioned from state ICFs/MR
to HCS residential services for the previous
biennium and - Average monthly cost of HCS
- Requires report of all costs, including indirect
costs, maintenance and construction,
administrative and medical and overhead costs - Due August 31, 2010
24Rider 32Services Under a 1915 (c) Waiver
- Directs DADS to allow persons 21 and under to
leave a nursing home and enter a waiver other
than a nursing home waiver if person is eligible
and needs such services
25Rider 33Services Under HCS Waiver Program
- Directs DADS to allow persons 21 and under,
seeking to leave an ICF/MR, and who are
ineligible for HCS to be served in another waiver
program if eligible
26Rider 34Promoting Community Services for Children
- Intent
- Out of funds appropriated, children under age 22
residing in community ICFs/MR should be provided
opportunities to transition to families when
requested by parent/guardian - Funding for up to 50 children will be transferred
from community ICFs/MR to cover the cost of
shifts of service - Rules may be developed to allow decertification
of the ICF/MR beds upon such transfers to prevent
additional costs being incurred
27Rider 36Waiver Cost Limits
- Specifies range of CMS cost-effectiveness
requirements and individual cost limits for each
waiver program - HCS services may be funded up to 200 of the
reimbursement rate that would have been paid for
the same person to be served in an ICF/MR or 200
of the estimated annualized per capita cost for
ICF/MR services, which ever is greater
28Rider 40Limits for Waivers and Other Programs
- Governs expenditures across DADS programs
29Rider 41Contingency for Transferring Savings
Related to State School Downsizing
- Authorizes savings from DADS strategies for
downsizing state schools and transitioning more
state school residents to community-based care to
be transferred to specified community programs - Prior to transfer of funds DADS must obtain
certification from HHSC of the amount of savings
related to the downsizing of state schools
30Rider 42Contingency for Eliminated Consolidated
Waiver Program
- Contingent on passage of SB 705 or similar
legislation - Specifies programs to which funding of
Consolidated Waiver Program must be allocated in
order to continues services to persons served in
the CWP
31Rider 48Waiting List Reduction
- DADS rider, different from HHSC Section 48,
reported elsewhere as SB 1 Rider 48 - Directs DADS to consider factors such as length
of time on the interest/waiting list, size of
waiting list, demographics, average cost, and
crisis stabilization in providing services to
persons on waiting list on a program specific
32Rider 9Funding for ECI Services
- Directs DADS to certify by February 1 or each
year to the Executive Commissioner of HHSC
whether funding needed to serve all eligible
children will exceed revenue available to DARS - If transfer is necessary, HHSC shall submit a
written request to the LBB and Governor providing
substantial information - All transfers require written approval of LBB and
33Rider 12Limitation Transfer Authority for ECI
- Directs DARS regarding transfer provisions among
ECI strategies which may be made with
notification to rather than approval from LBB and
34Section 19IDEA, Part C, Special Education Grants
for infants and Families Stimulus Funds
- Authorizes DARS to utilize stimulus funding to
provide temporary provider rate increases to ECI
providers in the 2010-11 biennium, contingent
upon - Retaining current eligibility criteria
- Retaining no less than current service levels per
child - Agency attesting that a temporary provider rate
increase will not create a need for supplemental
funding or a transfer from another agency,
including Rider 9 - Agency attesting it can reasonably and
proportionately reduce or eliminate the temporary
rate increase after stimulus funding is reduced
or eliminated - Use of funds is allowed by ARRA
35Rider 63Dual Diagnosis Pilot
- From funds appropriated authorizes HHSC to fund
up to 75,000 per year to provide a grant to a
non-profit organization to maintain a pilot
project directed at enhancing the well being and
care of citizens who are dually diagnosed with
mental retardation and mental illness (San Angelo
St. School project).
36Rider 67Fiscal Accountability for Programs for
Persons with Intellectual or Developmental
- Contingent on implementation of a rate
enhancement system or other appropriate financial
performance standards to ensure prudent use of
funding HHSC is authorized to discontinue fiscal
accountability spending requirements
37Section 18Mental Health and Mental Retardation
Collections for Patient Support and Maintenance
- Provides extensive instructions regarding
definition of reimbursements covered, depositing
and reporting revenues, authority and accounting
for expenditure of collections, responsibility
for share of indirect costs and benefits
38Section 19General Revenue Funds for Medicaid
Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services
- Directs appropriate use, classification and
expenditure of GR
39Section 39Efficiencies at Local Mental Health
and Mental Retardation Authorities
- Funds appropriated shall be maximized by
minimizing overhead and administrative costs and
achieving purchasing efficiencies. Strategies for
consideration include - Consolidations among local authorities and
partnering among local authorities on
administrative, purchasing, or service delivery
functions - States intent DADS GR funds for community
services are not to supplement rate-based
payments to fund costs of providing waivers or
ICF/MR services
40Section 48Contingency Appropriation for the
Reshaping of the System for Providing Services to
Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
- Sets forth conditions for funding outlined in IDD
appropriations Table. Contingencies include - Expansion of community services for individuals
moving out of ICFs/MR, children aging out of
foster care, children at risk of
institutionalization in ICFs/MR and adults at
risk of institutionalization due to crisis - DADS reducing the number of state school
residents through census management, without
removing a resident against residents will or
will of residents LAAE, and DADS identifying
state school residents through the Community
Living Options Information Process who could move
into community programs and
41Section 48Contingency Appropriation for the
Reshaping of the System for Providing Services to
Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
- Transferring the case management function from
HCS providers to local Mental Retardation
Authorities (MRAs). Also requires HHSC and DADS
to jointly design a plan to implement a capitated
or non-capitated managed care pilot to serve
individuals with IDD.
42Section 52Expansion of Community-based Services
- Summarizes appropriations made elsewhere in SB 1
to expand community-based services
43Medicaid Billing Audits
- What are the recent findings and trends?
- What do we know?
- What do we not know?
- Discussion
- (Mel Hughes)
44In Home Family Support (1154 Funds)
- Strategies to assure all funds are distributed.
- Unique ideas from Centers.
- General Discussion
- (Mel Hughes)
- Other issues/concerns we have not discussed.
- Information / clarification we need to obtain on
legislative issues or other issues. Who will
gather the info? By what timeline? And how will
it be distributed to everyone? - clucas_at_lubbockmhmr.org
- Melvin.Hughes_at_mhmrtc.org