Title: Leading a
1Leading a Rocky Mountain High in Professional
- NSDC Affiliate Leaders Meeting
- Friday, July 13, 2007
2Strategic Plan(2008-2012)
- Five-year plan that will guide NSDCs work
- Focus on improving teaching, learning, and
leadership - Focus on the results of the work done by adults
who work in and with schools
3NSDC Strategic Planning Process
- December 2005 outlined preferred future
- December 2006 drafted purpose, belief
statements, indicators for strategic priorities - March 2007 reached consensus on above
components - March July 2007 tweaked language and
refined thought processes - July 2007 Approved plan
4Big Hairy Audacious Goals
.may be daunting and perhaps risky, but the
adventure, excitement, and challenge of it grabs
people in the gut, gets their juices flowing, and
creates immense forward momentum.
- James Collins Jerry Porras
5Overview of Strategic Plan
- Purpose statement
- Beliefs
- Strategic Priorities
6Why Purpose and Not Goal?
- A purpose is the essence of what we believe and
what we are deeply committed to. - Establishes the reason we exist as an
organization and focuses on the essence of our
7A Bold New Purpose
- Connects professional development and student
learning - Emphasizes that all educators have responsibility
to learn in order to improve student learning - Reflects the essence of what we believe and who
we are as an organization - Has an edge to it
8NSDCs New Purpose Statement
- Every educator engages in effective
- professional learning every day so every
- student achieves.
9Belief Statements
- Those ideas that the BOT and Staff believe must
happen to achieve the goal - Clearly formulated and expressed intentions and
pride about what we want are powerful tools in
creating the results we desire. Almost always,
our desires are trusted guides for the future of
our organizations. - -
Dennis Sparks
10Examine Your Beliefs
- Not so important what BOT believes, but for
members/affiliates to examine these beliefs and
engage in dialogue around them.
11Strategic Priorities
- Five priority areas and indicators for success
- Affecting policy context
- Documenting the evidence
- Developing school leaders
- Narrowing the gap
- Engaging thought leaders
12- There are two kinds of organizations. One kind
likes to be on the cutting edge..to embrace the
new. The other kind fears that, and holds
back.Organizations that are good at being edgy
will always find a way to thrive..Recognize that
change is coming, that the reality you operate in
is dying out, and start practicing how to do the
next big thing.
- The Big Moo
pp. 90-91