Title: Uyghur.com
www.euronet.nl/users/sota/turkistan.htm www.usemba
ssy-china.org.cn/english/sandt/xjnotes.htm www.uyg
huramerican.org www.bizuyghur.com www.utoledo.edu/
nlight/mainpage.htm www.eastturkistan.com http
//freeud.tripod.com/cgi-bin/eudict.pl www.ccs.uky
.edu/rakhim/et.html www.taklamakan.org www.uygur.
org www.uyghurinfo.com www.uyghurs.org www.uighur.
co.uk www.ozturkler.com/data_english/0007/0007_13.
htm www.uglychinese.org
www.future-china.org/spcl_rpt/uygr/uyghur.htm www.
wiu.edu/users/mua www.the_uighurs.tripod.com www.u
yghur-dic.org www.china.org.cn/e-groups/shaoshu/sh
ao-2-uygur.htm www.geocities.com/uighurlanguage
www.radicalparty.org/uighur/oetkur_umit.htm www.d
oguturkistan.com http//murad.nease.net www.uighur
.jp www.yuighur.com www.uighur.narod.ru http//www
.oqya.5u.com http//www.uyghur.net http//www.uygh
Ethnic Nationalism
www.theuygur.com www.urumqi.gov.cn www.uygur.org/k
ivilcim/index.html www.zarapxan.com
- The Gladney paper you never saw...
- International campaigns for Uyghur rights and
possible independence have become increasingly
vocal and well organized, especially on the
internet. - Supported largely by Uyghur émigrés who left
China prior to the Communist takeover in 1949,
these organizations maintain a plethora of
websites and activities that take a primarily
negative view of Chinese policies in the region.
3Separatism on the Virtual Frontier
- Uyghur websites can be divided into three main
categories - Informational and political separatiast
- Ethnic nationalist
www.eastturkistan.com www.uygur.org
www.uyghurinfo.com www.uyghurs.org
4Ethnic Nationalism
- Maintaining links to other Uyghurs
- Some sites offer discussion boards in both
English and Uyghur for the émigrés - www.uyghuramerican.org www.bizuyghur.com
- Spreading information on culture
- Sites devoted to Uyghur culture
- www.utoledo.edu/nlight/mainpage.htm
www.wiu.edu/users/mua - Uyghur language dictionary projects
- www.geocities.com/uighurlanguage
5This ones goes to you, Uyghur
- The targeted audience of most of these sights are
Uyghurs of the diaspora and anyone else who will
listen - But nobodys writing to Uyghur
- Chinas strict censorship policy
- Most outside Uyghur sites blocked (but not all)
- Sites inside not allowed to contain political or
religious content, strictly monitored
6Internet Thought Police
- China, hoping to control the political influence
of overseas Uyghurs via Internet, has erected a
firewall to prevent the Uyghurs in Xinjiang
from accessing the information on overseas
websites. All the websites in Uyghur languages in
Xinjiang are required by the Chinese government
to ban discussions on religion, politics, and
Uyghur-Chinese related issues.
7Internet Censorship
- The Internet has proven to be a powerful tool in
organizing demonstrations within China - Chinese government uses firewalls to block
outside sites, holds ICPs responsible for their
content within China and has arrested people for
the counter-revolutionary material they download
8(No Transcript)
9Continuing research
- Most of the Uyghur websites are not active, some
not having been updated for years - Through censorship and accessibility barriers, it
will remain difficult for Uyghurs in China to
access outside sites - Even if they wanted to access them, most are as
propaganda-laden as the information coming from