Title: MOVING FORWARD The FoothillDe Anza Foundation
1MOVING FORWARDThe Foothill-De Anza Foundation
- Marie Fox Ellison, CFRE
- Executive Director
- Reflection of Past Year
- Mission, Values and Strategies--Aligning the
Foundation with the District - The New Reality--Why a Community College Needs
and Deserves Substantial Support - Achieving Success--Structure and Focus of
Foundation Activities - Moving Forward--Activating all Available
3Mission, Values and Strategies
- The Mission of the FHDA Foundation is to raise
and invest funds to support the educational
excellence of Foothill and De Anza Colleges. - Align Foundation strategies, functions and
priorities to meet the needs of the colleges. - Reorganize and focus small staff and Foundation
Board to achieve greater success and support
colleges at dollar levels now required. - Become more proactive and less reactive in
4What is The New Reality?
- Reductions in state funding threatening the
advancement of Foothill and De Anza colleges. - Four-year institutions raise private support, at
very significant levels, to close funding gaps. - Community colleges statewide and around the
country raising support in a community college
model--low expectations. - Reorganize fundraising at Foothill-De Anza into a
new model. - Educate community (donor constituencies) to the
new reality--community colleges now need their
support at higher dollar levels to survive and
5Revenue HistoryDonor Type
6Revenue HistoryGift Level
7Revenue HistoryRestricted Giving
8Revenue History Unrestricted Giving
9Reorganizing for Success
- Foundation Staffing
- Too small to successfully address all fundraising
needs on both campuses. - Structure staff and activities to achieve
greatest results. - Focus fundraising on several broad stroke themes
rather than many different targets. - Target untapped resources to build a larger base
of donors. - Create position of Associate Director
Annual/Individual Giving. - Add positions as budget allowsAdministrative
Assistant, Associate Director of Foundation
Corporate Relations.
10Foundation Organizational Chart
11Reorganizing for Success
- Foundation Board of Directors
- Look closely at diversity, board-related needs
and college-related needs when considering future
board members. - Organize fundraising by the Board into teams
focused on themes across both campuses. - Consider fewer Board meetings and encourage
greater committee activity between meetings.
12Foundation Board Retreat Goals
- Reorganize efforts to achieve greater success.
- Look at total fundraising needs versus current
level of funding and determine realistic goals. - Focus on gifts that would be most valuable to the
community colleges - Flexible funding that can be directed by
Chancellor and Presidents, and leveraged against
other dollars from state and/or bond funding. - Create a fundraising message that is unique to
community colleges. - Brainstorm fundraising themes, vision and
messages to community.
13Themes for Breakout Groups
- Funding related directly to studentsscholarships,
student-based activities - TEACHING AND INNOVATION
- Funding related academic curricula and improving
learning outcomes - ARTS, SCIENCES TECHNOLOGY
- Funding for buildings, facilities, and
large-scale technology development
14Result of Breakout Groups
- Education and Opportunity--student needs and
resources - Need for unrestricted scholarship support.
- Create a consistent and reliable source of
funding. - Stress message of options, accessibility,
affordability, diversity and individualized
15Result of Breakout Groups
- Teaching and Innovation -- teaching needs and
resources - Professional development for teachers,
developing - teaching tools and strategies that assist
students. - Community college faculty focused 100 on
- teaching.
- Education is affordable and very high quality.
16Result of Breakout Groups
- The 21st Century Campus -- facilities and
technology - New name suggested for theme.
- Emphasize perpetuity through endowments to keep
- technology and equipment relevant and
usable. - Keep list of funding opportunities updated to
attract - naming and targeted gifts when appropriate.
17Moving Forward
- Focus staff, Board and colleges on themes and
giving opportunities within themes. - Create targeted messages to be used by both
campuses and in all fundraising activities. - Begin looking at major donor prospects and
strategizing approaches. - Build annual giving and alumni giving to
significantly larger levels. - Become the new model for fundraising at the
community colleges.
18What Can I Do?
- Remain active in Foundation activities, and
continue to support Foundation efforts. - Give---payroll deduction is an excellent way for
district employees, and trustees, to give. You
cant really be a proponent of fundraising for
the colleges until you make personal gifts. - Send the message to the communityFoothill and De
Anza colleges are critical components of this
community and of community-wide education. They
need your financial support.