Title: Using In vitro Translation
1Using In vitro Translation
- Lisan Parker
- Dept of Pharmacology, Shieh Lab
- Methodology
- November 21, 2002
2Making protein in a tube!
- Promega TNT T7-coupled transcription/translation
system - What is this??? Make a protein probe?
- Protocol
- Uses
3Protein probe? (huh?)
Rabbit Reticulocyte lysate
Plasmid DNA
Amino acid mix -Methionine
T7-RNA Polymerase
43. Run new protein probes on SDS-PAGE and
transfer to nitrocellulose
5Key Points on TNT in vitro transcription/translat
- Typically make 50-300ng protein (control)
- Can use 0.2-2 µg plasmid DNA
- Use canine pancreatic microsomal membranes for
post-translational modifications (lower protein
yield) - Largest protein generated 176 kDa 1455 aa
6Research Fields using TNT
- Cancer
- Virology
- Apoptosis
- Alzheimers
- Cardiology
- Transcription Activation
7Why use this technique?
- What is it?
- What can it help you examine?
- What are the methods to investigate it?
8Show me how to examine protein-protein
- Yeast-2 hybrid
- Immunoprecipitation
- Overlay Assay (Far Western)
- Interaction occurs on a membrane
- Pull-down Assay (Affinity Chromatography)
- Interaction occurs in solution
9Making GST-fusion proteins
Harvest Bacteria
Separate on SDS-PAGE
_at_ OD 0.6-0.8 add 0.1mM IPTG
Transfer to Nitrocellulose
10Protein overlay assays
35S-protein X
Autoradiography or PhosphorImage
Western ?-GST
How do you identify the interacting proteins?
11Example MUPP1 interaction with the Serotonin2C
- Where does the receptor touch or what region on
MUPP1 does the receptor interact with? - How much of the receptor carboxyl tail is
necessary to interact with MUPP1? - But what do we need to do first???
- hint if we make the receptor into a
radiolabeled hot protein probe, what do we need
to do to MUPP1?
12(No Transcript)
13WT 5-HT2C R tail selectively interacts with MUPP1
PDZ 9-11
Western ?GST
Probe S35-WT 5-HT2C tail
14SSV of 5-HT2C R necessary for MUPP1 interaction
Western ?GST
Probe S35-GST PDZ 9-11
15Pull-down Assay or Affinity Chromatography
Wash Elute Resolve on SDS-PAGE Transfer to
Nitrocellulose Develop
PhosphorImage or Autoradiograph
17Example MUPP1 interaction with 5-HT2C R
- Does the 5-HT2C R interact with the same region
of MUPP1 (PDZ 9-11) in an independent approach? - What residues at the carboxyl tail of the 5-HT2C
R are important for binding to PDZ 10 of MUPP1?
18MUPP1 PDZ 9-11 exhibits enhanced binding for the
5-HT2C R tail
19PDZ motif critical residues
Figure adapted from Becamel C et al. JBC (2001)
- Promega (website) http//www.promega.com/webclassr
oom/default.htm - Promega (Life Science Catalog)
- Promega (Technical notes and bulletin)
- Adamski FR, Zhu M-Y, Bahiraei F, and B-H Shieh.
(1998) Interaction of Eye Protein Kinase C and
INAD in Drosophila. PNAS 273 17713-17719. - Becamel C, Figge A, Poliak S, Dumuis A, Peles E,
Bockaert J, Lubbert H, and C Ullmer. (2001)
Interaction of Serotonin 5-Hydroxytryptamine Type
2C Receptors with PDZ10 of the Multi-PDZ Domain
Protein MUPP1. JBC 276 c12974-12982. - Work in the Shieh laboratory