COS 444 Internet Auctions: Theory and Practice

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COS 444 Internet Auctions: Theory and Practice


'Marks & Co. were kings of the book ring. ... ( p. 187) One buyer belonged to thirteen two-member and thirteen three-member rings. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: COS 444 Internet Auctions: Theory and Practice

COS 444 Internet AuctionsTheory and Practice
Spring 2009 Ken Steiglitz
Bidder collusion
  • Of course, in general, bidders want to reduce
    competition, the seller wants to increase
  • Weve seen examples on eBay of hypothetical
    implicit bidder collusion (Rasmusen 2006), and
    likely seller shill bidding
  • Collusive bidding may be easier in multi-item
  • P. Cramton J.A. Schwartz, Collusive bidding in
    the FCC Spectrum Auctions, J. Regulatory
    Economics, 1999, describe (highly) probable
    collusion in simultaneous ascending price
    auctions for FCC licenses (analogous to English
    for multiple items).

  • Code bids use the trailing digits of the bid
    (often multi-millions of dollars) to tell other
    bidders on which licenses to bid or not bid.
    Oftentimes, a bidder (the sender) would use these
    code bids as retaliation against another bidder
    (the receiver) who was bidding on a license
    desired by the sender. The sender would raise the
    price on some market the receiver wanted, and use
    the trailing digits to tell the receiver on which
    license to cease bidding.

Cramton Schwartz 1999
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  • Here is their disclaimer
  • Disclaimer For this analysis, we show that
    several bidders apparently used signaling to
    coordinate on
  • license allocations. This apparent signaling
    may be coincidental. The claims we make
    concerning a
  • bidders signaling are based on circumstantial
    evidence, and though we may attach some meaning
    to help
  • explain certain patterns of bidding, this
    meaning should be taken as our hypothesis only.
    We make no
  • claims concerning the actual intent of the

Cramton Schwartz 1999
a first-hand account of more explicit collusion
  • Marks Co. were kings of the book ring.
    They were one of the five leading firms of
    antiquarian booksellers who never bid against
    each other in the auction rooms. One member of
    the ring would be allowed to buy a book for a
    nominal sum, say 100. As soon as the auction was
    over the five conspirators would hurry to their
    nearest safe-house usually a Lyons tea shop
    and conduct a private auction. If one of them
    bought the book for 500, the 400 profit would
    be divided in cash amongst the other four. This
    process was called a knock-out, and Frank Doel
    once blew an entire operation.

Between Silk and Cyanide, Leo Marks, Harper
Collins, London, 1998.
nota bene
a post-auction knock-out
  • A famous heart specialist names Evan
    Bedford instructed him to bid up to 300 for an
    edition of Harveys De Motu Cordis, the earliest
    printed book on the circulation of the blood,
    which was coming up for auction at Hodgsons. Too
    busy with his own Hartley Street salesroom to
    attend the auction himself, he telephoned Frank
    at home late at night demanding to know why the
    book had been sold to another dealer for 200
    when hed authorized Frank to bid three. Frank
    confided that it had been sold in the knock-out
    for 600. The irate physician immediately
    undertook to have the whole question of the book
    ring raised in the House of Commons, which caused
    cardiac arrest amongst its five participants.

Between Silk and Cyanide, Leo Marks, Harper
Collins, London, 1998.
See Cassady 1967 for lots of details about real
ring operations
  • He describes post-auction knockouts, the ring
    holds a private sale to liquidate the goods and
    divide them among ring members. (p. 180). Notice
    that the knock-out is an example where the
    utility of a buyer includes some utility of the
    seller---since each prospective buyer has a stake
    in the sellers revenue.
  • Organizing a ring is often a very complex
  • Mentions that in sale of timber rights by U.S.
    govt. collusion is common these sales have
    strong common-value features, similar to spectrum
  • Mentions Australian wool trade---the most complex
    buyer collusion known to Cassady. (p. 187) One
    buyer belonged to thirteen two-member and
    thirteen three-member rings.

Bidder rings (Graham Marshall 1987)
  • Stylized facts
  • They exist and are stable
  • They eliminate competition among ring members
    yet ensure ring member with highest value is not
  • Benefits shared by ring members
  • Have open membership
  • Auctioneer responds strategically
  • Try to hide their existence

  • Graham Marshalls theoretical model
    Second-price pre- auction knockout (PAKT)
  • IPV, risk neutral
  • Value distributions F, common knowledge
  • Identity of winner price paid common knowledge
  • Membership of ring known only to ring members

  • Pre-auction knock-out (PAKT)
  • Appoint ring center, who pays P to each ring
    member, P to be determined below
  • Each ring member submits a sealed bid to the ring
  • Winner is advised to submit her winning bid at
    main auction other ring members submit only
    meaningless bids
  • If the winner at the sub-auction (sub-winner)
    also wins main auction, she pays

  • If sub-winner wins main auction, she pays
  • Main auctioneer P SP at main auction
  • Ring center d max P - P , 0 , where P
    SP in PAKT
  • Thus If the sub-winner wins main auction, she
    pays in total the SP among all bids (which would
    have happened without the ring)
  • and the profit is passed along to the ring center

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  • The quantity d is the amount stolen from the
    main auctioneer, the booty
  • The ring center receives and distributes
  • Ed sub-winner wins main auction
  • ? so his budget is balanced, in expectation
  • Each ring member receives
  • P Ed sub-winner wins main auction/K

Bidder rings
  • Graham and Marshall prove
  • Truthful bidding in the PAKT, and following the
    recommendation of the ring center is a SBNE
    weakly dominant strategy (incentive compatible)
  • Voluntary participation is advantageous
    (individually rational)
  • Efficient (buyer with highest value gets item)
  • In fact, the whole thing is equivalent
    to a Vickrey auction

Bidder rings
  • Main auctioneer responds strategically by
    increasing reserves or shill-bidding
  • Graham Marshall also prove that
  • Optimal main reserve is an increasing function of
    ring size K
  • Expected surplus of ring member is a decreasing
    function of reserve prices
  • Expected surplus of ring member is an increasing
    function of ring size K
  • so
    best to be secretive

Bilateral trading mechanismsMyerson
Satterthwaite 83
  • An impossibility result
  • The following desirable characteristics of
    bilateral trade (not an auction)
  • efficient
  • incentive-compatible
  • individually rational
  • cannot all be achieved simultaneously!

Bilateral trading mechanisms
  • The setup
  • one seller, with private value v?1 , distributed
    with density f1 gt 0 on a1 , b1
  • one buyer, with private value v?2 , distributed
    with density f2 gt 0 on a2 , b2
  • risk neutral
  • Notice not an auction in Riley
    Samuelsons class!

Bilateral trading mechanisms
  • Outline of proof We use a direct mechanism (p,
    x), where
  • p (v1 , v2 ) prob. of transfer to
  • x (v1 , v2 ) expected payment to

Bilateral trading mechanisms
  • Similarly and symmetrically

Bilateral trading mechanisms
  • Incentive-compatible means
  • Individually rational means
  • Ex post efficient means

Bilateral trading mechanisms
  • Incentive-compatible means
  • Individually rational means
  • Ex post efficient means

no incentive to lie about vs
participation does not entail expected loss
object is sold iff buyer values it more highly
Bilateral trading mechanisms
  • Main result If
  • then no incentive-compatible individually
    rational trading mechanism can be (ex post)
  • Furthermore,
  • is the smallest lump-sum subsidy to achieve

Proof steps
  • Part 1 incentive-compatible and individually
    rational implies
  • Part 2 ex post efficient implies

  • contradiction!

min. Eprofit of seller min. Eprofit of buyer
Bilateral trading mechanisms
  • Example Shows
  • f i gt 0 is necessary
  • discrete probs.

Only profitable transaction is 1?3
Bilateral trading mechanisms
  • Claim sell at price 2 if both are willing,
    else no trade is incentive compatible,
    individually rational, and efficient.
  • Incentive compatible truthful reporting is an
    equilibrium (check)
  • Individually rational Eprofit gt0
  • Efficient trade occurs only when v1ltv2

Auctions vs. Negotiations Bulow Klemperer 96

Simple example IPV, uniform Case 1) Optimal
auction optimal mechanism with one buyer.
Optimal entry value v 1/2 revenue 1/4 Case
2) Two buyers, no reserve revenue 1/3 gt 1/4 ?
One more buyer is worth more than setting reserve
Auctions vs. Negotiations
  • Bulow Klemperer 96 generalize to any F,
  • any number of bidders
  • A no-reserve auction with n 1 bidders
  • is more profitable than an optimal (IPV) auction
    (and hence optimal mechanism) with n bidders

Auctions vs. Negotiations
Revenue with optimal reserve, n bidders
Revenue with no reserve, n1 bidders
Auctions vs. Negotiations
Auctions vs. Negotiations
distribution fctn. of max. of n draws, integrate
only where M 0
distribution fctn. of max. of n1 draws
expected revenue with only one buyer!
Auctions vs. Negotiations
Now compare revenue in a no-reserve auction with
n1 bidders, and an optimal auction with n
Rational frenzies and crashes, J. Bulow P.
Klemperer, J. Political Economy, 102, pp. 1-23,
  • Asset markets are volatile! Common wisdom
    attributes to irrational behavior, market
    imperfections, market failure
  • This paper offers a model of a simple situation
    in which completely rational behavior leads to
    frenzies and crashes
  • Uses IPV auction theory and the RET in a dynamic
  • An elegant economic idealization makes the point

The BK 94 game
  • K identical units for sale, one seller, KL
    risk-neutral potential buyers, each wanting to
    buy a single unit
  • IPVs, drawn from F(v) on 0, vmax
  • Buyer derives surplus (v p) from a purchase at
    price p

The simple motivating idea WTP
  • Suppose youre in a simple single-item Vickrey
    auction with IPVs that are uniform on 0,1, and
    you have value v.
  • You are made a take-it-or-leave-it offer at price
    p. Should you accept it?

The simple motivating idea WTP
  • Suppose youre in a simple single-item Vickrey
    auction with IPVs that are uniform on 0,1, and
    you have value v.
  • You are made a take-it-or-leave-it offer at price
    p. Should you accept it?
  • Well, if and only if p E(second-price v wins)
  • Willingness To Pay

Dynamics of BK 94 game
  • Seller begins offering units at max price vmax
    and lowers it until a purchase occurs, at price p
  • (NEW SALE) When a purchase occurs, every buyer
    gets an invitation to purchase 1 unit at price p.
  • Either
  • (a) (FRENZY) all goods are sold at p ?
    game ends
  • (b) (FRENZY) not all goods are sold at p,
    no one is left willing to buy at that price
    ? then go to 1) and continue lowering price until
    another NEW SALE takes place
  • (c) (EXCESS DEMAND) More buyers want to
    buy at price p than there are units remaining.
    Then if there are kl bidders offering to buy the
    remaining k units, go to 1) and restart the game
    with these kl bidders competing for the
    remaining k units. All previous sales remain

Solution to game
  • With k units and (kl) bidders remaining a
    symmetric equilibrium strategy is offer to buy
    at price p if and only if p ?(v), where

Note that this reduces to Vickrey with one item
and one buyer
  • This follows from a straightforward
    generalization of the RET any mechanism selling
    K identical items to the bidders with the K
    highest values in a unit-demand auction has in
    equilibrium the same expected payment conditional
    on winning, namely ?(v) (see BK 94).
  • The interesting dynamics are a consequence of the
    shape of ?(v). When k goes down, ?(v) goes up,
    and this changes the next threshold drastically
    and a bunch of buyers may jump in all at once!

Why does ?(v) flatten out dramatically?
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Its been fun!
Neshmet Bark of Osiris, on a bronze drachm of M.
Aurelius, Alexandria, Egypt. E. 2160, 174/5 AD.
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