Title: Subject searching controlled vocabulary
1Subject Keyword
Searching 101
- Subject searching controlled vocabulary
conceptual - Â
- Keyword searching random words, phrases
non-conceptual - Â
- Field Tags
- Author
- Subject
- Title
- Abstract
- Accession Number
- Journal Number
- Image Caption
- Publication Typeetc
PNU 127/128
2Sample Record
Searching 101
PNU 127/128
3Boolean Searching
Searching 101
- Boolean Operators
- OR
PNU 127/128
4Boolean Searching
Searching 101
Truncation If you want to search for more than
one form of a word you can use a wildcard
symbol, usually an asterisk () to search for any
Nesting Sometimes a focused search, using more
than one Boolean operator, needs to combine
related words so the computer knows which terms
are connected to which Boolean operator. The
parentheses indicate relationships between the
search terms. Examples are (go home OR play with
Jim) AND (have a cookie) as opposed to (go
home) OR (play with Jim AND have a cookie)
PNU 127/128
- Â Proximity You can specify the location of
words in relation to other words. The most
common usage by phrase, which indicates a
search only for items where the words appear as a
5Boolean Searching
Searching 101
- Lets
- Review Boolean searching
PNU 127/128