Introduction to LSC eTendering Process - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to LSC eTendering Process


buyers and suppliers to conduct the tendering process online. Benefits of eTendering: ... these attachments, please refer to the supplier attachments guide' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction to LSC eTendering Process

Introduction to LSC eTendering Process
What is eTendering ?
LSC eTendering Portal Overview
How to view Contract Opportunities
How to register on the LSC eTendering Portal
How to create additional users
How to respond to the Contract Opportunity (PQQ)
How to download / upload document attachments
How to communicate with LSC during the eTendering
Tips for a stress-less tender
Close / QA
What is eTendering ?
What is eTendering?
eTendering is the use of secure, web-based,
collaborative tools by buyers and suppliers to
conduct the tendering process online Benefits of
eTendering Improve efficiency (quicker to
respond) Reduce tendering costs (no courier /
documentation costs) Ensure compliance with
procedures and best practice Improve tendering
visibility and governance Provide robust audit
trails Allows suppliers to maintain an
organisational profile that is visible to the
LSC eTendering Portal Overview
LSC eTendering Portal Overview
The LSC eTendering Portal is available at
https// The LSC
eTendering Portal is available FREE to
suppliers The LSC eTendering Portal is delivered
and supported by BravoSolution Official UK
Public Sector eTendering Service
Provider Certified Audit, Confidentiality and
Security Accreditation
How to view Contract Opportunities
Opportunities and Notices allows you to view
tendering opportunities that are available to
your organisation. NOTE View current/past
opportunities and notices details tendering
opportunities that are specific to the
LSC. View current pan-government
opportunities details tendering opportunities
across the UK public sector. 1. Click the View
pan-government link
How to register on the LSC eTendering Portal
  • To register your organisation on the LSC
    eTendering Portal, click click here to register.

2. All organisations should read through the
User Agreement. You must then tick the box that
states I agree and click the GO button to
3. Please complete ALL the Registration Data
and click save. This will generate an
auto-alert to the registered email address
detailing a unique password.
Note The Registration form contains two
sections Organisation Details and User
Details. You should enter user details for the
individual responsible for completing ALL
tenders. TIP Ensure you have entered a
memorable username and a valid email address.
All future correspondence regarding tender
activities will be sent to this registered email
How to create additional users
Note Multi-users allows you to setup other
individuals within your organisation to also
respond to tenders. These multi-users can then
receive any auto alerts (communications from
the LSC) regarding specific tenders. Multi users
gives you the flexibility of allowing key
individuals to complete different sections of any
one particular tender. (e.g. Health and Safety,
Finance, Equal Opportunities etc.) 2. To begin
creating a multi user, click the Multi user
3. Click add user to enter the details of the
4. Enter the user details on this new user form
and click save. Note This form will ask you
to specify a username. Please ensure it is
memorable to the new user.
Once you have completed the new user form you
will need to assign user rights for the
multi-user. 5. Click view user rights to
define these rights.
Note As a default the portal will not assign any
user rights for multi users. To ensure the
multi-user has adequate levels of access
to tenders you must edit their user rights. 6.
Click edit to assign user rights.
7. Amend the user rights by selecting the
relevant options from the drop down lists
provided. Once complete click Save. This has
now successfully created a multi user with
adequate levels of access.
How to respond to the Contract Opportunity (PQQ)
Example Screen Key Functions overview
This allows you to attach documents as requested
by the Buyer NOTE Technical Response is for
non-price information, Commercial Response is
for price related information and quotations
Tabs Sub Menus help you navigate between
components (PQQs, ITTs etc)
Unique system generated tender and component
codes help you to identify and search quickly
(also useful when you speak with the
BravoSolution help desk
This Question Mark Icon shows were online help
is available (for guidance on this specific
screen) The online help function also
contains Search functions Glossaries Process
tutorials (e.g. how do I Express Interest, or
Respond to a PQQ) Animated tutorials
Response Details buttons help you navigate within
a tender and its components (the shaded one is
the screen you are currently in)
Action links allow you to perform general
functions (such as Expressing Interest)
The Legend clarifies screen icons and symbols
(e.g. mandatory fields) Note - Text field are
limited to 512 characters, - Numeric fields are
restricted to numerals only (text, spaces or
symbols will not be accepted)
These type of Action links allow you to perform
specific functions within in this particular
screen (such as Edit , or Export to Excel)
1. To view a list of Pre-Qualification
Questionnaires that are available, click the
Open Access PQQs link
2. Here you can see the list of PQQs. (note
this is an example your screen might have more
or less PQQs)
3. Please select the relevant PQQ that you would
like to complete.  Then click on the PQQ Title to
express an interest
4. This will take you to a summary page showing a
description, closing date and the status of the
5. Click on Express Interest to register your
interest with the LSC and to view the
Pre-Qualification Questionnaire
Note Once you Express an Interest the PQQ will
automatically move into My PQQs (This is often
referred to as your reserved area on the portal
where PQQs will be listed that you have expressed
interest in or published a response to the buyer

6. Please select the appropriate PQQ and click on
the PQQ Title to begin completing your response
This will take you to a summary page showing a
description, closing date and the status of the
PQQ Also note the number of attachments shown
in the Attachments button on the left-hand side
of this page (to download these attachments,
please refer to the supplier attachments
guide 7. It is important to download ALL
attachments before completing your response.
Attachments contain key information and
instructions on how to publish a fully complete
response. Please click attachments
8. To respond to the PQQ click Reply. You can
choose not to response by clicking Reject and
providing a reason as to why you do not wish to
9. Clicking the Reply button will take you into
Qualification Response screen this is used to
highlight some top tips to make your response
simple and stress-free it is crucial that you
read and digest this all this information and
instructions before progressing when you have
read and understood the instructions answer any
questions that require confirmation and the
save link. Once you have completed this page
click on Technical Response
  • 10. This takes you to the next screen, known as
    the Technical Response screen, it is here that
    you will answer the questionnaire
  • note the following
  • The form is constructed in sections with
    questions below, work your way through the
    sections/questions observing the red asterisks
    indicating mandatory questions.
  • Regularly click the Save button to ensure that
    your information is saved and not lost if your
    connection is lost.
  • For security purposes the portal will log you
    out after 15-20 minutes of inactivity.
  • Text fields are limited to 2000 characters for
    brief responses only.
  • Note If a question refers you to an attachment
    that needs to be completed, ensure it is
    downloaded and saved on your own pc, and once
    complete - upload the attachment back into
    technical parameters

11. Once you have entered your response and
attached all the requested documents, please
click Publish
12. The system will ask you to confirm that you
would like to publish your response. Click
Note This screen will display your response to
both qualification and technical parameters and
any attachments that you have successfully
completed. It is recommended that you double
check your response before submitting it to the
LSC. Also note that prior to the deadline, if
needed, you can re-publish your existing
response. (i.e. if you need to change a response
to a question that you originally entered
13. The response window will then close and the
My PQQs screen will refresh and show the new
Response status as Published
NOTE The registered email address will also
receive confirmation that your response has been
successfully published
How to download / upload document attachments
1. To access the documentation that the buyer has
uploaded onto the Portal, please click the
Attachments button
Note The number in the brackets represents the
number of attachments you should download.
2. To access each document click the filename
link and click the Save button to save a copy
to your local PC or network drive Tip If you
are using a slow internet connection note the
file size and try to download larger files either
via a broadband connection or at off-peak times.
3. Or you can download all the attachments in one
go by clicking Mass Download. Note you will
need to have Java (1.4.2) installed to do this
Note When downloading attachments individually,
you may need to click onto the second page if
there are more than 10 attachments. Each screen
only displays 10 attachments at any one time.
Click Save and select an appropriate location
on your own PC to store the attachment.
1. To upload documents and/or templates as file
attachments click the Add Technical Attachments
link 0
2. Click Add
3. From the drop down box select an appropriate
option (note the last two options will load a
Java applet. If your IT policy/ Firewall does not
allow these options select the without applet
4. Name the file (following the specified naming
6. Click Attach
5. Click the Browse button to navigate your
local drive, locate the file and select it to
place it here
7. Once you have uploaded your documents, click
8. Note Technical Attachments now indicates how
many documents you have uploaded click Save
to ensure all your changes have been saved.
How to communicate with LSC during the eTendering
1. If you wish to communicate with the Buying
team (clarifications, tender related questions
etc.) please ensure that you use the online
secure messaging tool To send a message or to
view received messages, click the Messages
2. The messaging screen will show you all the
messages that you have received including the
date/time they were issued and read To read a
message, move your mouse over the received
message (it will be highlighted in an orange
colour) and click
3. This will display the message, to reply click
the Reply button
4. Edit your message content then click the Send
Message button note you can also attach files
to this message (refer to attachments guide), try
to only do this if requested.
5. The original message will now show the date
you opened and replied to the message. To see
the messages you have sent to the buyer click
Sent Messages
6. This will show the messages you have sent and
if they have been read and/ or replied to.
Tips for a stress-less tender
Tips for a Stress-less Tender
  • Ensure that you read and digest all documentation
    thoroughly and make note of key actions and
    deadlines (you may want to create a checklist of
    actions to review prior to publishing your
  • Dont leave your response until the last minute
    if you have problems you may not be able to
    resolve them before the deadline for responses.
  • Always use the secure messaging tool for
    communicating with the Buying team.
  • Only upload attachments when requested. Try to
    avoid uploading very large files.
  • Try and answer all questions not just the
    mandatory ones.
  • Ensure that you follow all instructions carefully
    (including those in an online opportunity, the
    PQQ attachments and in the online forms
    themselves) it is critical that you thoroughly
    review the advise given in all Supplier Help
    Guides and READ ME FIRST documents within the
    online tender.
  • Please treat your username and password securely
    if you lose or forget your password there is a
    link on the portal homepage where it can be
    emailed to the registered email address.
  • Please ensure that colleagues completing your
    responses have a basic level of literacy with
    common PC applications and internet based
  • Consistently SAVE your work security protocols
    will automatically time-out after 20 minutes of
  • Please remember you MUST publish your response to
    make it visible to the LSC.

Close / QA
Support Details
For further information or assistance please
refer to the online help function in the first
instance. If this does not resolve your query
you can email the Bravosolution Helpdesk (8am
6pm Monday to Friday) on Email Please note that this
email address should only be used for technical
queries. For matters relating to the content of
tenders, firstly ensure that you have read the
Instructions documents before you contact the
LSC procurement team via the messaging
Background on Bravosolution
Typical Process Overview
BravoSolution Overview
  • 230 blue chip public and private sector clients
    worldwide since 2000
  • Europe's leading eSourcing provider, offices in
    UK, Italy, France, Spain, China (soon Germany)
  • Over 76,000 suppliers from 56 countries have
    participated in 60bn of online negotiations
  • 220 people growing
  • 30m turnover profitable part of Italcementi
  • Featured in the latest NAO report on Delivering
    Successful IT-enabled Business Change

United Kingdom - London
France - Paris
Spain - Madrid
Italy - Rome
Italy Milan Corporate HQ
Typical Process Overview
Planning Phase
Invitation To Tender (ITT)
Award Contract
Evaluate PQQ Responses
Evaluate ITT Responses
Complete Questionnaire and publish.
Receive Shortlist or exclusion notification
Complete ITT and publish.
  • TIPS
  • Always read all instructions and documents
  • Ensure you publish ALL PQQ and ITT Responses
    within the specified deadlines.
  • Late responses MAY NOT be accepted.
  • Continuously SAVE all your work. You will
    automatically time out after 20 minutes of
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