Engaging Community Colleges A First Look - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Engaging Community Colleges A First Look


Christine McLean, Senior Associate. Community College Survey of Student Engagement/CCSSE ... Survey items associated with this benchmark include experiences such as: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Engaging Community Colleges A First Look

Engaging Students California and the Nation
October 2, 2008
Engaging StudentsCalifornia and the Nation
  • Our Goals
  • To share CCSSE 2008 results for California and
    the nation
  • To focus our discussion on strengthening student
    success in California colleges
  • To share examples of promising practices across
    the nation and

What Matters Most for Student Success?
  • Christine McLean, Senior Associate
  • Community College Survey of Student
  • The University of Texas at Austin
  • Sam Echevarria, Senior Research Associate
  • Community College Survey of Student
  • The University of Texas at Austin

Community College Survey of Student Engagement
  • if youve ever attended a community college.
  • if you graduated from a community college.
  • if you earned a degree while attending college
    part-time and working at least 20 hours per week.
  • if you ever stopped out of college for any
  • if you were the first in your family to attend

  • if you ever had to choose between buying
    groceries and buying books for your college
  • if English is your second language.
  • if in the course of your college daily life you
    found yourself in the minority (race, class,
    gender) in most situations.
  • if you can name an individual who made a
    significant difference in your college education.

  • Test Your Community College IQ!
  • What percentage of community college students
    attend part-time?
  • Answer 63 (22 at 4-year colleges)

Community College Survey of Student Engagement
  • Test Your Community College IQ!
  • What percentage of community college students
    plan to earn a degree?
  • Answer 79 (More than 70 cite transferring as
    a primary or secondary goal)

Community College Survey of Student Engagement
  • Test Your Community College IQ!
  • What percentage of community college students
    plan to earn a certificate?
  • Answer 48

Community College Survey of Student Engagement
  • Test Your Community College IQ!
  • Yetwhat percentage of community college students
    earn an associate degree or certificate 6 years
    after entering college?
  • Answer 25
  • Andwhat percentage of community college students
    actually transfer?
  • Answer 25

Community College Survey of Student Engagement
  • Test Your Community College IQ!
  • Whats the national dropout rate (not returning
    for sophomore year) for students attending public
    two-year colleges?
  • Answer 48 (compared to 32 for public
    four-year colleges)

Community College Survey of Student Engagement
Learning from CCSSE Results
CCSSE Listening to Students
  • 6 years
  • 628 colleges
  • 750,000 students
  • 49 states, British Columbia, Nova Scotia,
    Marshall Islands

CCSSE A Tool for Improvement
  • CCSSE helps us
  • Assess quality in community college education
  • Identify and learn from good educational practice
  • Identify areas in which we can improve
  • CCSSE data analyses include a three-year cohort
    of participating colleges.
  • The 2008 CCSSE Cohort includes more than 343,000
    community college students from 585 community and
    technical colleges.

Community College Survey of Student Engagement
CCSSE Benchmarking and Reaching for Excellence
  • The most important comparison where you are
    now, compared with where you want to be.

CCSSE Benchmarks California
CCSSE Nation and California
  • English as a Second Language
  • 14 and 22
  • Developmental/remedial reading
  • 27 and 35
  • Developmental/remedial writing
  • 33 and 41
  • Developmental/remedial math
  • 46 and 46
  • Study Skills
  • 33 and 40
  • College Orientation program or course
  • 39 and 44

Community College Survey of Student Engagement
CCSSE Nation and California
  • Working-Full Time
  • 38 and 43
  • Caring for Dependents
  • 29 and 32
  • Academically unprepared
  • 19 and 22
  • Lack of Finances
  • 46 and 43
  • Transfer to a 4-year college or university
  • 49 and 58

Community College Survey of Student Engagement
CCSSE Nation and California
  • Is English your native (first) language?
  • 87 and 66

Community College Survey of Student Engagement
Active and Collaborative Learning
  • Survey items that contribute to this benchmark
    include experiences such as
  • Asking questions in class
  • Making class presentations
  • Working with other students in and out of class
  • Discussing ideas from classes outside of class

Active and Collaborative Learning
  • What percentage of California students report
    that they very often or often worked with
    other students on projects during class?
  • 50
  • What percentage of California students report
    that they very often or often worked with
    other students on projects outside of class?
  • 22

Student Effort
  • Survey items associated with this benchmark
    include experiences such as
  • Preparing multiple drafts of papers
  • Integrating ideas from various sources
  • Coming to class unprepared
  • Using tutoring services, skill labs, or computer
  • Hours per week spent studying

Student Effort
  • What percentage of FULL-TIME STUDENTS report that
    they spend FIVE or FEWER hours per week preparing
    for class (studying, reading, writing,
    rehearsing, doing homework, or performing other
    activities related to your program)?
  • National
  • 37
  • California
  • 33

Academic Challenge
  • Survey items associated with this benchmark
    include experiences such as
  • Working harder than you thought you could to meet
    an instructors expectations
  • Whether coursework emphasizes synthesis and
    analysis as opposed to memorization
  • The number of assigned textbooks and papers

Academic Challenge
  • What percentage of California FULL-TIME STUDENTS
    reported writing FOUR OR FEWER papers or reports
    of any length during the school year?
  • California
  • 26

Academic Challenge
  • Key Findings All CCSSE 2008 cohort colleges
  • Full-time students who wrote papers or reports of
    any length during the year

Source CCSSE 2008 data.
Student-Faculty Interaction
  • The items used in this benchmark include
    experiences such as
  • Using e-mail to communicate with an instructor
  • Discussing grades, assignments, and career plans
    with an instructor
  • Receiving prompt feedback from instructors
  • Working with instructors on activities other than

California Students on Student-Faculty
Often/Very Often Full-Time Part-Time 52 46
47 36 31 19 19 13 56 52 10 7
  • Student-Faculty Interactions
  • E-mail
  • Discussed Grades
  • Career Plans
  • Discussed Ideas
  • Prompt Feedback
  • Other than Coursework

A Good Class
Support for Learners
  • The items that contribute to this benchmark
  • Whether the college provides the support students
    need to succeed
  • How much the college helps students cope with
    nonacademic responsibilities
  • Students use of academic advising/planning and
    career counseling services

Support for Learners
  • What are your Most Important Services?
  • How often do students use them?
  • How satisfied are students with those services?

(No Transcript)
Students Know When Theyre Supported
What Matters Most for Student Success?
Student Engagement Matters
  • 20 years of research on undergraduate student
    learning, persistence and success
  • 1 year of really cool research in the community
    college field CCSSE Validation Study
  • 1 year of studying the power of Relationships

Community College Survey of Student Engagement
Student Engagement is
  • the amount of time and energy students invest in
    meaningful educational practices

Community College Survey of Student Engagement
Student Engagement
  • Institutional practices
  • Student behaviors
  • Highly correlated with student learning and

Community College Survey of Student Engagement
Student Engagement
  • Its unlikely to happen by accident.
  • It has to happen by design.

Community College Survey of Student Engagement
Student Engagement
  • Students are more likely to persist and learn if
  • Navigate through college systems, processes and
  • Make a connection between now and their future
    (setting goals)
  • Are active engaged learners

Community College Survey of Student Engagement
Early Engagement
  • Community colleges typically lose about half of
    their students prior to the students second
    college year.

Early Engagement
  • Survey of Entering Student Engagement (SENSE)
  • 22 Pilot Colleges in Fall 2007-13,300 respondents
  • MetLife Foundation initiative Starting Right
    Focus Groups
  • National administration in Fall 2008 93

A Good Start
  • Entering Student Attitudes Expectations
  • Focus Group Findings
  • All entering students said they are confident
    they will remain in school and achieve their
    academic goals.

  • Entering Student Attitudes Expectations
  • Focus Group Findings
  • Most students said the only thing that might make
    it difficult to achieve their goals would be
    balancing their time among school, family and
    work commitments
  • Yet in the SENSE survey, only 35 reported taking
    a course where they are learning how to
    prioritize and manage their time.

  • Entering and younger students are less likely to
  • Use academic advising/planning
  • Traditional age students friends
  • Non-traditional age students faculty advisors
  • Go to a tutor
  • Use skill labs
  • Seek financial aid advising

  • Students are more likely to persist and learn if
  • Establish meaningful relationships with peers
  • Establish meaningful relationships with faculty
    and staff
  • Feel connected to the college

Community College Survey of Student Engagement
  • What is the single most important factor that
    keeps students in school?
  • YOU!

Relationships and Support for Success
  • What are a few things, in your role at the
    college, that you learned from your college's
    CCSSE results? 
  • In what ways have you worked to improve student
    engagement in your role at the college?
  • In what ways is your college working to improve
    student engagement in the classroom? 
  • In what ways is your college working to engage
    students outside of the classroom? 
  • Which Benchmark helps you, in your role at the
    college, to consider how you can help to improve
    student engagement? 

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