The Huairou Commission is a global coalition of womens networks, institutions and individual profess - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Huairou Commission is a global coalition of womens networks, institutions and individual profess


Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) American Jewish World Service ... Grassroots women exercise power in political spaces by speaking from their lived ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Huairou Commission is a global coalition of womens networks, institutions and individual profess

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The Huairou Commission is a global coalition of
womens networks, institutions and individual
professionals. It links grassroots womens
community development organizations to partners.
At the same time, it connects development
professionals to on-the-ground practice.
Types of groups, organizations and institutions
we engage
  • Grassroots Women
  • Self-help groups
  • Slum-dwellers
  • Small-scale Farmers
  • Rural and urban dwellers
  • Mothers groups
  • From the North and the South
  • Informal economy workers
  • Partners
  • UN agencies and programs
  • Academics
  • Practitioners
  • Donor agencies
  • Development institutions
  • Local governments
  • Faith-based institutions
  • NGOs

Huairou Organizes Grassroots Womens
Organizations through Member Networks. The
current HC Member Networks are
  • Federacion de Mujeres Municipalistas de America
    Latina y El Caribe (FEMUM)
  • Regional network, secretariat based in Ecuador
  • GROOTS International
  • Global network, secretariat based in New York
  • HIC-Red Mujer y Habitat de America Latina
  • Regional network, secretariat based in
    Argentina (CISCSA)
  • Information Center of the Independent Womens
    Forum (ICIWF) National network, secretariat
    based in Moscow
  • International Council of Women
  • Global network, secretariat based in France
  • Women and Cities International
  • Global network, secretariat based in Canada
  • Women and Peace Network
  • Regional network, secretariat based in
    Guatemala (Fundacion Guatemala)
  • GROOTS International hosts the Huairou
    Commission secretariat in its New York office

Current HC Partners
  • Multilateral Agencies
  • UN-HABITAT (including the Safer Cities Program
    and the Global Land Tools Network)
  • UNDP (including the Gender Team and the
    Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor)
  • World Bank MAP
  • UNISDR (on steering committee of civil society
  • Networks of Local Authorities
  • United Cities Local Governments
  • Intl Donors, Advocates and Researchers
  • Cordaid
  • SIDA
  • Provention Consortium
  • Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE)
  • American Jewish World Service
  • Stephen Lewis Foundation
  • United Methodist General Board of Global

Successful Partnerships Representation in
decision-making and influencing program
  • Womens Land Link Africa (WLLA) Our best
    example of a collaboratively designed and
    implemented program, HC works in partnership
    w/COHRE and grassroots womens groups in 12
    countries across 3 regions in Africa. This
    project has now entered its second phase of
  • UN-Habitat Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) The
    HC has been active in the planning and
    implementation of GLTN workshops focusing on
    Grassroots and Gendered Land Tools and is
    currently undertaking a capacity building study
    on land tool development from these perspectives.
    The Chair of HC Secretariat was appointed to
    represent Civil Society on the GLTN board in
    April of 2007(2 year term).
  • Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor
    (CLEP) The HC is represented on the Advisory
    Board as well as the Thematic Working Groups. 4
    HC members have held grassroots academies prior
    to regional consultations to ensure the voices of
    the poor are heard within the Commission.
  • ProVention Consortium In 2007 the HC joined
    ProVention, a coalition of stakeholders focused
    on addressing gaps in undertaking effective in
    poor communities around the world, in the
    development of a fund dedicated to ensuring
    Communities are involved in all aspects in
    resilience building.
  • UN-HABITAT Safer Cities Program Serving on the
    Stakeholder Advisory Board, the HC has provided
    input to their Strategic Plan as well as
    collaborated on the development of a Global
    Campaign on Womens Safety.
  • UNDP Gender Team Our most recent success in
    partnership development, the HC will work with
    the Gender Team to ensure the results from the
    HIV/AIDS Compensation for Contributions
    Initiative reach the highest policy and
    program-making within the UN and other key

  • The Huairou Commission focuses on making impact
    in three key areas to advance the work of
    grassroots women.
  • Build Grassroots Womens Capacities through
    knowledge exchange and transfer
  • Enact change locally through supporting
    grassroots designed and led pilot initiatives
  • Influence policies and resources to reflect the
    needs of poor women through collaborative Global

Tools for Knowledge Exchange and Transfer
  • Peer Exchanges
  • Grassroots women transfer skills and innovative
    practices horizontally between groups in
    different countries
  • Grassroots women learn by seeing and build
    relationships for a global movement
  • Grassroots Academies
  • Grassroots women come together to exchange and
    analyze their local knowledge and skills, and
    create collective policy recommendations for
    global meetings

Tools for Local Impact
  • Community-based Mapping
  • Mapping places grassroots women in the center by
    empowering women to document local practices,
    strategies and tools, and undertake critical
    evaluations of the state of their communities
  • Local to Local Dialogues
  • Grassroots womens groups negotiate with local
    authorities for basic services and other
    community wide goals
  • Communities build ongoing partnerships with local
  • Movement-building nationally and regionally
  • In Asia, Africa and Latin America, the Huairou
    Commission is supporting on-going movement
    building within and between its Member Networks

Tools for Global Advocacy
  • International Policy Events
  • Grassroots women exercise power in political
    spaces by speaking from their lived experience
    and first-hand knowledge
  • Documentation for Visibility and Recognition
  • Huairou Commission supports grassroots womens
    groups to document their Best Practices.
  • Watches
  • Grassroots women, professionals and students take
    part in on-the-ground evaluations of relief
    efforts in disaster, evictions, high HIV
    prevalence rates, and other situations.

The Huairou Commission organizes through
Campaigns which allow grassroots womens
organizations to maintain their priorities and
autonomy while linking to partners locally,
nationally and globally for knowledge exchange
and advocacy. The current HC campaigns are
  • Community Resilience
  • Governance
  • HIV and AIDS
  • Land Housing

Campaign Members
AIDS Aktenamit, Guatemala ECM, Malawi El Comite,
Honduras GROOTS Kenya Girl Child Network,
Zimbabwe JWOP, Zambia KCCC, Uganda NGOCC,
Zambia NVWCIG, Cameroon IWCC, Nigeria Rwanda
Womens Network SSP, India UCOBAC, Uganda
Governance All other Campaign Members
plus CISCA, Argentina CoMultiversity,
Philippines Czech MCs DAMPA, Philippines Estrategi
a, Peru FEMUM, Peru FOWODE, Uganda German
MCs ICIWF, Russia Lihok Philippina MINE,
International Women in Cities International
Land and Housing
  • DAMPA, Philippines
  • CO-Mulitversity, Philippines
  • IWCC, Nigeria
  • Rwanda Womens Network, Rwanda
  • MWEDO, Tanzania
  • Uganda Land Alliance, Uganda
  • UCOBAC, Uganda
  • SWID, Uganda
  • AWARE, Uganda
  • Seke Rural HBC, Zimbabwe
  • Housing People Zimbabwe
  • Dialogue on Shelter, Zimbabwe
  • Ntengwe for Community Development, Zimbabwe
  • Kenya Land Alliance, Kenya
  • Zambia Widows and Orphans Trust, ZWOT
  • Las Brumas, Honduras
  • Fundacion Guatemala, Guatemala
  • Casa da Muher, Brazil
  • PDAP, Bangladesh
  • Uniao Nacional por Moradia Popular, Brazil
  • Ntankah Village Women and CAGEWESA, Cameroon
  • Peoples Dialogue, Ghana
  • Grassroots Sisterhood, Ghana
  • Womens Construction Collective, Jamacia
  • GROOTS Kenya, Kenya
  • Lumanti Support Group for Shelter, Nepal
  • Nepal Mahila Ekta Samaj (NMES), Nepal
  • Estrategia, Peru
  • Mujeres Unidas, Peru
  • LAMOSA, South Africa
  • RWM, South Africa
  • REFDAF, Senegal
  • AFEBEO, Burundi
  • ITERAMBERE, Burundi

Community Resilience Ashiane, Inc, India Comite,
Honduras SSP, India CRDC, Jamaica KEDV,
Turkey Uplink, Indonesia Rose, Sri Lanka Emace,
Sri Lanka
Fundaction Guatemala Fundacion Apachita Rede
Pintadas, Brazil Cooperativa Las Brumas,
Nicaragua Mujeres Unidas, Peru
Community Resilience
  • In disaster risk management and community
    resilience building activities, women are
    excluded due to social barriers which prevent
    them from accessing public space and planning
    forums. The HC Community Resilience Campaign
    works to ensure grassroots women act as
    collectors and disseminators of information,
    advisors to government, and community trainers to
    pass on vital information to build resilient
    communities from the ground up.
  • In 2007 the HC participated in the UNISDR Global
    Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in
    partnership with the ProVention consortium which
    has led to the development of a Fund to support
    community disaster risk reduction initiatives.

  • The Governance campaign aims to build the
    capacity of poor women to take advantage of
    decentralization processes in their communities
    through engagement with local authorities and
    decision makers to ensure that government
    policies and programs work for the poor.
  • In 2007 the Huairou Commission supported such
    processes in Africa through regional Local to
    Local dialogue trainings and participation in the
    4th Africites Summit. The Huairou Commission
    strengthened its partnership with the UN-Habitat
    Safer Cities Program and conducted a Global
    Assessment on Womens Safety Practices. The
    draft findings were shared at the International
    Conference on the State of Safety in World
    Cities, held in Monterrey, Mexico.

  • In order to reverse top-down professionally
    driven service-based research and science-driven
    HIV/AIDS initiatives, the HC is supporting
    grassroots organizations working in rural and
    urban areas to build a constituency of grassroots
    caregivers to engage with local AIDS authorities
    and decision-makers and to influence
    international policy and program-making.
  • In 2007, the Huairou Commission supported a
    coalition of over 20 grassroots groups to
    participate in a Grassroots International Academy
    and attend the YWCA International Womens Summit,
    Women Leading and Making a Difference on HIV and
    AIDS. The HC is continuing to support the
    development of partnerships to support the work
    of grassroots caregivers over the next year, in
    particular through the Compensation for
    Contributions Initiative supported by the UNDP
    Gender Unit.

Land Housing
  • The Land and Housing Campaign is working with
    grassroots womens groups around the world to
    identify innovative on-the-ground strategies and
    practices that women are using to fight for their
    rights to land and property at the local,
    national and international levels. Our focus is
    to build the capacity of grassroots womens
    groups and to highlight the strategies and
    practices they are implementing to improve
    women's social, economic and political status
    within their communities.
  • In 2007 -2008 the Huairou Commission worked
    to build the capacity of grassroots womens
    groups and enhance multi-stakeholder
    collaboration through a number of key partnership
    initiatives focused on improving womens access
    to land and housing including
  • The Womens Land Link Africa (WLLA) project
  • Organizing and co-hosting a Grassroots Womens
    International Land Academy in Entebbe, Uganda
  • Anchoring and co-sponsoring key meetings of the
    Global Land Tool Network (GLTN)
  • Co-sponsoring Grassroots Academies and
    Consultations with the Commission for Legal
    Empowerment of the Poor (CLEP)

Womens Land Link Africa Project
  • The regional projects core partners include the
    HC and the Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions
    (COHRE), with active leadership by a number of
    grassroots partners in ten countries across three
    regions of Africa. The project is funded by SIDA.
  • The Womens Land Link Africa project supports and
    strengthens linkages between regional
    stakeholders focused on improving womens access
    to, control over and ownership of land and
    housing in Africa.
  • The overall objective is to strengthen grassroots
    womens efforts to ensure mainstreaming of gender
    into local, national, regional and global policy
    arenas focused on land, housing and property
    rights in Africa, by increasing coordination
    between multiple stakeholders and knowledge

  • The Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) is an
    initiative of UN- HABITAT that is focused on
    improving the administration of land policies,
    with the aim of ensuring that policy-making and
    policy management, concerning land, accommodates
    the concerns and practices of all constituencies
    of land governance institutions.
  • In March 2007 the HC, COHRE and SDI partnered
    with UN-HABITAT to organize the first meeting of
    the UN-Habitat GLTNs Grassroots Mechanism in
    Nairobi, Kenya.
  • In October 2007 the HC and UN-HABITAT
    co-organized an international workshop on
    "Gendering Land Tools. The focus of the workshop
    was on developing criteria for large scale
    gendered land tools and outlining criteria for
    scaling up existing community land tools.
  • The HC is undertaking a pilot study of capacity
    building activities in land tool development,
    with a focus on a number of case studies where
    capacity building activities were pioneered or
    facilitated by grassroots organizations
  • In April 2007, the Chair of the HC Secretariat
    was appointed to represent civil society on the
    GLTN Board. This is two-year position.

Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor
  • The Commission on Legal Empowerment of the
    Poor (CLEP) aims to make the link between poverty
    and the inability of the poor to access
    acceptable, legal structures to protect economic
    assets and support economic activities. Its work
    will contribute to achieving the Millennium
    Development Goals by influencing policy at
    national and international levels.
  • The partnership between CLEP and the HC
    offers an opportunity for voices of the poor to
    be included in a global consultation and legal
    reformation process alongside other kinds of
    academics and experts.
  • Partnership Activities
  • Representation of the HC on the Advisory Board by
    Jan Peterson
  • Representation of the HC in the thematic working
  • Carrying out Grassroots Academies, or grassroots
    women's consultations, alongside the regional and
    national consultation processes of the Commission
    on Legal Empowerment of the Poor

Activity Plans 2008
  • Launch of the Womens Empowerment for the Global
    Environment Program in partnership with UN GEF
    Small Grants Program
  • Operationalizing Community Disaster Resilience
    Fund with Provention
  • First program year of the second phase Womens
    Land Link Africa (WLLA) a three year program
  • Participation in the Commission on the Status of
    Women (CSW) the Commission on Sustainable
    Development (CSD)
  • Advancing Global Land Tool Network (GLTN)
  • Compensation for Contributions (HIV/AIDS Campaign
    in partnership with UNDP Gender Unit)
  • Launch of the Global Campaign on Womens Safety
    (in partnership with UN-Habitat Safer Cities
  • Participation in the International AIDS
    Conference, Mexico City
  • Participation at the WUF IV, October 2008 in
    Nanjing, China
  • Seeding Regional Grassroots Knowledge Facilities

Huairou CommissionWomen, Homes and Communities
Huairou Commission249 Manhattan Ave.Brooklyn,
New York 11211USA www.huairou.orgE-mail
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