Title: Using MICS3 for
1- Using MICS3 for
- Evidence-based policy making.
- The case of CEE/CIS
2- MICS3
- The largest Household Survey on children in
3Ownership and leadership from 13 Governments
4Up to 101 indicators collected
5100,000 HH interviewed
100,000 HH interviewed
6Next challenge
Use MICS3 findings to
8In addition to National MICS reports
9 key Findings were communicated through
Executive summaries
10 leaflets
11 posters and calendars
12 and free access to data was ensured through
13Effective Media release and Press Conferences
14 in synergy with multimedia supports
15 26 episode documentary TV serial in Serbia and
a MICS Video in Uzbekistan
16 were instrumental to excellent Media coverage.
17MICS 3 findings are being used for Evidence Based
Decision Making
In all countries, MICS3 findings were presented
at Government policy makers and major
stakeholders, including to the Parliament in
Kazakhstan MICS3 findings have been presented in
strategic national Conference, such as at the EU
Conference on Social Inclusion in Macedonia and
the National Conference on Poverty in
Tajikistan In Serbia, the MICS3 findings
informed the public hearing at the National
Parliament on Child health. Challenges and
solutions Uzbekistan is planning to launch a
dissemination campaign with the Children
Parliament .
18 and further analysis to inform Policy reforms.
19Preliminary results achieved through the use of
MICS3 findings for evidence-based policy advocacy
- Even if its too early, some preliminary results
achieved through the use of MICS3 findings in
policy making are already been reported - For example, in Serbia, MICS findings were
instrumental to initiate - the establishment of the National Commission on
Young Children Nutrition and feeding practices - the initiative to ban corporal punishment,
coordinated by the Serbian NGO network in
partnership with the Ministry of Labor and Social