Introduction to Sustainable Development

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Introduction to Sustainable Development


Introduce the Concept of Sustainability ... The Twin Problems: Population and Consumption ... decaying cities. Economic problems. unequal distribution of wealth ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction to Sustainable Development

Introduction to Sustainable Development
  • Lecture A

Purpose of the Course
  • Introduce the Concept of Sustainability as the
    Foundation of Future Society
  • Provide a Foundation for Understanding and
    Implementing Sustainability Principles
  • Show the Importance of a Sustainable Community as
    the Key Concept
  • Indicate Methods for Implementing Sustainability
    in Various Social and Economic Sectors

Reasons for this Course
  • Humankind is profoundly affecting the Earth
  • Destruction of ecosystems and biodiversity
  • Global environmental problems greenhouse
    warming, ozone depletion, toxification, soil
    erosion, emissions
  • Mass movements of materials
  • Introduction of biological agents estrogen
    mimickers, genetically engineered products
  • Humankind does not understand or appreciate the
    role of ecosystems for our health and in our
  • Humanity may be crashing the critical planetary
  • How do we change direction at this critical point
    in time? Globally? In Poland?

Proposed Solution -Briefly
  • Sustainable development or sustainability
  • Development that meets the needs of the present
    without compromising the ability of future
    generations to meet their own needs World
    Commission on Environment and Development, 1987
    Our Common Future (Brundtland Report)
  • Balancing environment, economy, and societys
  • Sustainability Clarified Satisfying lives for
    all within the means of naturenow and in the
    future. Redefining Progress, 2002,

Some New Vocabulary
  • Sustainability
  • Substitutability
  • Deep Ecology
  • Factor 4 and Factor 10
  • Carrying Capacity
  • Ecological Footprint
  • Ecological Rucksack
  • Adaptive Management
  • Ecological Economics
  • Environmental Ethics
  • Clean Production
  • Industrial Ecology
  • Eco-efficiency
  • MIPS

The Twin Problems Population and Consumption
  • Human population has been growing exponentially
    since the beginning of the industrial revolution
  • Industrial production has also been growing at an
    exponential rate (3.5/year 1970-2000)
  • World fertilizer consumption is doubling every 15
    years. Total use now is 15 times greater than
    the end of WWII.
  • In this century, consumption of energy and
    materials will increase by a Factor of 12
    (2000-2100) if growth in population continues at
    the same rates

Beyond the Limits to Growth, Meadows, Meadows,
and Rander
World Population Growth
World Demographic Transition
Population Growth over Time
  • 1650 0.5 billion 0.3/year DT250 yrs
  • 1900 1.6 billion 0.5/year DT140 yrs
  • 1970 3.6 billion 2.1/year DT 34 yrs
  • Result Superexponential growth, the rate of
    increase is increasing
  • 1990 5.4 billion 1.7/year DT 42 yrs
  • 2000 6.0 billion 1.7/year DT 42 yrs

World Industrial Production
Percent Change in Industrial Production from
Previous Year
World Fertilizer Use 1950-2000
Worldwide Growth in Selected Activities 1970-2000
1970 2000 Population 3.6
billion 6.1 billion Automobile Production 22.5
million 40.9 million Oil consumption 2,189
MTOE 3,332 MTOE Natural gas consumption 1,022
MTOE 2,277 MTOE Coal consumption 1,635
MTOE 2,034 MTOE Wind Energy Capacity(MW) approx
0 18,100 GDP (-1999) 16.3 trillion 43.2
trillion GDP (-1999/capita 4,407 7,102 AIDS
Deaths approx 0 21.8 million
Key Lesson about Growth Rates
  • Apparently small growth rates have massive
  • World population growth rate is only 1.7
  • Buy means 78 million new people per year
  • World population doubled since 1960!
  • Why?

Doubling Times
Growth Rate, /year Doubling Time
(years) 0.1 700 0.5 140 1.0
70 2.0 35 3.0 23 4.0
18 5.0 14 6.0 10 7.0 7
Example Nigerias Population
  • Population growth rate 2.7/year

Year Population (millions) 1990
118 2014 236 2038 472 2062
944 2086 1,888
Rule of 72
72/Growth Rate in /year Doubling Time in
Years Nigerian Example 72/2.7 26.7 years
One more example Paper!
  • Double a sheet of paper the thickness is
  • Double the sheet of paper 40 times how thick is

Thickness 0.5 mm x 240 0.5 x 1.1 x 1012 5.5
x1011 mm
550,000,000,000 mm 550,000 km distance
from the Earth to the Moon!
IPAT Formula
ImpactPopulation x Affluence x Technology
I P x A x T Impact
(throughput) of a population on the planets
sources and sinks equals the population times its
affluence times the damage done by the
technologies supporting the affluence.
Environmental impact/person Source Paul
Affecting IPAT Outcomes
  • Population (P) family planning, female
    literacy, social welfare, role of women, land
  • Affluence (A)
  • Capital stock/person values, prices, full
    costing, what do we want?, What is enough?
  • Material throughput/capital stock product
    longevity, material choice, minimum materials
    design, recycling/reuse/recovery, scrap recovery
  • Technology (T)
  • Energy/material throughput End-use efficiency,
    conversion efficiency, distribution efficiency,
    system integration, process redesign
  • Environmental impact/Energy Benign sources,
    scale, siting, technical mitigation, offsets

Some Evidence of Real Problems
  • Humans are coopting 40 of terrestrial and 30 of
    aquatic Net Primary Production (NPP) (Vitousek et
    al 1986))
  • Humans are coopting 26 of all evapotranspiration
    and 54 of available water runoff, a net of about
    30 of all the solar powered hydrologic cycle
    (Postel 1997)
  • Humans are moving 2x more material than all
    natural forces combined (Schmidt-Bleek 1997)
  • Atmospheric CO2 has risen from 290 ppm (early
    1880s) to 315 ppm in 1958, 345 ppm in 1990, 369
    ppm in 2000
  • Falling grain production

World Grain Production 1950-2000
What is Sustainable Development?
  • Sustainable development is development that meets
    the needs of the present without compromising the
    ability of future generations to meet their own
    needs World Commission on Environment and
    Development, 1987 Our Common Future (Brundtland
  • Agenda 21 In order to meet the challenges of
    environment and development, States decided to
    engage in a new global partnership ...
    sustainable development should become a priority
    item on the agenda of the international community
    UN Conf on Env Dev, Rio de Janeiro, June 1992
  • ... is nondeclining human well-being over time
    David Pearce, Economics of Sustainable
    Development, 1994

More on Sustainable Development
  • A particular system that when considered in
    isolation has a positive balance in relation to
    its own costs and benefits (Ravetz 1992)
  • Improving the quality of life within the carrying
    capacity or supporting ecosystems (WCU 1991)
  • The use of energy and materials in an urban area
    in balance with what the region can supply
    continuously through natural processes such as
    photosynthesis, biological decomposition, and the
    biochemical processes which sustain life (Lyle
  • Something is 'sustainable' if it has the capacity
    to continue. (Sustainable London)

Lester Brown (Worldwatch Institute)
  • Over the long term for sustainability
  • Species Extinction lt Species Evolution
  • Soil Erosion lt Soil Formation
  • Forest Destruction lt Forest Regeneration
  • Carbon Emissions lt Carbon Fixation
  • Fish Catches lt Regeneration Capacity of
  • Human Births lt Human Deaths

Key Points
  • Sustainability is concerned with future
    generations, intergenerational justice,
    resources, environment
  • Three systems must be maintained in healthy a
    healthy relationship ecological, social, and
  • Natural systems hold the key to human

The Systems
Natural (N)
Social (S)
Economic (E)
Proto-Sustainable Systems
Truly Sustainable Systems
Paradigm Shifts
  • Social problems
  • erosion of the family
  • educational system quality
  • crime and prisoners
  • decaying cities
  • Economic problems
  • unequal distribution of wealth
  • shift of productivity income, workers to capital
  • technology driven creative destruction
  • Environmental problems
  • loss of natural capital rainforest
  • greenhouse warming and ozone depletion
  • loss of soil, over-fishing, over-grazing,

What is the connection between...?
Thinking Sustainably Observe Nature
  • There is no such thing as waste
  • Live off current solar income
  • Respect and foster diversity

A key lesson from this course!
General Sustainability Principles
  • minimize resource consumption, use of
    non-renewables, pollution, toxics, waste
  • maximize efficiency, reuse, recycling, renewable
    resource use
  • foster conservation, understanding of natural
    systems functions, economic justice
  • focus on quality v. quantity, needs v. wants
  • redesign the economy and artifacts to mimic
    natural systems

Waste Pollution Inefficiency Lost
  • Positive Correlation environmentalism economic
  • Germany
  • environmental technologies
  • environmental policy economic policy
  • improved environmental quality improved
  • Japan
  • 40 less energy in steel production than US, far
    less air pollution
  • defy conventional wisdom
  • Research Agency of Innovative Technology for the
    Earth international competitiveness

Perverse Economics
  • Environmental damage actually add to GNP
  • Depletion of natural resources adds to GNP ( tax
  • The polluter hardly pays
  • Waste disposal is heavily subsidized
  • Maximum ROI drives corporate decisions
  • Discount rate maximizes todays

Strong vs. Weak Sustainability
  • Refers to different schools of thought
  • Strong natural capital is irreplaceable
  • Weak natural capital is substitutable by
    manmade capital
  • More discussion when we cover economic concepts

  • Extraction of resource and environmental damage
    continuing and even accelerating
  • We are rapidly destroying adapted, diverse
    ecosystems crucial to both our economy and our
  • Growth as a basic assumption of the economic
    system is mathematically and physically
  • Sustainability can help us change course to live
    within the constraints of nature with a high
    quality of life, to change our thinking.

The significant problems we face cannot be
solved at the same level of thinking we were at
when we created them. - Albert Einstein
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