Classical Statistics and Scoring of Alignments - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Classical Statistics and Scoring of Alignments


Classical Statistics and Scoring of Alignments. Consider a probe of length l and ... In-class exercise I ... In-class exercise. W: AB. M : QLABCD ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Classical Statistics and Scoring of Alignments

Classical Statistics and Scoring of Alignments
Consider a probe of length l and a database of
total length m. How many subsequences of length n
are there in l? l-n1 How many subsequences of
length n are there in m? m-n1 SO THERE ARE
EXACTLY (l-m1) (m-n1) potential matches of
length m between the probe and the database.
Probability Coin Toss
  • There are only two outcomes possible for a coin
    toss heads and tails.
  • For a fair coin, the probability of getting heads
    on any one toss is 0.5 p 0.5
  • The probability of getting tails on any one toss
    is 0.5 q (1-p) 0.5

  • If you do lots of tosses, you expect heads and
    tails approximately half the time the
    probability for one toss has meaning over many
    tosses, too.
  • But if you do a finite number of tosses, you have
    a small chance of getting exactly half heads and
    and half tails most of the time youll get
    almost half and half

  • If you do many sets of tosses, you can find out
    empirically what your chances are of getting say
    4 heads out of 10 tosses P(k4 heads out of N10
  • Or you can figure it out mathematically by
    thinking about how many ways you could toss a
    coin 10 times and get 4 heads combinations

Ways to get heads
  • ways to get dif s heads
  • 1
  • 1 2 1
  • 1 3 3 1
  • 1 4 6 4 1
  • 1 5 10 10 5 1
  • 1 6 15 20 15 6 1

trials 1 2 3 4 5 6
Binomial theorem
  • The combinations in the triangle come from the
    binomial theorem since we have only two
    outcomes, you can write the probability of all
    outcomes as (p q)n, where n the number of
  • (pq)n pn n! p(n-1) q n! p(n-2) q2..qn
  • i!j! i!j!
  • where i the number of heads and j the number
    of tails
  • E.g., whats the probability of 4 out of 6
    heads? n 6, i 4, j 2 6!/4!2!(0.5)4(0.5)2

  • You can make a plot of all the possible
    probability scores against the number of heads
    you get

  • Notice that as n increases, the binomial
    distribution approaches a bell-shaped curve the
    gaussian distribution
  • The gaussian distribution has the familiar mean
    x and standard deviation s for common
    statistical analyses t-test, etc.

Gaussian Distribution
What about statistics for alignments?
  • What we want is a way to find out the
    significance of the score we assign to alignments
    either the similarity search or the alignments
    that we will be talking about next week
  • We need the probability of finding a particular

Probability of finding a score simplified
  • Lets consider sequences with an alphabet of just
    2 letters, A and B
  • Then p probability of a match to A, and q
    probability of match to B (or no match to A)
    this is just like tossing a coin and p q
  • For random sequences, we expect a total score of
    ½ N (N length of sequences)

In-class exercise I
  • Assume identity scoring, a gapless alignment and
    a sequence alphabet of A and B. What is the
    probability of two random sequences of length 4
    being identical?
  • What is the probability of 3 out of 4 characters

Probability of finding a score almost realistic
  • So what if we let there be 4 characters (as in
    the nucleic acid case)? Well keep identity
    scoring and no gaps
  • Now p(match) 0.25, and q(no match) 0.75
  • Since theres still only 2 outcomes we can use
    the binomial theorem to calculate the
    distribution of scores just as before (this is
    like a loaded coin)

In-class exercise II
  • Assume an alphabet of 4 letters A,G,C,T a
    gapless alignment, and identity scoring. What is
    the probability of two random sequences of length
    4 being identical?
  • What is the probability of 3 out of 4 characters

Distribution for 4-character, identity scoring
  • You can convince yourself that the probability
    distributions for scores of alignments using a
    4-character alphabet are not gaussian
  • This means you cant use t-tests, etc., to test
    significance of alignments

Alignment statistics
  • No theory for global alignments
  • Can use randomized sets
  • Statistics for ungapped local alignments

FASTA statistics
  • FASTA generates a random set of proteins
    sequences and reports the frequency of init1s
    (modified hits) against the randomized set
  • The tail of an actual search distribution usually
    contains more hits than are expected from the
    randomized set some of those extra hits will
    represent homologous proteins

  • Some of the other hits in the areas of higher
    probability of random hits will also represent
    homologous proteins

Karlin-Altschul statistics
  • BLAST initially generates ungapped alignments
  • Problem How many hits of score S are generated
    using a probe of length m vs. a database of total
    sequence length n?
  • Answer for high scores the number of hits is
    determined by the extreme value distribution
  • EKmn exp(-lS)

  • So as the probe length and the data base size go
    up, the expected number of hits go up linearly.
    As the cutoff score is raised, the number
    decreases exponentially
  • K and l are parameters which depend on factors
    such as the scoring matrix used

Statistics of alignment
  • Consider a probe of length l and a database of
    total length n. How many subsequences of length m
    are there in l?
  • l-m1
  • How many subsequences of length m are there in n?
  • n-m1
  • SO THERE ARE EXACTLY (l-m1) (n-m1) potential
    matches of length m between the probe and the

  • The number of matches expected is just the
    product of the number of potential matches and
    the probability of a pair matching
  • Expectation value (l-m1) (n-m1) pm
  • where p is the probability of a match at each
    position if each outcome (letter in the
    alphabet) is of equal probability, p is the
    inverse of the number of outcomes (letters).

  • Using gapless alignments and identity scoring,
    the score of a particular comparison between a
    probe and a database is just the number of
    matches in the region considered.
  • Suppose we extend any hits in both directions
    until we reach a mismatch the score obtained
    will be just the number of consecutive hits m.
  • We seek the number of random hits expected of
    score at least SM. The expectation value is just
  • (l-M1) (n-M1) pM
  • for DNA (four bases) and large l and n, this is
    n l 4-S

Statistics of alignment
  • Now suppose we modify our T value and extension
    rules so that to get score S we need to get only
    i out of m matches, with j misses allowed. The
    probability of i hits out of m is just
  • m! pi qj
  • i!j!

  • We can find the expectation value by multiplying
    by the number of potential m base comparisons.
    for DNA (four bases) and large l and n, this is
  • n l m! pi qj
  • i!j!

  • The expectation value for the number of hits of
    score S in a database of length n with a probe of
    length l is
  • n l m! pi qj
  • i!j!
  • if it takes i hits out of ij elements to reach
  • Using identity scoring, Si and for qgtgtp and
    small j
  • this is close to
  • n l m! pi
  • i!j!

  • The expression
  • n l m! pi
  • i!j!
  • or n l m! (1/p)-S
  • i!j!
  • is a reasonable approximation for DNA sequences
    only for j0 or 1, but for amino acid sequences q
    is large enough to tolerate several mismatches.

  • More generally,
  • n l m! (1/p)-S
  • i!j!
  • is equivalent to K n l (1/p )-S , where K
    contains both the binomial coefficients and the
    terms in q.
  • For non-identity scoring, we have
  • K n l exp (-lS)
  • which is the general form of the extreme value
    distribution l is a scale factor for the score

  • An algorithm is an exact set of instructions for
    carrying out a task using a limited menu of
  • Algorithms are most often associated with
    computer programs, but they can also be used by
    humans to solve problems
  • Small number of operations defined in the
    programming language compared to, say, words or
    phrases in English

Algorithms in minimal C
  • Instructions
  • main () means program is beginning
  • Statements have operators
  • , , -, , (increment), (modulus), ()
    (separating terms)
  • Statements are not algebra!
  • x x 1

  • Statements end in
  • Statements are about variables
  • Variables start with characters (i, x, b5)
  • Variables need to be declared so the program can
    use them
  • float x (float means any real number) int I (int
    means an integer) char b (char means character)
  • Arrays are a list of data that can be associated
    with a variable arrays run from 0 to n-1 where n
    is the number in brackets
  • float x int a50 char b500 float x

  • Variables need to be initialized (given a
    starting value) if they are going to be
  • Loops and conditions
  • For (conditions) statements means do
    statement operations while conditions are met
  • If (conditions) statements else statements
    means do first statements while conditions are
    met, and when conditions are not met do second
    statements this is a one-time thing
  • While (conditions) statements means keep
    doing statements while conditions are met, and as
    soon as they are not met, stop this is
    continuous while conditions are met
  • continue go to next iteration of current loop
    skipping intervening statements (curly brackets)
  • break means get out of the current loop

  • Loops have curly brackets around them
  • Loops can be nested
  • Loops are operations that continue until
    something changes
  • Arithmetic sqrt (x), exp (x), log (x), etc.
  • Logical operators (equals), ! (not equal),
    gt, lt, lt, gt, (boolean AND), (boolean OR)
  • Real programs need an input and an output
    function input reads data into the program, and
    output records the results of the operations in
    the program. You will not need to worry about
    the input and output parts of the algorithms, we
    will provide them to you.

  • Simple algorithm to find the average of N terms
  • Main() starts program
  • Float s, av, x declares variables
  • int i, N declares variables
  • Input (x, N) gets data
  • s 0 initializes s (value 0)
  • for (i 0 iltN i) loop and statement
  • s s xi
  • av s/N arithmetic statement
  • Output (av) average reported
  • end program

  • How a simple loop works
  • for (i 0 iltN i)
  • s s xi
  • Initially, we had set S0, so the first time
    through the loop i0 and S is set equal to X(0).
    Then we increment i by one, so I 1, and s
    x(0) x(1). This process continues until i N,
    at which point s x(0) x(1) x(N-1) in
    other words, s is the sum of all the elements of
    the array x, which is the input.

In-class exercise
  • Use the following data and the algorithm for the
    average of N terms to find the average 3,5,8,9
  • Main()
  • Float s, av, x
  • int i, N
  • Input (x, N)
  • s 0
  • for (i 0 iltN i)
  • s s xi
  • av s/N
  • Output (av)

Nested Loops
  • Often we need to cover a space defined by
    multiple variables. Suppose we have a matrix with
    elements X(i,j)
  • X(1,1) X(1,2) X(1,3) X (1,n)
  • X(2,1) X(2,2) X(2,3) .X (2,n)
  • .
  • .
  • X(m,1)

  • To write the elements of X(i,j), we can use two
    nested loops, one indexed to i and the other to
  • for (i0, iltm , i)
  • for (j0, jltn, j)
  • output x(i,j)

Outside loop
Inside loop
Another algorithm simple sequence similarity
  • Probe sequence w of length J elements w(j), j
    1,2, J
  • Library sequence m of length I elements m(i), i
    1,2, I
  • Problem find all exact matches of for the whole
    length of w in m

Search algorithm
  • Main ()
  • int i, j, I, J char w , m
  • Input (w, m, I, J)
  • i 0, j 0
  • for (i0 iltI i )
  • for (j0 jltJ j )
  • if (w j ! m i j ) break
  • if (jJ) output i

Outer loop
Inner loop
Search algorithm
  • How it works outside loop in i controls the
    start of the sequence comparison in m i is the
    of the sequence element in m compared to the
    first element in w.
  • inside loop in j increments the index of both w
    and m, allowing the comparison of successive
    elements for each starting point fixed by i.

Sliding Box Model
  • i controls the region of m selected for

W1 W2... M1 M2 -----------------------------------
Above box represents the position of w on m for
i1, so that W1 gets compared to M1, W2 to M2,
etc. as j increases
W1 W2...
M1 M2 -----------------------MI
Below box represents the position of w on m for
i2, the second time through the outer loop. As j
increases W1 is compared to M2, W2 to M3, etc.
In-class exercise
  • W AB
  • Use the simple sequence similarity search
    algorithm to find matches between w and m
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