Title: The Academy of General Dentistry
1The Academy of General Dentistry
About the Academy
2About Us
- The AGD is the only dental association
exclusively dedicated to representing the
interests and serving the needs of the general
3AGD History
- Then
- In 1952, eight dentists formed a study group to
discuss creating a body that would organize
general dentistry. - Founding principles were rooted in education.
- Now
- 35,000 members
- Core Values
- Excellence in oral health care
- Diversity
- Universal acceptance of the general dentist as a
- gatekeeper of oral health care
- Continuous, life-long learning
- Advocacy and representation
- Teamwork, camaraderie, and mentorship
- Ethical, honest, and credible behavior
4AGD Advocacy
Legislative Efforts In 2008... The AGD White
Paper on Access to Care offered more than 30
solutions to access gaps and was promoted to
Congress, all 50 state legislatures, the ADA,
other organized dentistry institutions, and other
communities of interest. Nearly 60 AGD members
completed more than 100 Capitol Hill visits
during the second annual Government Relations
Conference. AGD representatives met with
insurance companies to learn the best way to
enforce the interests of the general dentist, and
encourage the use of real-time eligibility
verification software to eliminate insurance
company requests for refunds on ineligible
patients after service had been rendered. And
much more!
5AGD Advocacy
Media Coverage In 2008 AGD partnered with
Glaxo-SmithKline to launch a public awareness
campaign to educate patients on the physical,
psychological, and emotional effects of tooth
loss. The campaign was featured in 45 media
outlets and reached more than 6 million
consumers. Information about AGD general
dentists reached more than 400 million people
through 2,252 media outlets, including several
large publications.
- The AGD reached out to dental students and young
dentists through social media ventures like a
Facebook fan page and YouTube channel, and
offered members alternative ways to receive AGD
information through online podcasts, RSS feeds,
case studies, and our first-ever blog, The Daily
6AGD Membership
Save money and time with free and discounted
products and services. Find all the practice
management and career assistance that you
need. Strengthen the voice of general dentistry.
Network with other general dentists. Distinguis
h yourself with the Fellowship and Mastership
7AGD Awards
AGD offers the only achievement-based awards in
general dentistry.
- Fellowship requirements
- Three years of AGD membership
- 500 approved FAGD CE credits
- Fellowship Exam
- Members receive the award at a formal convocation
ceremony held each year at the AGD annual
meeting. - Mastership requirements
- Fellowship Award
- 1,100 approved MAGD CE credits
- Members receive the award at a formal convocation
ceremony held each year at the AGD annual
8AGD Annual Meeting Exhibits
New Orleans Morial Convention Center July 6
through 11, 2010
- Earn up to 36 CE credits in just five days -
Visit more than 200 high-quality exhibitors -
Bring your dental team for FREE - Mix and mingle
at a variety of social events
For more information, visit www.agd.org/neworleans
9AGD General Information
AGD Information Total Members 35,000 President
David F. Halpern, DMD, FAGD Headquarters
Chicago, Ill. Founded 1952 Join Now Visit
www.agd.org, and click on Join Now. Apply
online, or download the application and mail or
fax it in with payment. Contact Us www.agd.org
888.AGD.DENT(243.3368) membership_at_agd.org 211
E. Chicago Ave., Ste. 900 Chicago, IL 60611