Title: UKPDS 38: study design
1UKPDS 38 study design
Newly diagnosed hypertensive patients with type
2 diabetes (n 1544)
Previous antihypertensive treatment BP 150/85
mm Hg (n 421)
No previous antihypertensive treatment BP
160/90 mm Hg (n 727)
Less tight BP control (n 390)
Tight BP control (n 758)
Avoid ACE inhibitors/ beta-blockers (n 390)
ACE inhibitor to maximum dose (n 400)
Beta-blocker to maximum dose(n 358)
UKPDS 38 BMJ 199831770313
2UKPDS 38 participant characteristics
UKPDS 38 BMJ 199831770313
3UKPDS 38 tight control had a greater effect on
blood pressure
Blood pressure (mm Hg)
UKPDS 38 BMJ 199831770313
4UKPDS 38 relative risk reduction with tight
blood pressure control
Peripheral vascular disease
Microvascular endpoint
Any diabetes endpoint
All-cause mortality
Diabetes death
Relative risk reduction tight vs less tight BP
control ()
p lt 0.05 p lt 0.01
UKPDS 38 BMJ 199831770313
5UKPDS 39 similar effects of beta-blocker and ACE
Any diabetes endpoint
Adapted from BMJ 199831771320
6UKPDS 39 reasons for non-compliance
non-compliant patients ()
UKPDS 39 BMJ 199831771320