Title: Lions and Tigers and Bears:
1Lions and Tigers and Bears
- How social movements are structured, or, some
typologies of social movements
2Some general and oft-made distinctions between
social movements other types of social pressure
3Interest Group
- Lobbies members of legislative bodies,
contributes vast sums to political campaigns, and
runs propaganda campaigns to affect the
legislative process. - Main resource votes
- Mode of operation formal political orgs
- Main arena of activity central halls of power
- Main goal economic or policy influence
4Political Party
- Recognized organization of people with similar
interests and attitudes formally established with
the aim of achieving legitimate control of
government and using that power to pursue a
specific program - Main resource votes
- Main arena of activism formal political
processes - Mode of operation formal party
- Main goal control of govt.
5Guerilla group
- Non-governmental military organization that
engages in fighting with the goal of bringing
about political, economic, and/or social change. - Main resource weapons
- Main arena of activism covert spaces
- Mode of organization cells, armies
- Main goal political social reform
6 74 types of social movement What is the main
type of organization that promotes the cause?
8 1. grassroots model relatively loose,
informal, and decentralization structureemphasis
on unruly, radical protest politics, and a
reliance on committed adherents
- Examples- U.S. Civil Rights Movement,womens
movements in Europe anti-war movement in the
92. interest-group modelemphasis on influencing
policies (via lobbying, for instance), and a
reliance on formal organization.
- EXAMPLES anti-tobacco lobby Human rights
movement in the United States
103. party-oriented modelemphasis on electoral
process, party politics, and a reliance on formal
- EXAMPLE French environmental movement, 1990s
114. Guerrilla-oriented model emphasis on armed
contention, usually led by one dominant
- Example Tamil movement, Sri Lanka
12Points to Remember
- 1- Some social movements are a mix of these types
- 2- Social Movement types may vary change over
time. - 3-Figuring out why 2 occurs makes for
fascinating research