Photosynthesis II: The Carbon Reactions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Photosynthesis II: The Carbon Reactions


In order to do this in their various environments, it is often necessary for ... autoradiograph. Figure 10.19. Translocation in the Phloem ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Photosynthesis II: The Carbon Reactions

  • Photosynthesis II The Carbon Reactions
  • So what weve seen is how plants convert light
    energy into various forms of chemical energy. In
    order to do this in their various environments,
    it is often necessary for them to cope with
    having sub-optimal conditions such as too much
    light, not enough CO2, or not enough water. But
    wherever plants are found, they have found ways
    to cope with these stresses, and at least survive
    if not thrive and dominate.
  • Now theyve made sugar, which is shipped to
    places in the plant that need energy and/or
    carbon as sucrose. Next well see how that is

  • Translocation in the Phloem
  • What is the phloem?
  • What goes through the phloem?
  • Where is it going?
  • How does it get in the phloem?
  • How does it get there?
  • How does it get out?

Sink tissue or bust!
  • Translocation in the Phloem
  • The phloem (partly review)
  • A. The phloem is usually found toward the
    outside of a
  • stem, or toward the underside of a leaf in a
  • B. The conducting cells are called sieve
  • 1. Two styles
  • a. Gymnosperms (like
  • conifers) have sieve cells.
  • b. Flowering plants
  • (angiosperms) have sieve
  • tube elements, so named
  • because their cells are
  • often connected by larger
  • pores, and thus are more
  • like open tubes.

  • Translocation in the Phloem
  • 2. These are alive at maturity, although
    highly modified.
  • a. Have far fewer membranes than most cells,
    having lost their nuclei, rough ER, Golgi, and
  • b. Sieve cells are connected to their
    neighbors by sieve areas. In seive tube
    elements of angiosperms, the pores can be more
    open, forming sieve plates at the end walls of
    cells. This is why angiosperms have the more
    conductive sieve tubes. Figures 10.3, 10.5

  • Translocation in the Phloem
  • 3. Besides having modified plastids and
    mitochondria, as well as smooth ER, sieve tube
    elements have lots of P protein, which
    functions in short-term sealing of wounds. It
    is clustered on the side of the cell, near the
    wall, and springs to action if there is a surge.
  • 4. A more long-term solution to damage is
    handled by deposition of a carbohydrate called
    callose. Callose also functions in other
    stress pathways such as heat stress, and in the
    formation of pollen.

  • Translocation in the Phloem
  • C. Companion cells help sieve elements
  • 1. They help load photosynthate into the sieve
    cells, and they provide the sieve cells with
    proteins and other metabolites, to make up for
    the fact that it cant make its own.
  • 2. Three kinds (Figure 10.7)
  • a. Ordinary companion cells have normal
    chloroplasts, and almost all of their
    plasmodesmata are shared with just one sieve

  • Translocation in the Phloem
  • b. Transfer cells have fingerlike cell wall
    projections into the space that would ordinarily
    be taken up by the cell, to increase the surface
    area of plasma membrane across which solutes can
  • c. Intermediary cells are not found in all
    plants, and represent a different way of loading
    materials into the phloem. These cells emphasize
    lots of branched plasmodesmatal connections with
    the surrounding cells (phloem parenchyma and
    bundle sheath).

  • Translocation in the Phloem
  • D. Other cell types are found in the phloem,
    including parenchyma cells and support cells such
    as fibers.
  • E. Vascular bundles
  • connect together in
  • leaves. These
  • connections are
  • called anastamoses.
  • These Arabidopsis
  • sepals and petals show
  • anastamoses (C, E), but
  • the expression of a viral
  • gene interferes with
  • normal development.

  • Translocation in the Phloem
  • What is transported in the phloem?
  • A. Products of photosynthesis
  • 1. Sugars are transported in non-
  • reducing form, in the circular form of the sugar
  • with no ketone or aldehyde groups, or as sugar
  • 2. Sucrose is the most commonly translocated
  • B. Nitrogen fixed in various organic molecules.
  • 1. Most plants transport nitrogen as amino
    acids, especially ones with nitrogen-containing
    side chains.
  • 2. Leguminous plants have nitrogen-fixing
    bacteria that live in nodules found in their
    roots. These plants have excess nitrogen,
    fixed from N2 gas, and transport nitrogen as

  • Translocation in the Phloem
  • C. Plant hormones, proteins, and some inorganic
    ions are transported in the phloem. Table 10.2
    (dont memorize)
  • Where is all this stuff going? Source to sink
  • A. What are sources and sinks?
  • B. What is the pattern of source to sink flow
    (do all source leaves provide photosynthate to
    all sinks, or is there a division of labor)?
  • The supply is divided up in a few ways
  • 1. Location. Location. Location. Sources
    tend to supply nearby sinks.
  • 2. Developmental--young leaves (sinks)
    eventually become sources. Storage organs
    (e.g. root) switch seasonally. Meristems are
    always sinks, as are fruit as they emerge and

  • Translocation in the Phloem
  • 3. Connections
  • a. Sources preferentially supply
  • sink areas to which they are
  • directly (vertically) connected.
  • b. Anastamoses between vascular
  • bundles can be used if necessary.

Here you can see how scientists did the
experiments to figure out how all these patterns
work. Figure 10.8
  • Translocation in the Phloem
  • Review/Overview
  • Phloem is made up of sieve elements, which vary
    from angiosperm to gymnosperm, and companion
    cells which vary from species to species (three
  • Sugars (in non-_______ form), nitrogen carriers,
    hormones, and some inorganic ions are carried in
    the phloem.
  • Phloem moves materials from source to sink.
  • Sugars are loaded into the sieve elements by one
    of two processes.
  • Pressure differences drives bulk flow in the
  • Unloading can also occur by two processes.
  • The transition from sink to source is gradual.

  • Translocation in the Phloem
  • How do sugars get into the phloem? Phloem
  • A. Sugars are loaded into the sieve elements at
    the tiniest veins. Figure 10.13
  • B. Some species load sugar via the apoplast,
    some via the symplast. These are quite different
    methods. Figure 10.14

The distance from synthesis of the sugar
(directly from triose phosphates or from glucose
that is released from starch within the
chloroplast at night) to a sieve element is
rarely more than a few cells.
  • Translocation in the Phloem
  • 1. Loading sugar (sucrose) into sieve elements
    via the apoplast (space within the cell walls)
    requires energy.
  • a. Because companion cells in these plants
    (ordinary companion and transfer cells)
    contain many plasmodesmatal connections to
    sieve elements and few/none to other cells,
    they can be thought of as a functional unit
    together. Sucrose loaded into companion
    cells will easily move into sieve elements
    through plasmodesmata.
  • b. Sucrose is released from phloem parenchyma
    cells into the apoplast space. Then it has to
    get inside either a companion cell or a sieve

  • Translocation in the Phloem
  • c. Since there is almost always higher
    sucrose concentration in sieve elements of
    source tissue than in the apoplast, this
    process has to be active transport.
  • d. It has been shown that
  • H-sucrose symporters Figure 10.16
  • are used to actively load
  • sucrose from the apoplast
  • space into the companion
  • cell/sieve element complex.
  • e. In some plants there are
  • different symporters on the
  • PMs of sieve elements
  • than on those of companion
  • cells.

  • Translocation in the Phloem
  • 2. Some plants have intermediary cells, and
    these load sugars via the symplast pathway.
  • a. Since there are plasmodesmal connections
    between the bundle sheath or phloem parenchyma
    cells and the intermediary cell, sucrose can
    flow from one to the other.
  • Polymer trapping Figure 10.17
  • b. It is thought, with experimental support,
    that the sugar is then modified to raffinose
    or further to stachyose, both of which may be
    too large to flow back through the
    plasmodesmata that sucrose came through.
  • c. The only way these transport sugars can go
    is into the sieve element, since the
    plasmodesmata are large enough for this path.

  • Translocation in the Phloem
  • 3. These two methods are preferred by
    different types of plants
  • a. Apoplast-loading plants are more often
    herbaceous plants and/or plants in arid or
    temperate climates.
  • b. Symplast-loading plants are usually woody
    plants and/or ones that live in tropical
  • Now sugar is in the phloem, how does it move?
  • Pressure differences drive flow in the phloem.
  • A. We know that the materials move way too fast
    to be powered by diffusion.

  • Translocation in the Phloem
  • B. Bulk flow is driven by pressure differences.
    If this is what is happening, then
  • Should there be path be clear, or have
  • Should you ever see materials flowing different
    directions in the same tube?
  • Should it take a lot of energy during transit?
  • Should there be measurable differences in the
    pressure within phloem tubes from source tissue
    to sink tissue?
  • 1. At first scientists did electron microscopy
    and thought that P-proteins were blocking sieve
    plates. Turns out this is an artifact of their
    sample preparation technique. Tubes are now
    known to be relatively unblocked.
  • 2. Transport that has been observed is always
    in a single
  • direction within one tube. Figure 10.11

  • Translocation in the Phloem
  • 3. Inhibiting energy utilization in transport
    tissue has no long-term effect on
  • In this experiment, the petiole (connects leaf to
    stem) was chilled to inhibit energy utilization
    (respiration). Fig. 10.12
  • 4. Pressure differences in sieve tubes between
    source and sink have been measured, and are
    shown to be sufficient.
  • C. So how does it work? Figure 10.10
  • But I mentioned that unloading in the phloem is
    one of the keys.
  • How does that happen?

  • Translocation in the Phloem
  • How do I get out of here?!?! Phloem unloading
  • A. Unloading, too can occur symplastically or
    apoplastically, and both these pathways are
    found in the same plant, at different stages of
    the sink-to-source transition.
  • 1. Young sink tissue usually unloads materials
    symplastically, where all the cells from SE/CC
    to the sink cell (e.g. dermal cell in a rapidly
    dividing leaf) share symplastic connections.
    Figure 10.18A

Unregulated, flow by passive diffusion
  • Translocation in the Phloem
  • 2. Other tissues, such as developing seeds and
    stomatal guard cells, lack plasmodesmatal
    connections to surrounding cells, and so must
    use an apoplastic unloading system. A couple
    of ways this could work
  • a. Type 1 Apoplastic unloading occurs right
    at the SE/CC complex. No evidence for this.
  • b. Type 2 occurs further away from the SE/CC
  • All types of apoplastic unloading may require
    energy. In
  • soybean embryos it has been shown that both
    transport into
  • the apoplast and import into the sink cell are
    active processes.

  • Translocation in the Phloem
  • Tissues transition from sink to source gradually.
  • A. The cessation of sucrose import begins at
    the tip of the leaf, when the leaf is about 25
    expanded (in dicots), and is completed by the
    time the leaf is about 40 - 50 expanded.
  • Here, a (fully) source leaf from squash was
    incubated with
  • radioactive CO2 for two hours. A little while
    later, upper
  • leaves (pictured below) were removed and exposed
    to an
  • autoradiograph. Figure 10.19

  • Translocation in the Phloem
  • B. Cessation of sucrose import (sink activity)
    and beginning of sucrose export (source activity)
    may be independently regulated.
  • In order to do each process, the cell needs
    certain different enzyme and/or especially
    different transport molecules. All these are
    developmentally regulated, and evidence from
    albino tobacco leaves indicates that one side of
    the transition may be independent of the other.
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