Title: Tom Tieghe
1 Best Value Contracting
Innovative Source Selections
2Public Works Contracting Key Goals
QualityCost ScheduleSafetyFair Process
2 Basic Choices Low-Bid v. Best Value
Go w/Low Bid Price Alone Take Chances
Or Use BVC, Price AND Qualifications
-- Get Best Project at Best Price
3Defining Best Value Contracting
Contracts Awarded to Firm Offering Best
Combination of Price Qualifications To
Achieve Best Overall Results
Performance Qualifications Rated Through RFP
Process GC Subs
4Growing Use of BVC Process
Federal State Counties
Cities Schools Universities
Stadiums Utilities
5Source Federal Procurement Data Center/MCAA/CLRC
6State BVC Initiatives
- DE, NJ, KY, DC, HI, NM
- AL, UT, GA, TX
- CO, PA
7New Jersey School Construction Act
BVC Mandated for 12 Billion Program
9Mechanics of BVC Systems
10Factors Impacting Success
Project Team
Project Success
Technical Approach
Contract Warranties
11Step 1 RFP Designed Issued
Bidders Informed Contract Award Will be Based
on Price . . . AND
- Past Performance
- Management Plan
- Project Staffing
- MBE Participation
- General Pre-listed Subcontractors
Evaluation Factors Relative Weight Spelled Out
12Evaluation/Performance Factors
- Management Plan
- Mgt. Team
- Technical Approach
- QC/Safety Programs
- Subcontractor Lists
- Key Subs . . .
- Pre-Listing Subs
- Past Performance
- Quality/Cost/Schedule
- Law Compliance/Safety
- MBE Participation
- Project Staffing Plan
- Staffing Sources
- Craft Training
- Safety Training
13 Step 2 Contractors Submit Price Proposals
Technical Proposals
- Firms Provide Performance Data/Technical Info
to Agency -
- Prelisting of Subcontractors (Curtails Bid
Shopping) - Data Collected Evaluated From Other Sources .
. .
14Step 3 Proposal Evaluation/Source Selection
1. Tech. Evaluation Teams Review All Data 2.
Technical Proposals Scored/Rated Per RFP Factors
3. Price Proposals Opened/Prices Scored 4.
Best Value Selection Per Formula/Process
15Sample BVC Scoring Matrix Max. Q Score
40/Max. Score 60
16BVC Price Scoring Formula
- Price 60 Points Technical 40
- Co A/Low Bid Price Score 60
- Co. As Bid x 60 Co. B Price Score
- Co. Bs Bid (e.g., 50, 55,
17Sample BVC Scoring Matrix Max. Q Score
40/Max. Score 60
19Driving Forces of BVC
BVC v. Low Bid
20General Goals of Public Procurement
Open Competition Fair Process
Efficient Process (Min. Agg.) MaximumValue
BVC v. Low Bid
21Why Best Value Contracting?
- Flexibility Factors
- Failure of Low Bid
- Best Value Success
driving Factors
22The Flexibility FactorValue-Added
ct Design
23Limitations of Low Bid
- Qualifications Score 0 -100
O 30 50 70 100
24 Failures of Low Bid System
- Poor quality
- Schedule Delays
- Cost Over-runs
- Changes/Claims
- High Risks
- Hassles Headaces
Construction Failure High Price, Low Value --
Plus Major Aggravation
25Results of Best Value Systems
Better Quality Faster Schedule Reduced
Costs Less Protests
New Data From Owners
U.S. Navy/GSA/States
26Additional QUESTIONS?Contact National Energy
Management Institute703.739.7100