Title: DDI HAVi Declarative UI Model
1DDI - HAVi Declarative UI Model
- UI for an application or a DCM on any HAVi
controller with a display - user can interact with a HAVi system from any
device in the network - Declarative Data Driven Interaction (DDI)
- simple interpreter
- Widget-Based
- buttons, sliders, selections,
- optional sound and image attributes
- mandatory text attribute to support text-only
2DDI Controller-Target Split
- DDI Target (e.g., DCM) is in charge of the device
- much UI information supplied to Controller is
advisory - DDI Controller is in charge of the screen
- has no semantic knowledge of the particular
3DDI Example Simple VCR UI
Ill be getting an example bitmap from Pierre
without the Evaluation Copy
4DDI Example More Elaborate VCR Help System UI
Ill be getting another example bitmap from Pierre
5DDI Controller-Target Split
- DDI Target (DCM) is in charge of the device
- DDI Controller does not know the specific device
functionality behind the UI elements - limited but mandatory set of HAVi device control
(DCM) APIs - DDI allows control by a user of non-standardized
device specific features
6DDI Controller-Target Split
- DDI Controller is in charge of the screen
- Controller is generic with respect to devices
- geometric layout, navigation, and look-and-feel
- target makes suggestions via element attributes
- target does not need to deal with display
capabilities of DDI controller
7DDI Operation
DCM Host Device
DDI Target (a DCM)
Controlled Device
Controlling Device
Local Display and other I/O
DDI Controller (Application)
HAVi Msg System
HAVi Msg System
DDI protocol (HAVI Messages)
DCM sends proprietary commands
DCM reads DDI data
8DDI - HAVi Declarative UI Model
- More detail coming in Section 2