Title: Bob Kramer, MBA, MA, CMC
1 MPCC Business Accelerator Workshop
The Simplest and Fastest Way To A Business Plan
That You Can Take to the Bank!
- Bob Kramer, MBA, MA, CMC
- Certified Management Consultant
- Certified Facilitator and Executive Coach
- President,
- The Alternative Board of Monterey and Salinas
- www.TABmontereysalinas.com
2 - With the speed of business today,
the name of the game is either
adapt or die.adapting demands more focus, more
foresight, more risk-taking, better planning and
greater execution! - Tom Peters
3The Reality of 20/80 of Business Life
4How Do You Define a Business?
5What Is The Purpose of A Business?
6What Is The 2nd Purpose of a Business?
7Business Owners
Ultimate Challenge
To develop a roadmap that closes the gap between
where you are today ( of customers/sales) and
where you want to be in the future ( of
customers/sales) your vision!
8Major Biz Plan Problems
- Important info is difficult to find
- Technical jargon is required
- Excessive readingoverly detailed
- Hard to understand.complexity
- Unclear path for growth and profit
- Employees dont get it!
- Little or no accountability
- Easy to get off-track.derailed
- No one really understands the hairball
9A Grand Aha!
- Failure to plan is in effect,
- planning to fail!
- Overview of One Page Bus. Plan
- Quick Methodology
- Draft Plans
- Key issues
- Books / Websites
- Q A
11What Is the
One Page Business Plan
- A revolutionary tool that provides an easy and
fast way to develop a business/life roadmap.
12How Does It Work?
- Simple and direct approach to business
/life planning - Captures the essence of
any business or
program - Uses a single page
- Uses key words and
shorts phrases - Does not sugar coat
13What Are Some of Its Purposes?
- A presentation tool for your banker
- A plan for your business
- A plan for your professional career/college
- A plan for a profit center, dept, program or
project - A plan for a new project
- A plan for an employees future
- A plan for your next dream vacation
14Who is Using It?
- Ford Motor Company
- Sun Micro Systems
- Roto Rooter intl
- Morgan Stanley
- Dean Witter
- KPMG Consulting
- Equitable Life Insurance
- Oracle Software
- 100 public companies
- 1000 non-profit organizations
- 5,000 private companies
- Currently being taught at 22 University Business
15Five Building Blocks of
The One Page Business Plan
- A Vision Statement
- A Mission Statement
- Key Objectives
- Supporting Strategies
- Action Plans
- Its a blueprint for how to build a
16 Key Business Plan terms
- Capture your plan using 5 universal
questions - Vision What are you building?
- Mission Why does this business exist?
Whats your purpose? - Objectives What are key measures of success?
- Strategy How will you build success?
- Act Plans What is the work to be done?
17Colorado Garden Window Company
- Lets read a One Page Business Plan
18Vision Statement
- Within the next 3 years, build Colorado
Garden Window Company into a 10 million home
products company specializing in manufacturing
and distributing custom and replacement garden
windows and skylights to meet the demands of
growing upscale communities in major metropolitan
areas. - Vision statements describe the business we are
building -
19Mission Statement
- Bring light, air, and
- the beauty of nature into homes
- through customized and creative windows.
- - Colorado Garden Windows
- Mission statements describe why the business
exists and the benefit the customers will
- Increase sales15 to 300,000
- Achieve profit before tax of 100,00
- Reduce COGS to 38 thru automation program
- Reduce inventory to 3.3 months by August 31st.
- Increase active store count to 120 by yr end
- Achieve 98 on time delivery w/ 98 accuracy
- Objectives define the measures of success. Must
be graphable.
- Focus our marketing efforts using direct mail to
baby-boomers in the three zip codes
80211,80212,80214 - Maintain 75 of total inventory of standard
window sizes in order to become the vendor of
choice - Train all personnel in lean mfg processes to
increase efficiencies of in-house manufacturing - Strategies are activity statements that describe
how the business will be built and what will make
it successful overtime.
22Action Plans
- Introduce new Scenic Garden Window at SF Products
Show in March 01 - Hire new sales rep by April 15th, focus on
Signature Homes in Denver Provo - Phase in new packaging design by Mar 31st.
- Plans describe the specific work or projects
that need to becompleted in the next twelve
23The Easy One Page Method
Your Turn.. to draft your plan!
24The Vision Statement
- What are you trying to accomplish for your
future? -
25Fill in the blanks Vision Statement
- Within the next 3 years, 2011 grow (your name)
- to become an expert at ________ while
- studying at _________ and looking for a future
job as - a ___________providing ( what services)
to (describe your ideal employer) -
- Fill in the blank statements to quickly create
your first draft then edit the statement into
your own words.
26The Mission Statement
- What is your purpose currently?
- (15 words or less)
27Mission statements answer these questions?
- What do I do best at? Who do I benefit most?
- Who are our customers?
- What wants, needs, desires, pain, or problems do
our product services solve? - What is our promise of service?
- What are we committed to providing to our
customers? - How does our mission statement make us
distinctive from all our competitors?
28Sample Mission Statements
- Federal Express The World on Time
- UPS Moving at the Speed of Business
- eBay The Worlds Online Marketplace
- Lenscrafters Helping people see better one hour
at a time. - Sylvan Learning Systems Success is Learned
- BMW - The Ultimate Driving Machine
- CHS - Making our students best in the
state/nation - Mission statements good marketing
- Great mission statements are short and memorable.
29Your Mission Statement
- What will you measure your success this year?
- Each objective must be graphable
31Objectives Your Business Dashboard
- What specific activities will you engage in to
achieve your objectives? -
33Strategies Allocate Resources
- In what subjects/activities will I work for
higher performance - What will we train on?
- How will I make technology more useful to me?
- How will I become more competitive?
- How will we sell more products?
- How do we achieve more customer value?
- How will we attract/retain key employees?
Great strategy statements create laser beam focus
on specific activities
34There are many types of strategies
35Fill in the blank Strategies
- Become known for _____.
- Study harder on _____, ______, and _____ .
- Become more competitive by _____, _____ ______.
- Increase my value to _______by ____, _____
_____. - Create more support to ____, _____ _____.
- Attract retain key new friends by ___ ___.
- Use Strategic Alliances to ____, ____, ____.
36Action Plans
- What is the new work to be done that will make me
more successful? By What date? -
- What specific actions and projects must the
business complete to achieve its objectives? - Who is responsible for completing the work?
- What date will the work be completed?
- Plans are about significant business building
projectsnot specifically someones job
38Sample Action Plan Statements
- Complete business plan by 3/31/08.
- Take my vacation with family/friends by 5/31/08.
- Complete our product test by 10/31/08
- Q1 08 - Marketing campaign in 4 locations
- Q2 08 Get CU Board approval on plan
- Prepare annual budget for review 11/15/08
39Your Action Plans
40 - Build a draft and keep refining it!
- OPBPs are living plans
- Remember The Yale University Study!
41A Final thought
- The OPBP is designed for
- simplicity, quickness focus
- adaptability
- accountability
- performance
- alignment
- understandability
- empowerment
- a compliment to detailed planning
42A Few of My Favorite Business Books
- The Evolution of Small Business, Amar Bhide
- Thinking Like an Entrepreneur, Peter Hupalo
- Built to Change, E. Lawler III and C. Worley
- Increasing Small Business Profitabilty, J.
Viviano - The 7 Secrets of Great Entrepreneurial Masters,
Allen Fishman
43Very Cool Useful Websites
- www. myonepageplan.com
- www.sba.gov (govt resources) 800-827-5722
- www.gobignetwork.com (Worlds largest community
of startup companiesmany valuable resources) - www.bplans.com
- www.millionairesecrets.com/bizplans
- www.whois.org
- www.register.com
- www.uspto.gov (US Patent and Trademark)