Title: Introduction to American Government and Politics
1Introduction to American Government and Politics
- 1. basic definitions
- Politics
- Power
- Government
- 2. the political system
2What is politics?
- Who gets what, when, and how
- A process of determining how power
- and resources are distributed in a
- society without recourse to violence.
- The ability to get other people to do what you
4Government the mechanism developed to address
and control problems that we cant address as
5- Basic government roles
- maintain social order
- legal processes
- police powers
- provide national security
- diplomatic channels
- military powers
- provide collective goods
- benefits shared by all
6Political-Social Environment
1. Problem perception
2. Policy
conception 3.
Agenda setting
4. Decision-
5. Political
6. Political
7Problem perception phasePeople need to perceive
that a problem exists and that government has a
role in addressing that problem.
8Policy conception phaseProposing solutions to
identified problems.
9 3. Agenda settingCommunicating the proposed
solution to decision-makers and gaining access
for influence.
10 4. Decision-making phaseInstitutional
processes for making policy decisions.
11 5. Political execution phaseThe
implementation of policies, or putting policy
decisions into effect.
12 6. Political impact phaseAssessment of both
positive and negative impacts of a policy,
including feedback into problem perception.
13 Problem
Policy Agenda Decision-
Political Political
perception conception
setting making
execution impact