Title: Occultation Science from the Sixties to Present
1(No Transcript)
2Occultation Science from the Sixties to
Present T. P. Yunck and W. G. Melbourne Jet
Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of
Technology OPAC-1 Graz, Austria 16-20
September 2002
3Origins-I Optical Occultation
Stellar Occultation by Venus
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5Venus passing behind the Moon
6Moon-Saturn Occultation
November 2001
7Moon-Saturn Occultation
November 2001
8Moon-Saturn Occultation
November 2001
9Pseudo Optical Occultation of Jupiter Rings
10Grazing Stellar Occultation at Jupiter
11Pluto Stellar Occultation
July 20, 2002
The only planet not yet visited by a spacecraft
12Images of Pluto and Charon
Constructed from Occultation Measurements
13Origins-II Planetary Radio Occultation
Mariner IV at Mars July 1965
14Mariner IV Occultation at Mars Two Competing
Amazing facts At 10 cm wavelength, 1 free
electron will cancel the refractive effect of 2.5
x 1011 CO2 molecules.
15Mariner IV Mars 15 July 1965 ( JPL wirephoto )
16Mariner IV Occultation at Mars Earliest Results
17Mariner IV Occultation at Mars Refined Results
18Mariner V at Venus 19 October 1967
19Mariner V Occultation at Venus Separate Stanford
JPL Experiments
Amplitude and phase based retrievals
20Mariner V Occultation at Venus Temperature
Profile Comparison
Fjeldbo et al., 1971
21Pioneer Venus Orbiter 1979-1982
Data taken over multiple seasons
First recovery of zonal winds from pressure
22Outer Planets I Jupiter and Saturn
23Outer Planets Occultation Retrieval Challenges
Uncertain composition and mixing Uncertain
rotation rates Pronounced oblateness
24Saturns Strange Moon Voyager Occultation of
High altitude methane clouds
Surface pressure was unknown to within a factor
of 1000 (answer 1.5 bars)
25Saturn Ring Occultation
The rings act as a vast, thin, complex
diffraction screen.
Sampling of the phase-amplitude hologram allows
detailed recon-struction of the ring structure
26Saturn Ring Occultation
This inverse Fresnel filtering improves
resolu-tion by x50-90 over the 15 km Fresnel
Marouf, Tyler, Rosen, 1986
27Outer Planets II Uranus and Neptune
28Uranian Rings
Voyager Stellar Occultation
Voyager Radio Occultation
29Neptunian Rings
30Occultation Subjects A Group Portrait
31An Observation on the Terrestrial Planets
This atmosphere is too thin
This atmosphere is too thick
33What took so long?
Need a lot of transmitters and a lot of LEO
receivers GPS did not fit the paradigm One-way
only Need flight USOs? Dithered GPS signal
Need classified receiver? Suppressed GPS
carrier Crude pseudorange only? Multipath a
major concern Need high-gain antennas?
34Earth Occultation Early Concepts
Fishbach, 1965 Stellar occultation from LEO
Lusignan et al., 1969 Radio sounding with
tandem LEOs at a fixed separation
Gurvich and Krasilnikova, 1987 Navigation
satellites for sensing Earth atmosphere
35GPS Geoscience Instrument EOS-A, EOS-B and Space
Station (1988-1992)
Three Antennas 18 Channels Full Sky View
POD Geodesy Ionosphere Mapping Atmospheric
36The GPS-MET Experiment on MicroLab-I 1995 - ?
(4) TerraSAR-X ?
Coming Attractions
COSMIC/Rocsat3 (6)