Title: Trust%20Model%20for%20High%20Quality%20of%20Recommendations
1Trust Model for High Quality of Recommendations
- G. Lenzini, N. Sahli, and H. Eertink
- (Telematica Instituut, NL)
SECRYPT, special session, Porto, July 2008
3Ratings and Recommender/Review Systems
- Recommender systems aim to predict the rating
that a user would give to an unknown item (as if
he had indeed tasted, used, tried it)
4Recommender Systems
- Recommender systems three main categories
- Content based the prediction estimated from the
ratings that the user has given to similar
items - items are similar on content-based factors (tags,
keywords, ontologies) - Collaborative (filtering) based the prediction
estimated from the ratings that similar users
have given to the item - users are similar on taste likelihood
calculated upon common rated items - Hybrid
5Trust and Collaborative Filtering
- To overcome the limitation of current recommender
systems (i.e., sparsity and accuracy) very recent
proposals suggest to substitute the user
similarity with trust. - P. Massa, P. Aversani, Trust-aware Recommender
SystemsRECSYS 2007 -
- N. Lathia, S. Hailes, L. Capra, Trust-based
Collaborative FilteringIFIPTM 2008 - DellAmico, L. Capra, SOFIA Social Filtering for
Robust Recommendations, IFIPTM 2008 - D. Quercia, today
- The experimental results are positive.
Rummble.com uses trust-based recommendation with
commercial scope.
8Our motivation
9Virtual Communities
- We were working on virtual communities in
e-commerce applications (i.e., recommender and
reviews systems). - Virtual communities size may increases quite
fast. Trust becomes fuzzy quite fast too.
11Virtual Communities Networks of Trust questions
- How to provide specific solutions to maintain
trust relationships in those community? (e.g.,
autonomous) - How to increase the trustworthiness of members
towards the community and the information they
find there? (e.g., increase personalization) - What features can be advantageous in the design
of a trustworthy virtual community (e.g.,
agent-based, mobility)? - How to improve current recommender system that
are based on virtual communities (e.g., by
improving the quality of recommendation)?
12Quality vs Usefulness
- How to distinguish between a not useful
recommendation (but coming from a trusted
recommender) from a recommendation of doubt
honesty? - Recommenders experiences might have maturated in
different contexts. Recommenders may have tastes
that are completely different from ours. - That is sufficient/correct to label them as
13In practice Peer Review of Justification
14Our Proposal
15Solution for High Quality of Recommendation
- We designed a framework for an hybrid
recommender/reviews where trust and other
mechanisms are used to achieved high quality of
recommendations - Key concepts
- Trust Model
- Architecture (skipped in the talk, look into the
16Key Concepts
17Virtual Agora, TRat, TRec
network of (un)trusted recommender
registrer of (un)trusted items
Virtual Agora
18 Trust Model
19Trust Model
- Aim build/use/update TRat(A) and TRec(A)
- Notation
- In TRat(A), agents-items
- In TRec(A), agents-agents (recommenders)
- temporary and eventual, e.g.,
20Virtual Agora, TRat, TRec
network of (un)trusted recommender
register of (un)trusted items
Virtual Agora
21Detail of TRat(A), items
- A rating that a user gives to an item is
calculated, at a certain time, in a certain
context, by using a combination of the following
strategies - content-based (past experience on the similar
items, in the same or similar context) - collaborative filtering approaches (ratings from
similar users, same or similar items, same or
similar context) - trust-based approaches (ratings from trusted
users, same of similar items, same or similar
context) - Recommended ratings are selected/weighted upon
their quality - Outputs are merged and recommenders and their
recommendations are stored (from temporary to
22On High quality of recommendation
- quality trust in the source ? analysis of
23TRat(A), items Recommendation
- A accepts Ds recommendation only if Ds
trustworthiness combined with an evaluation of
the justification that D has given for his
recommendation is above a certain threshold. -
- Ds justification is a set of arguments
supporting the rating gave for each aspects
(e.g., food, ambience, service) - Ds arguments are evaluated against As way of
reasoning by running an argumentation protocol
24Argumentation Protocol
An argumentation protocol is a composition of
dialogue games (primitives assert, attack,
defend, challenge, justify, accept, refuse, or
declare undefined) Logic-based, efficient,
implementation of argumentation protocols are
available in the literature (J. Bentahar and J.J.
Meyer, 2007)
25Example (informal version)
- Olga
- why? (asking for ground)
- I may not like the place (stating a
counter-argument) - since traditional cooking may be not clean
(ground for the counter-argument) - is not for that that I am willing to pay a price
(alternative counter-arguments) - (refuse the argument)
- Paul
- I love that place (claim)
- They serve traditional food, cooked in the
traditional way.(grounds for a claim) - why? (asking for ground)
- yes, sometimes, it is the price you pay for
discovering new tastes (undercutting
counter-argument) - Ok, I agree
26Running an Argumentation Protocol
A and D run a protocol to argue on the arguments
that D has given for each aspect of its
recommendation. Output of the protocol a value of
As argumentation trust in Ds arguments
27Argumentation Trust
Nau argument accepted or undefined Nr
argument refused N Nr Nau
- Ds arguments can be so strong to have Ds
recommendation accepted (by As) despite Ds
trust as a recommender is not so strong - (after a real experience) if Ds recommendation
was indeed a good one, As trust in D increases. - Ds arguments are so weak to have Ds
recommendation refused (by A) despite Ds trust
as recommender is high. - (after a real experience) if Ds recommendation
was not a good one, Ds trust is not affected
because that recommendation was not accepted
anyhow. - Trust is dynamic
29Virtual Agora, TRat, TRec
network of (un)trusted recommender
register of (un)trusted items
Virtual Agora
30TRec(A), recommenders
- As builds/maintains its trust in D by using a
combination of the following strategies - evaluation of Ds reputation (as a recommender)
according to As past experience - direct evaluation of D by content-based
strategies (referral trust bootstrap) - check between Ds given recommendations and As
direct experience w.r.t. items recommended by D
31Conclusion andFuture Directions
32Features of our solution
- Context-awareness
- Unobtrusiveness
- Usefulness
- Quality
- Privacy and Subjectiveness
- Mobility
- Low Traffic
33On going work Duine Toolkit
- We have already implemented a prototype JADEX
(Jadex 2008) as a development environment, which
handles BDI concept. - In order to commercialise our solution and make
it useful for the market, we are currently
integrating our approach to a set of well-known
techniques. - Duine Toolkit (M. Van Setten et al, 2004),
developed in our Institute, is a framework for
hybrid recommender which makes available a
number of prediction techniques and allows them
to be combined dynamically
34On going, future work
- Have the solution implemented in a review site
- Evaluation by return of business-based metrics
- Mobility and automatic context capture with
35Not(Questions) ? Thanks(gabriele.lenzini_at_telin.