Title: Lt Col Ron Dunic
1Air Force Weather (AFW) Education and Training
Lt Col Ron Dunic AF/XOWR 25 Jul 00
- Background
- Weather Officer Training
- Enlisted Training
- Weather Training for Aircrews and Customers
- AFW relies heavily on enlisted personnel, guided
by weather officers, to provide operational
support - Prior to reengineering, AFW qualification and
upgrade training conducted at local unit level - Units typically consisted of approximately 20
personnel - Young airmen trained first as observers then
returned to forecaster school at approximately
the 4-year point - New weather officers trained on the forecast
counter before serving as Wing Weather Officers,
etc. - Downsizing, the divestiture of Air Weather
Service, and manning shortages in the 1990s
impacted training
- AFW developed a reengineering plan to better
provide timely, accurate, and relevant Weather
support - Regionally-focused hubs responsible for analysis
and forecasting also serve as training ground
for apprentices - Brings together a critical mass of experienced
forecasters - Training done by experienced forecasters in a
team environment - Apprentices have time to learn the art of
forecasting - Revised enlisted career track, improved training
key to plan - Airmen learn forecasting skills first
- 1st assignment is to a hub as a forecaster
apprentice - Return to an advanced school before assignment to
a flight/det - Experienced personnel assigned to local
flights/dets - Focus is on weathers impact to the mission and
supporting the decision making process
5Weather Officer Training
- New weather officers enter AFW after earning met
degree or completing the Basic Met Program - Attend an Officer Initial Skills Course (ISC) at
Keesler AFB before their first assignment - Provide practical skills and knowledge to
complement his/her academic work in weather
concepts and theory - 61 of weather officers hold an Advanced Academic
Degree (AAD) in weather or science - Selected officers earn an AAD at civilian
universities/colleges - Work to exploit new technology/techniques in
production units - Integrate space weather analysis and forecasting
into operations - Serve as Staff Mets supporting the acquisition
process - Provide technical oversight and assistance to
field units
Air Space Basic Crs
Ops Met
Instr Met
Command Meteorologist
Init Skills Crs
AFIT Terrestrial/Space WX
Wx Flt Crs
OPS Wx SQ, Strat Ctr, Staff Met, or Wx Flt/CC
Staff Off
Wx Flt, AFIT, Staff Met, Strat Ctr
Entry Rqmt of B.S. in Met
7Enlisted TrainingOverall Approach/Initial Skills
- AFW trains using an integrated building block
approach of schoolhouse, formal OJT, and
correspondence courses - Airmen entering AFW attend a 19-week ISC at
Keesler AFB - ISC teaches most topics to the principles level
for subject knowledge, partially proficient
level for task knowledge topics include - Observing fundamentals to decode and use
observations - Interpretation of climatological aids
- Structure and property of the atmosphere
- Analysis and prognosis skills
- Forecasting and meteorological watch
- Basic oceanography
- Space environment
8Enlisted TrainingUpgrade and Qualification in
- Forecaster apprentices receive 2-3 years of
intensive supervised qualification and upgrade
training in a hub - Training done by a mix of AFW NCOs and
contractors - Apprentices train on core tasks (e.g.,
forecasting cloud height) using Qualification
Training Packages (QTPs) - Each QTP contains a trainee workbook, trainers
guide, and evaluation package - QTPs provide standardized training across the
hubs - Airmen must complete 15-volume Career Development
Course (CDC) prior to upgrade to journeyman - Correspondence course administered by Air
University - Expands knowledge taught in Apprentice Course and
through OJT
9Enlisted Training
- After upgrade to Weather Journeyman, airmen will
attend the advanced Weather Flight Operations
Course - Course scheduled to begin Oct 01
- Concentrates on the application of weather in the
decision making process and its impact to
specific missions - Teaches practical observing skills and combat
field skills - After graduation, airmen assigned to field level
units at Air Force Bases and Army Posts providing
direct support to the warfighter
Jrnymn UGT OJT / CDC
7-level Training / Space Wx CDC / Resident Crs
(2 wks)
Initial Skills
Wx Flt Course
Wx Flt / Det
Hub, Flt / Det, Strat Center
11Weather Training for Aircrews and Customers
- Pilots receive instruction in weather during
Undergraduate Pilot Training - Mostly computer-based training with some lecture
- AFW officer subject matter experts assist in
development of curriculum - Reengineering integrates forecasters directly
into the flight planning process two-way
education between aviators and weather
forecasters - Local weather units involved in the Instrument
Refresher Course Program brief seasonal weather
phenomena, local effects, new capabilities (e.g.,
NEXRAD), etc. - AF/XOW teaches AFW capabilities at Air
Universitys Operations Group Commanders Course
- AFW is reengineering to better support operations
and train personnel - Officers are degreed meteorologists trained to
provide military weather support most hold AADs
and work to exploit and insert new technologies
and techniques - Revamped enlisted career track and training
allows airmen to mature into highly capable
forecasters - AFW actively involved in educating aviators and
the operational community on weather and its