Title: Platformbased Design
1Platform-based Design
- 5KK70
- TU/e
- 2009
- Henk Corporaal
- Bart Mesman
2Embedded Systems Courses
- We go through all the design steps of a complete
multi-processor embedded system - (containing hardware and software)
- Discuss many design trade-offs
- 4 connected courses
- Systems on Silicon 5kk60
- Platform-based Design 5kk10
- Multiprocessors 5kk80
- Embedded System Laboratory 5kk33 (lab course)
3Processor Architectures and Program Mapping
- Objectives
- Study the processing components of future
multi-processor platforms, ranging from - highly flexible processors, to
- highly computational-efficient processors
- Learn how to program these platforms and map
applications to them - Learn how to exploit the (data) memory hierarchy
4Processor design spectrum
5Computational complexity
6Your smartphone
- 3 Watt
- 1 Watt for digital electronics
- 1 Watt for radio
- 1 Watt for the rest
- Battery 4 Wh
- Next generation LTE based smartphones 100 Gops /
Watt - radio 40 Gops
- media processing 20 Gops
- graphics 6.5 Gops
7Your smartphone
- 100 Gops/Watt ? 10 pJ/op
- ARM 11 in 65 nm (2008) 0.2 mW/MHz ? 200 pJ/op
- HW in 65 nm about 2 pJ/op
- Concl
- we need special HW to support the major
processing kernels
8Topics (1)
- Basic RISC principles MIPS example
- DSP processors
- VLIW architectures
- SIMD architectures
- MIMD architectures
- NoC and MPSoC
- Compiling code for ILP architectures
9Topics (2)
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- Smart Camera (Networks)
- Data Memory Management techniques
- Loop transformations
- Student presentations (2x)
- based on studied articles
10Lab exercises
- Exploration
- Programming and Exploration using the Imagine or
SiHive architecture - Programming a real MP platform
- GPU, or
- IC3D (with Xetal SIMD) or IMAP platform
- Program transformations
- Optimizing the memory behavior of your program to
achieve extreme low power - Applying loop transformations
11Exam and Grading
- Exam is oral
- Labexercises can be largely done at home
- Grading is 40 theory 50 assignments 10
student presentation - Material
- Website http//www.es.ele.tue.nl/heco/courses/Pla
tformDesign - Slides and Handouts (incrementally available_
- Lab material (will be put online)
12Embedded System Architectures on Silicon
- Application oriented
- smart devices
- adaptable, flexible
- real-time DSP
1 cm2 1V 1 W 10 Euro
implemented in silicon
not a Pentium but a domain specific and
programmable ES
13Embedded System Architect
Applications (DSP) algorithms C/C,
Java Matlab, SDL, ...
- is reponsible for a strategic
- interaction between the
- different disciplines
- has a basic knowledge of the
- different disciplines
- is a generalist, not a specialist
Embedded System Architect
low power analog, robustness/dfm VHDL, Verilog
Challengepermanently confronted with new
- Complexity depends on
- the number of different component types (not
number of components) - different types of interactions
- lack of structure in the interactions
Complexity is different for the architect and for
the IC technologist
PC general purpose Who Computes, anyway
? Single hardware platform ASAP (as soon as
possible) env. adapts to the system (wait) lower
reliability difficult to use end-user software
unlimited resources
embedded system purpose-built and
programmable appliance oriented smart
devices multiple hw/sw platforms real-time
constraint system adapts to the environment high
reliability (no reset button) user
friendly deeply embedded software running on
limited resources
BUT both use similar technology e.g.
programmable cores, RTOS (e.g. Win-CE)
16Embedded Systems Characteristics
- safety critical
- reactive fast reaction on critical control
events - portable weight, power dissipation
- mobile network protocols, power dissipation
- consumer systems cost, reliability, user
friendly interface - professional systems availability, reliability,
remote analysis and diagnosis, redundancy - multimedia text, graphics, speech, audio,
images and video - connected through various standards
17Where are these embedded systems
- 70 micro-controllers in a modern high end car
- engine control,
- ABS,
- airbag,
- airco,
- interior illumination,
- central lock,
- alarm, radio,
18Topic details
- RISC architectures MIPS
- VLIW architectures
- ILP compilation
- Xetal, IMAP
- NoC
- MPSoC platforms
- GPU, CELL, .
19Topic details
- WSN (wireless sensor networks)
- scheduling
- Student presentations