Title: EM Programme
1EM Programme Keeping attractiveness and
excellence and developing a common identity
21- From attractiveness to programmes
achievements results and outputs2 - Erasmus
Mundus Integrating aspects Experience and
findings3 Learning from the EM experience
Sharping the EM focus4 Upcoming
challenges EM Knock-on effects
3- 1- From attractiveness to programmes
achievements - results and outputs
4Erasmus Mundus EM Windows additionality
5EM Programme outputs 2004-2006key facts and
figures EMMCs
- 80 Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses (until 12/2006)
- 369 higher educations institutions networking
within the EM programme - 2007 selection
- 156 EMMCs applications submitted - 469 HEIs
involved - 23 new EMMCs selected - 109 HEIs involved
6EM Programme outputs 2004-2006key facts and
figures disciplines
- Disciplines represented in EMMCs
- Engineering (including Engineering, Environment,
IT Telecom.) gt 44 Courses - Humanities (social, cultural and political
sciences) gt 20 Courses - Law Business and Economy gt 8 Courses
- Science, Health and Medicine gt 8 Courses
7EM Programme outputs 2004-2006key facts and
figures mobility
- Third country students
- 2004-2005 140 grants for students
- 2005-2006 808 grants for students
- 2006-2007 1377 grants for students
- 2007-2008 1800 grants for students (2825
including Action 3) - Most popular countries China, Brazil, Russia,
India, Thailand, Pakistan - Third country scholars
- 2004-2005 28 grants for scholars
- 2005-2006 133 grants for scholars
- 2006-2007 231 grants for scholars
8EM Programme outputs 2004-2006key facts and
figures third country cooperation Action 3
- 19 on-going Partnerships with 3rd country
institutions - 27 third countries involved with the strongest
participation from the following countries
China, Brasil, USA, Australia and South Africa. - 985 European Erasmus Mundus students and 229
European Erasmus Mundus scholars have received a
scholarship to study/work at third-country higher
education institutions - Thematic areas
- 8 partnerships in Life Sciences,
- 6 in Humanities,
- 4 in Economic and Business
- 1 in Sciences
9- 2 - Erasmus Mundus
- Integrating aspects
- Experience and findings
10Ensuring high quality standards course
excellenceDegree Awarding Recognition
- Minimum requirement gt Double degree
- Highly recommended gt Joint degree
- Stock taking Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses
selected (2004-2007) - - 26 Universities award a joint degree
- - 21 Universities award a multiple degree
- - 40 Universities award a double degree
- - 7 Universities having specified more than one
type of degree - At least 8 EM Masters Courses that were initially
awarding a double or multiple degree have
achieved a joint degree
11Common management concerns Tuition fees
funding EMMCs
- The application of one single tuition fees to all
third-country students regardless whether they
receive an EM scholarship or not and for European
students is an essential element of the
integrated study programme of an EM Masters
Course - The average tuition fees of the EMMCs is 5000
6000 per academic year
12Common management concerns Visa facilitating
mobility for EMMCs
- Obstacles to EM mobility - Delays in delivery of
visa and residence permits - Good practice to improve mobility
- - Identify the main actors involved in the
process and their role in facilitating visa
permits - - Ensure a flow of information on European and
national legislations -
13- 3 Learning from the EM experience
- Sharping the EM focus
14Keeping excellence and high quality standards of
- Thematic priorities
- EMMCs selection is "open to Masters Courses
operating in all - fields of study", however specific disciplines
have been earmarked - as priority
- Architecture, urban and regional planning
- Art and design
- Business studies, management sciences
- Languages and philological sciences
- Law
- Mathematics and info-society
- Medical sciences
- Requirement as long as they can meet a the
very high quality level requested from selected
15Fine tuning in EMMCscommon management issues
- Policy of tuition fees
- Policy towards European Students
- Mobility tuning student scholar selection
- New rule for pre-financing
- New consultation role for EM National Structures
16- 4 Upcoming challenges
- EM Knock-on effect
- Further strengthening third country cooperation
- the development of the Erasmus Mundus Windows
Asian, ACP and Western Balkans - the development of new external cooperation
scheme with the EC External Relations services
EuropeAid cooperation office EMECW - Challenges in the management of future mandates
- the management of EM Action 4 attractiveness of
the European higher education system - the management of USA/Canada scholarship scheme
18- EM Windows
- Further promoting the attractiveness of the
European Higher Education Area in the world
19EM Windows operational Windows 2007
- Asia China and India
- Budget 18.7M
- India 17.2M (5-6 students)
- China 1.5M (0-1 students)
- NEW ACP (79 countries)
- Budget 4.7 M (1-2 students 1 year)
- NEW Western Balkans (Bosnia-Herzegovina,
Serbia, Montenegro, Albania) - Budget 5M (1-2 students 2 years)
20- targeting neighbourhood
- countries EMECW
- Further promoting the attractiveness of the
European Higher Education Area in the world
21Further promoting attractiveness of the EHEA
third country co-operation
- EMECW targeting EU neighbourhood countries
- The Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window is
designed to foster co-operation in the field of
higher education between the European Union and
Third-countries through a mobility scheme
addressing student and academic exchanges - Global budget will be 36M
- Grants awarded a minimum 1 M and a maximum of 6
M million (in accordance with the volume of
mobility proposed within each lot) - 9 geographical lots.
22Further promoting attractiveness of the EHEA
third country co-operation
- EMECW targeting EU neighbourhood countries
- Partnership 5 EU Higher Education Institutions
and minimum 1 Higher Education Institution for
each country concerning each group - Maximum partnership 20 Higher Education
Institutions - Type of mobility individuals and academic staff
- Undergraduate
- Master
- Doctorate
- Post doctorate
- Academic staff
- Deadline for application 31/01/2007
23Additional Challenges to continue promoting the
attractiveness of the EHEA third country
- the management of EM Action 4 attractiveness of
the European higher education system - the management of USA/Canada scholarship scheme
24Wishing you Good Work
- for your