Title: Outline
1(No Transcript)
- Background
- Quark-Gluon Plasma and Heavy Ions
- Global Observables in Heavy Ion Collisions
- What are they? What do we learn from them?
- The STAR Experiment
- Analysis of Charged Particles in STAR
- Identified Particle Results
- Conclusions
3QGP in the Laboratory
4Global observables
- Inclusive single particle spectra at low p
- Represent system at Kinetic Freeze-out (Final
stage) - Thermalization, Expansion
- Boost invariance?
- Which particle production mechanisms matter?
- Can perhaps help to set constraints
- Initial conditions
- Evolution of the system
- Essential reference for systematic studies of
probes of deconfinement
5Momentum distributions
- Difference between SPS and RHIC
- At high energy expect
- larger contribution from jets, mini-jets
- h- p distribution closer to power law than
exponential - y distribution ? plateau at mid-rapidity
- spectra peaked at low energy (stopping),
- boost invariance at RHIC?
6STAR Detector Subsystems
1st year detectors (2000) 2nd year detectors
3rd year detectors
Zero Degree Calorimeter
Central Trigger Barrel
7Physics Run 2000
- Inclusive single particle spectra
- Track finding
- Corrections acceptance, efficiency, etc. as a
function of - momentum space cell
- y-pt
- Vertex position
- multiplicity
- particle species
- This analysis
- Tracking TPC
- Trigger ZDC CTB
- PID de/dx in TPC
- ? lt 1.8
- 0 lt f lt 2p
- P? gt 75 MeV/c
- Bfield
- 0.25 T (1/2 nominal)
- Trigger
- ZDC at ? 18 m
- CTB ? lt 1
8Identified Spectra dE/dx
Use calibrated curves Z variable
zp ln(Imeas/Ip)
9?- p? m? Spectra (vs. rapidity)
Each y bin scaled by factors of 2
Fits to Bose-Einstein Including low-pt No
additional low-pt enhancement
10?- rapidity distribution
Yield fairly flat decreasing slightly with
increasing y y lt 0.1 dN/dy 286 10 y
0.8 dN/dy 271 13
11Teff vs y
- Teff shows more pronounced y dependence
- Boost invariance does not yet hold at RHIC
- Flow? Additional baryons with increasing y?
12?- m? Spectra (centrality)
Range 0.05 lt p lt 0.75 Measure gt80 of total
yield Teff changes slowly with centrality 176
210 MeV
13K- and ?p, m? Distribution
K- Slope moderate centrality dependence Stronger
for ?p
?p dN/dy 20 4
K- dN/dy 43 4
14Inverse Slope Parameters
Slope stronger centrality dependence with
increasing particle mass Radial flow?
15K/h- ratio
Good agreement between dE/dx, Kink and K0s
analyses Kaon yields scale roughly with
16K/p ratio vs. ?s
K/p shows a maximum K-/p- increases
Change in rel. contributions of associated vs.
pair production
- Identified Particle Spectra
- visible y dependence boost invariance not yet
reached - ? slope parameter Teff, weak centrality
dependence - Anti-proton Teff increases dramatically (Radial
flow?) - Both K and ?p yields scale linearly with h-
- K/? ratio
- K shows a maximum at ?s 10, (associated
pair) - K- increases monotonically (pair)
- Collision picture including other observables is
beginning to emerge (see other STAR talks on HBT,
Elliptic Flow v2)
18Phase Diagram
e 1-3 GeV/fm3
F. Wilczek hep-ph/0003183
- Heavy Ions How does nuclear matter look at high