Title: Singleitem dynamic auction interdependent values
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2Single-item dynamic auction interdependent
- One item
- Dynamic (online)
- Bidders have private information (estimate)
- Allow is value to depend on js estimate (i is
- Main Q which auction makes most money?
3The bidder model at a (long) glance
4Dynamic auctions, interdependent values
- Other applications
- Sale of one-of-a-kind item (e.g. Yahoo!)
- Multi-agent AI allocate task to autonomous
agents - Related work
- Static auction, interdependent values Economics
- Dynamic auction, private values Parkes et al.,
Nisan et al.
- aka Incentive Compatibility
- Bidders do not regret reporting honestly even if
they find out other bidders information - Truthful reporting ex post Nash equilibrium
6Main Q
7Main Q
- Which truthful dynamic
- interdependent-values auction
- makes most money?
8Simplest private values, static, 1 bidder
- Bids in 0,1 cdf F, pdf f F gt 0
- Price p. Sell if bid ? p. Best p p?
9Simplest private values, static, 1 bidder
- Bids in 0,1 cdf F, pdf f F gt 0
- Price p. Sell if bid ? p. Best p p?
- Revenue pProb(bid ? p) p(1-F(p))
- p0 revenue 01 p1 revenue 10
10Simplest private values, static, 1 bidder
- Bids in 0,1 cdf F, pdf f F gt 0
- Price p. Sell if bid ? p. Best p p?
- Revenue pProb(bid ? p) p(1-F(p))
- p0 revenue 01 p1 revenue 10
- Interior max ?/?prevenue 0
11Simplest private values, static, 1 bidder
- Bids in 0,1 cdf F, pdf f F gt 0
- Price p. Sell if bid ? p. Best p p?
- Revenue pProb(bid ? p) p(1-F(p))
- p0 revenue 01 p1 revenue 10
- Interior max ?/?prevenue 0
Virtual valuation
12Virtual valuation
- Regular case (many distributions f and F)
- Sell if and only if
- Virtual valuation auction take-it-or-leave-it p
Dont sell
13Revenue-optimal truthful auction known
- 1 bidder, static, private values
- virtual valuation auction take-it-or-leave-it p
14Revenue-optimal truthful auction known
- 1 bidder, static, private values
- virtual valuation auction take-it-or-leave-it p
- 2 bidders, static, private values My
- Second price virt val auction with reserve price
15Revenue-optimal truthful auction known
- 1 bidder, static, private values
- virtual valuation auction take-it-or-leave-it p
- 2 bidders, static, private values My
- Second price virt val auction with reserve price
p - 2 bidders, static, interdependent values Br
- Interdep 2nd price virt val auction with reserve
16Revenue-optimal truthful auction known
- 1 bidder, static, private values
- virtual valuation auction take-it-or-leave-it p
- 2 bidders, static, private values My
- Second price virt val auction with reserve price
p - 2 bidders, static, interdependent values Br
- Interdep 2nd price virt val auction with reserve
p - 2 bidders, dynamic, interdependent values
- Dont know much about future bidders
17Truthful ? described by critical estimates
Poster Thu
- Critical estimate
- i wins ? is estimate ? is critical estimate
- If highest value wins, 2s CE e1
- Pay value at CE here, second-highest bid
- CEi cannot depend on own estimate ei
- Hard because other values depend on ei
18Mixed Integer Program Formulation
- Get discrete revenue-optimal auction via MIP
- Search for best critical estimates at discrete
points Automated Mechanism Design - Real and integer variables, linear constraints
- Only viable for small applications
- MIP size exponential in max arity of values and
critical estimates - To approximate solution of a MIP is hard
- We used CPLEX, an off-the-shelf solver
- vi(ei, e-i) ei0.5avg(e-i), eiU0,1
- (virtual) valuations linear, symmetric
- At depi, seller knows (correct) probability of 3
arriving p3A
20Expected virtual-valuation heuristic
- Sell to departing bidder if his v.v. is higher
than the max expected v.v. of other bidders
21Expected virtual-valuation heuristic
- Sell to departing bidder if his v.v. is higher
than the max expected v.v. of other bidders
- Discrete
- Truthful
- Optimal
- Continuous
- Not Truthful
- Not Optimal
- Exp-v-v heuristic close to optimal, but not IC
- MIP revenue gt Exp-v-v revenue if uncertainty
- Revenue increases with amount of overlap
- Expected revenue increases as p3A increases
- MIP critical estimates in case of full overlap
are almost identical to optimal (no obvious bugs)
Future work
- MIP formulation for finding revenue-optimal
auction - Naïve generalization of optimal static auction
- not truthful
- not optimal, but close
- Values decreasing with time
- Correlation of bidder estimates
- Multiple items