Designing a Physical Education Curriculum that Makes Sense - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Designing a Physical Education Curriculum that Makes Sense


PE is a foundation for an active and healthy lifestyle. ... the development of a healthy and active body contributes to academic achievement. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Designing a Physical Education Curriculum that Makes Sense

Designing a Physical Education Curriculum that
Makes Sense
  • Steve C. Jefferies
  • Kirk E. Mathias
  • Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA
  • (Contact

What a curriculum isnt
  • A list of skills, games or sports
  • Separate lists at elementary, middle, and
    secondary levels
  • Activities (skills and drills) that are repeated
    at every grade level
  • Chosen based on teacher preference
  • Activities requested by students with limited
    experience of alternatives
  • Exposure to many skills and mastery of none
  • A document to be shelved

Scope Sequence
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21st Century Physical Education
  • Lifestyles have changed over the past 50 years.
  • Many jobs no longer exist and many jobs our
    students will do have yet to be created.
  • How has Physical Education changed?
  • Elementary
  • Middle School
  • High School

  • If you always do what youve always done, youll
    always get what youve always got.

  • If you don't know where you are going, you will
    be lost when you get there.
  • Yogi Berra

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Ellensburg School District
TEN Planning Steps
  1. Identify PE Values Beliefs
  2. Write PE Philosophy Mission Statement
  3. Identify School District Program Goals
  4. List Prioritize PE Program Content
  5. Organize PE Program Content
  6. Select Content Based On Time and Program Goals
  7. Sequence Content Across Grades
  8. Sequence Content Within Grades
  9. Design Instructional Unit Plans
  10. Schedule Completed Curriculum into School

Preparing for change
  • Physical education for the 21st Century
  • NASPE Content Standards (NASPE)
  • Appropriate Practices guidelines (NASPE)
  • Review curriculum models
  • Browse K-12 school web sites (PELINKS4U)
  • What is New Physical Education?
  • Elementary Secondary Challenges
  • Physical education is critical to a complete
    education (NASPE document)
  • What constitutes a quality physical education
    program? (NASPE)
  • Kansas Standards (http//

Create an atmosphere for change!!
  • Fund a 2-day event Focused time
  • Invite ALL teachers
  • Choose convenient dates/times
  • Host out-of-town
  • Park cell phones outside meeting room!
  • Get commitment to be a full participant

PE Values Beliefs
  • Helps to create a vision of what you want your
    program to look like.
  • If time can create/If time is limited present
    some options and have individuals select top 5.
  • Combine into groups and have groups create top 5.
  • Finish by having entire group come to consensus
    on a total of 10-12 statements.

PE Values Beliefs
  • The XYZ Physical Education and Health Education
    Staff Value
  • ? The opportunity to teach students new skills
    and knowledge that will have a positive impact on
    their lives.
  • ? Helping students to learn the skills needed to
    successfully participate in new physical
  • The importance of health-promoting physical
    activity for all students regardless of gender,
    race, or ability and the positive benefits to be
    gained from regular participation.

PE Values Beliefs
  • The XYZ Physical Education and Health Education
    Staff Believe
  • ? Physical Education and Health Education are
    core components of the schools academic
  • The development of a healthy and active body
    contributes to academic achievement.
  • All students, regardless of ability, can
    successfully experience meaningful and enjoyable
    daily physical activity within and outside the
    school setting.

Health Fitness Values
  • The Ellensburg School Health and Fitness Staff
  • maintaining the health triangle
    (mental/emotional, physical, social)
  • positive attitudes and hard work during regular
    physical activity participation and goal setting.
  • physical education as an integral component to a
  • school district and community support for
    Physical Education.
  • the self-esteem level of our students.
  • the impact that Physical Education has on
    students relative to real world demands.
  • a program that promotes being physically active
    for a lifetime.
  • students who are working toward personal fitness.

Terri Drain, Physical Education Teacher
Health Fitness Beliefs
  • The Ellensburg School Health and Fitness Staff
  • that students who are emotionally, physically and
    socially healthy are more apt to be physically
  • PE is a foundation for an active and healthy
  • PE is a just as important as any other subject.
  • the development of a healthy and active body
    contributes to academic achievement.
  • fitness is a lifelong habit and prepares children
    to take ownership for their own health and
  • PE/Health teachers should provide positive,
    motivating, PE experiences that help all students
    to make better life style choices.
  • PE should offer opportunity for everyone to
  • PE provides opportunity for development of
    teamwork sportsmanship, communication, goal
    setting and leadership.
  • PE inspires activity outside of the school day.
  • PE should be taught by trained/endorsed physical
  • that progressive motor skill development is
    essential for lifetime participation.
  • that PE should be required daily.
  • that the Physical Education curriculum should be
    closely articulated with the state and national

Terri Drain, Physical Education Teacher
Mission Statement(where are you going?)
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Evergreen High School Physical Education and
Health Program Mission Statement
The mission of the Evergreen High School Physical
Education and Health Program is to motivate and
educate every student with the skills and
knowledge necessary to become healthy and stay
healthy. Good health and fitness has a positive
impact physically, socially, emotionally, and
academically. Our mission is to provide a safe
learning environment filled with respect and
consistency where our students are motivated and
educated to lead healthy, active and productive
  • Identify School District Program Goals

GOAL 1 Demonstrate skill proficiency and
knowledge in Aquatics, Dance/Rhythms, Individual
Activities, and Dual Activities. GOAL 2 Assess
and maintain a level of physical fitness to
improve health and performance. GOAL 3
Demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness
concepts, principles, and strategies to improve
health and performance. GOAL 4 Demonstrate
personal and social skills.
Renton School District PE Health Program
Goals 1. Demonstrate skill proficiency and
knowledge in four activities One Team Sport
One Fitness Activity One Individual Sport One
Recreational/Lifetime Activity 2. Develop a
personalized health-promoting fitness plan 3.
Participates regularly and values participation
in health-promoting physical activity in and out
of school 4. Demonstrate appropriate social
skills and behaviors when participating in
physical activity.
Health Fitness Program Goals
  • The Ellensburg School District Health Fitness
    Curriculum has been designed to help all students
    meet National and State Content Standards and
    specifically be able to
  • develop a general fitness plan using the FITT
    (Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type) principle
    for individual needs and desires.
  • demonstrate skill proficiency and knowledge in
    three activities one Team Sport one
    Individual Sport one Recreational/Lifetime
  • participate in physical activities.
  • understand the effects of drugs, alcohol, tobacco
    and other health related diseases have on their
    daily lives and be able to develop strategies
    that will enable them to make personal choices.
  • identify healthy food choices and their impact on
    body composition / fitness.
  • provide a basic knowledge of the equipment,
    rules, safety and necessary skills in a wide
    variety of fitness activities that can be enjoyed
    for life.
  • understand the importance of body composition
    rather than focusing on weight to determine
    fitness levels.
  • demonstrate responsible personal and social
    behavior in a variety of settings.

List Prioritize PE Program Content
Select Content Based On Time and Program Goals
  • So much to do and so little time.
  • What do we want our students to be able to do?
  • 100 minutes?
  • 700 minutes?
  • 1800 purposeful trials?

Calculating Time
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Calculated Percentage of Time Across Grades
  K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Fitness 5 10 10 15 30 30 40 55 60 75 Total Choice Total Choice Total Choice
Skill       15 30 45 50 35 35 20 Total Choice Total Choice Total Choice
Locomotor 30 30 25 15 5           Total Choice Total Choice Total Choice
Stability 40 30 15 5 5           Total Choice Total Choice Total Choice
Manipulative 25 30 45 40 20 15         Total Choice Total Choice Total Choice
Emotional/social 0 0 5 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 Total Choice Total Choice Total Choice
Total Percentage 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100      
Sequence Content Across Grades
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Content Across Grades (Team Sports)
Total Number of Days for Sport by Grade Total Number of Days for Sport by Grade Total Number of Days for Sport by Grade Total Number of Days for Sport by Grade Total Number of Days for Sport by Grade Total Number of Days for Sport by Grade Total Number of Days for Sport by Grade Total Number of Days for Sport by Grade Total Number of Days for Sport by Grade Total Number of Days for Sport by Grade Total Number of Days for Sport by Grade Total Number of Days for Sport by Grade Total Days Available
  k 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Days Available
Team Sports                        
Basketball       1.24 2 3 12 8.93 4 2   33.17
Soccer       2 2.48 2 8 3 7.9 7   32.38
Volleyball         2 4.72 7 7 7 5   32.72
Total Number of Days Available       3.24 6.48 9.72 27 18.93 18.9 13.5   98.27
Ellensburg School District
  • Sequence Content Within Grades

Skill Breakdown by Sport Skill Breakdown by Sport Skill Breakdown by Sport Skill Breakdown by Sport Skill Breakdown by Sport Skill Breakdown by Sport Skill Breakdown by Sport Skill Breakdown by Sport Skill Breakdown by Sport Skill Breakdown by Sport Skill Breakdown by Sport
  k 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
dribbling       x x        
passing         x        
shooting           x      
defense             x x x
offense             x x x
x introduction to concept and skills
mastery of skills
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  • Design Instructional Unit Plans

Schedule Completed Curriculum into School
"Intelligence and skill can only function at the
peak of their capacity when the body is healthy
and strong"                                       
                        - John F. Kennedy
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