Title: IEA Task XIII: Demand Response Resources
1- IEA Task XIII Demand Response Resources
- Start-up and Proposed Project Tasks/Activities
- Presented at
- Experts Workshop
- May 10, 2004
- Presented by
- Pete Scarpelli
- RETX Energy Services, Inc.
2Project Tasks -- Initial Statement
- Initial views regarding Project Tasks based on
"Concept Paper Demand Response Resources (DRR)" - This paper builds upon several recent IEA
activities including - Workshop On Enhancing Demand Response In
Liberalized Electricity Markets At IEA
Headquarters, Paris, February 2003 - IEA Publication The Power to Choose, October
2003, IEA Online Bookstore and - IEA Experts Workshop on DRR, hosted by the New
York Independent System Operator (NYISO) and the
New York Energy Research Development Authority
(NYSERDA) Albany, NY, September 2003. - 1
3Conclusions from IEA Work
- Three conclusions from prior IEA work support
the objectives and approach - Current market designs do not enable demand
response due to - out-dated metering and related technologies,
- a lack of real-time price information reaching
consumers, - regulated retail prices while wholesale markets
have largely been deregulated, - system operators focused on supply-side
resources and, - a legacy where demand response was not considered
important. - Significant investment is needed in DR
infrastructure to enable markets to communicate
the value and cost of electricity. - Governments and regulators are key in enabling DR
-- benefits of DRare dispersed among different
market players and current markets will not
develop a meaningful DR capability without
facilitation. - 2
4Objectives Developed at Initial Expert's
- Identify and develop the country-specific
information needed to establish the potential for
demand response. - Perform the market and institutional assessment
needed to set realistic goals for the
contribution of DRR to sector objectives. - Mobilize technical and analytic resources needed
to support the implementation of DRR programs and
track their performance. - 3
5Proposed Activities / Tasks
- Eight proposed activities and project tasks
- Task 1 -- Finalize Principles and County-Specific
Objectives - Task 2 -- Define the DR Resource Base and Market
Characterization - Task 3 Market Potential of DRR
- Task 4 Demand Response Valuation
- Task 5 Role and Value of Enabling Technologies
- Task 6 Priorities and Barriers Solutions and
Recommendations - Task 7 Develop DRR Network of Methods, Tools
and Applications - Task 8 Deliver Products and Intellectual
Property (IP) - 4
6Task 1 -- Finalize Principles and County-Specific
- Define basic principles for the project
- One Global objectives based upon IEA
principles. - Two Country-specific objectives, with each
participating country customizing their own
objectives within the global objectives. - Three Finalize deliverables and define how they
would be applicable to each participating
country. - Actions
- Initial position paper on project objectives and
deliverables - Start-up meeting to obtain review and input on
global objectives. - Refine deliverables for the different Annex
Subtasks. - Develop country-specific objectives -- each
country would develop its own objectives within
the global objectives. - For each country, identify how the deliverables
can be applied to their markets and
circumstances. - 5
7Task 2 -- Define the DR Resource Base and Market
- Characterize DR offers, products, services and
enabling technologies. - Identify market actors involved and the decisions
that need to be made by market actors to
effectively deploy DRR. - Steps to be taken include
- Intellectual Review -- Reports, studies and any
other relevant information on DR methods and
applications. - Classification Scheme -- Typology for DR
products, services and technologies based on
important product and delivery features. - Characterize Methods -- Examine policies and
processes that can be used to integrate DR into
liberalized electricity markets. - Product -- Best practices data base
- Identify existing DR efforts and,
- Catalogue operation and performance to create a
best practices database. - 6
8Task 3 Market Potential of DRR
- Build on Best Practices to determine economic DR
within different markets and under different
market conditions. - Steps
- Define markets based on DR product and delivery
pathways. - Consider market structures, product and delivery
needs, and objectives to be met by DR. - Develop method(s) for estimating economic DR
potential. - On a regional level and on a country level.
- Develop DR potential relationships, i.e., how
economic DR will vary given changes in key
variables (e.g., operating reserves, peak and
off-peak prices, customer characteristics, and
technology costs). - Apply methods (by request) on a regional and
country-specific basis. - Product -- Define attainable magnitudes of DR (or
estimation methods) for region and
country-specific markets (based on the market
attributes). - 7
9Task 4 Demand Response Valuation
- Develop the methods and procedures to establish
the value proposition to guide DR initiatives. - Steps
- Methods to assess the "public value" of DR --
contributions to reliability and price
stabilization objectives of liberalized markets. - Methods to assess the "private value" of DR to
market actors. - Create an integrated value model/approach that
characterizes the level and distribution of
benefits associated with DR (recognize different
market structures, product designs, and customer
response). - Conduct workshops to train country experts on the
use and interpretation of the integrated value
model -- the business case from public and
private perspectives. - One Concept -- Use the "value framework" combined
with "economic market potential" to establish DR
goals (by country). - 8
10Task 5 Role and Value of Enabling Technologies
- Catalogue technologies and systems available for
use in DR programs from the perspective of the
system operator and the participating customer. - Steps
- Develop a scheme to organize devices and systems
according to how they provide value to customers
and/or system operators. - Identify current country applications, practices
and applications, and characterize their
performance, benefits and costs. - Catalogue new and potential technologies and
systems. - Concept -- Maintain and update a catalogue of
existing, new and potential enabling technologies
and systems. - 9
11Task 6 Priorities and Barriers Solutions and
- Establish communication channels for decision
makers, thought leaders, and DR program
administrators and implementers. - Create stakeholder groups in each country.
- Develop methods for soliciting and analyzing
information on barriers and priorities. - Implement surveys, focus groups and conduct other
information outreach initiatives (with country
support). - Assess governmental policies that might help
overcome barriers. - Develop market design recommendations that
address barriers to economic DR. - Report on barriers to meeting target levels of
DR. - Product Create and maintain an information
repository that tracks the identification
resolution of barriers (on-going best practices). - 10
12Task 7 Develop DRR Network of Methods, Tools
and Applications
- Create a virtual center of excellence (via a web
portal) regarding DR methods, technologies, and
applications. - Steps
- Use web portal and library protocols to make
information, products, and reports from this
effort accessible to participating countries. - Determine whether a physical location (or
locations) for centers of excellence can be
developed in regions or in participating
countries at the countrys discretion. - Manage a periodic DRR Project newsletter to
project participants. - Product Virtual access to DRR information,
tools, and best practices and newsletter. - 11
13Task 8 Deliver Products and IP
- The delivery of the intellectual property created
to the IEA DSM Programme and the participating
countries. - Steps
- Turn over of DRR Project Portal to IEA DSM IT
team and training for ongoing operation,
maintenance and support. - Conduct regional workshops (4) to deliver project
products and tools to country stakeholder groups
and conduct training. - Deliver Final report to IEA DSM Executive
Committee. - Transfer DR Project Portal operation, maintenance
and training to IEA DSM Programme IT team,
conduct regional workshops with Country Experts
and Stakeholder teams, prepare final IEA report. - 12
14Proposed Timeline
- Great potential, but realizing this potential
will be a challenge. - Positive note -- Two IEA DR Experts' meetings
produced useful information and some consistent
views. - This effort provides the opportunity for
- Overall learning.
- A focus on key pivots that can influence DR
implementation. - Catalogue information
- Develop value propositions and business models to
guide initiatives and implementation. - Focus on actionable plans
- Contribution from All Nations is critical
- 13
- Pete Scarpelli
- RETX Energy Services, Inc.
- 165 N. Canal St. Suite 1429
- Chicago, IL 60606
- Phone 312-559-0756
- E-Mail pscarpelli_at_retx.com