Title: EuropeAid Cooperation Office
1TACIS CBC SPF TACIS Cross-Border Co-operation
Small Project Facility
- EuropeAid Co-operation Office
- Brussels
BSR Partner Search Forum, Gdansk (Poland)
16-17/06/2003 Catherine BODSON
2Tacis CBC SPF Programme
- Cross-border co-operation is one of the
multi-country programmes of the Tacis Programme - Small Project Facility The support is provided
by means of grants (max. 200.000) - Tacis CBC SPF has this year a budget of 6,7 m
(budget year 2002) - Indicative budget next Call for Proposals
(December 2003) 9,2 M
3 The Tacis CBC Small Project Facility
- Wider Europe Communication
- (03/2003)
- 1.the EU should aim to develop a zone of
prosperity and a friendly neighbourhoodwith whom
the EU enjoys close, peaceful and co-operative
4Wider Europe Communication
- 2. Promote regional and subregional co-operation
and integration that are the preconditions for
political stability, economic development and the
reduction of poverty and social division in our
shared environment.
5Overall Objectives Tacis CBC SPF
- Have an impact on living standards in the border
regions of Russia, Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine - Have a cross-border impact to foster
co-operation between regions and local
authorities in the NIS, EU and CEC - To support projects addressing a common CBC
problem or developing the partners competencies
on both sides of the borders
6Focuses on
- The cross-border dimension of projects and the
local/regional dimension - The common challenges
- The partnerships
- The sustainability of co-operation
- The co-ordination with other funding sources
7Budget and duration
- SPF projects min. 100.000
- max. 200.000
- MPF (Micro Project Facility)
- min. 10.000
- max. 50.000
- Partners co-financing min 20
- Max. duration 18 months SPF
- 6 months MPF
- ! Guidelines revised in September 2003
8Spheres of Co-operation
- Just one please!
- Local Economic development
- Environment and Energy Efficiency
- Administrative Reforms
- Social Affairs
9Spheres of co-operation
Administrative Reforms Management of local
and regional self-government Decision-making
procedures in local and regional
authorities Local regional democracy -
Participative approach Finance and
budgeting Decision-making procedures in local
and regional authorities Relations with the
public (e.g. information provision)
Local Economic Development SME support and
development Economic planning and industrial
conversion Economic development with sectoral
focus Development and tourism strategies
Strategies for tackling unemployment Rural
Environment Energy Efficiency Environmental
protection and improvement of standards Waste
management/ treatment strategies Transport and
traffic management Efficient energy supply and
monitoring of energy use Use of alternative
sources of energy
Social Affairs Urban and social health
policy Integration of national minorities and
disabled people Youth policy Education Fight
and prevention of trafficking in human beings
10Eligible Partners (1)
- Core partners
- Local or Regional Authorities in the eligible
regions - Association of Local and Regional Authorities
- Entity closely linked to the local or regional
authority (Regional Development Agency) and
mainly owned by the authority - Min 2 core partners NIS/EU or NIS/Phare
11Partnership ? (2)
- Additional partners
- Role of the eventual EU partner
- Local or Regional Authorities in the eligible
regions - NGOs
- Public Utilities
- Locally or Regionally based education centres
- Subcontractors for a limited and specific part of
the project (may even be commercial enterprises)
12Examples of Eligible Activities
- Training of personnel
- Study visits
- Establishment of best practice and procedures
- System analysis and transfer of knowledge
- Establishment of advisory and development
functions - Sectoral and regional studies
- Environmental management
- Human and institutional capacity building measures
13Types of non-eligible projects
- Individual sponsorships
- Individual scholarships
- One-off conferences
- Projects exceeding 18 months
- Projects submitted by other than local/regional
authorities or associations of local/regional
authorities - Singular cultural events
14Project Selection Cycle
- The PSC starts as from publication of the Call
for Proposals - 3 months to prepare a project and send it to the
EC, where tha application is registered - Evaluation Committee on Administrative compliance
and Eligibility - Evaluation by experts and inter-service
consultation - Second Evaluation Committee for final decision
- Approval of decision by hierarchy
15Evaluation and Selection Criteria
- Administrative Compliance
- Eligibility of applicants, partners and project
- Evaluation of the quality of the proposal
- Financial Evaluation of project
- Evaluation grid
16Grounds for rejection of a proposal
- Application received after the closing date
- Application is incomplete
- The applicant or partners are ineligible
- The project is ineligible
- The project is not relevant
- The relevance and quality of the proposal is
lower than that of the selected proposals - Financial quality is insufficient
- After consultation with other services, project
is rejected (overlap, bad experience, etc)
17Other Sources of Funding
- INTERREG Finnish / Russian border BSR
- Phare CBC on CEEC / NIS borders
18Co-ordination with the other Programmes
- Exchange of information with Delegation, INTERREG
Secretariats and other services of the Commission - Developing common procedures with INTERREG and
Phare in view of the future guidelines - Priority to support projects with a clear link to
an INTERREG or a Phare project (projects, which
could not be implemented without both fundings)
19What happens after signature of the contract?
- Project partners
- - Transparency between partners
- - Communication with project partners and with
Project Manager - - Role of partners
- - Activities of each partner
- Tacis financing covers
- - The activities for the benefit of the Tacis
partner - - The input of the different experts of the
project travel expenses/per diems - - The equipment purchases of the Tacis partner
20The internal organisation of your project
- The Project Team
- ? The key implementing instrument
- - Project Co-ordinator
- - Financial Co-ordinator
- - Partners contact persons
21The Project Team (1/3)
- Duties of the Project Co-ordinator
- Co-ordination of the projects (making things
happen) - Liaison with Project Managers of the EC
- Liaison with Financial Co-ordinator
- Compilation the reports
- Publication and communication on project results
- Identification of a substitute...
22The Project Team (2/3)
- Duties of the Financial Co-ordinator
- Belongs to the lead authority
- Prepares the project s financial reporting
systems (incl. Bookkeeping) - Close communication with the other project
partners - Keeps track on budget and expenditure
- Liases with the auditor
- Compiles the financial reports to the Project
Manager AND the EC
23The Project Team (3/3)
- Partners
- Each partner identifies a contact person who is
- Actively involved at all stages and communicates
with other partners - Responsible for the participation of the partner
in the project - Ensures adequate bookkeeping
- Prepares the partners contribution to the reports
- 20 of the total amount of the project
- No in-kind contribution allowed
- Types of financial contribution
- - Cash
- - Fees of civil servants (daily rates on the
market) - - All other expenses made by the partners for the
25Before designing a project proposal
- Identify the needs/problems of the beneficiary
country - Identify if these needs/problems are met by
potential partners in the border regions - Identify the solutions adopted by other countries
/ border regions / partners - Identify possible partnership with border regions
and eventual EU countries
26When designing a project proposal
- Be clear !
- Be consistent
- Transparency with the project partners
- Communication with the partners
- Budget / Expenses for the benefit of the Tacis
partner - Staff
- Equipment
- Travel expenses and per diems
- Sustainability of the project
27Joint Projects
- Definition
- Joint projects are prepared by the project
partners on both sides of the border and are
implemented jointly on each side of the border - Financing
- The Tacis funding covers the activities for the
benefit of the Tacis partner, while
INTERREG/Phare cover the activities of the
EU/Phare partners - Link between applications
- In theory, a true joint project can only be
successful if both sides of the border receive
the funding...
28Joint Projects
- Information Sheets until 2004
- Exchange of information with the Secretariats
until 2004 - Neighbourhood Instrument for the 2004-2006
period single application, single evaluation,
allocation per border (INTERREG model)
29Post Enlargement
- No real changes except new INTERREG Programmes
- Eligible areas the same border
- Priorities of Tacis CBC SPF remain unchanged
30Assistance to Applicants
- Russia
- Kaliningrad and Southwestern Russia Catherine
BODSON (EU Commission) - Leningrad Oblast and Northwestern Russia
Mia-Fatima DUBOIS-BOUSSAID (EU Commission) - St Petersburg Liaison Office
- Belarus
- Martin EISENBEIS (EU Commission)
- National Co-ordinating Unit (NCU)
- EC Delegation in Minsk (Tacis Branch Office)
31Assistance to Applicants
- Moldova
- Martin Eisenbeis (EU Commission)
- EC Delegation in Chisinau (Tacis Branch Office)
- Ukraine
- Corinne DELEU (EU Commission)
- Delegation of the EU in Minsk
32The Tacis CBC SPF Team in Brussels
- Programme Manager
- Catherine BODSON
- Programme Co-ordinator, Project Manager,
- Kaliningrad and SW Russia
- Project Manager, NW Russia - Leningrad Oblast
- Project manager, Belarus and Moldova
- Corinne DELEU
- Project Manager, Ukraine
33Contact details
- Tacis CBC SPF Website
- http//europa.eu.int/comm/europeaid/projects/tacis
_cbc_spf/ - index_en.htm
- The European Commission
- 1049 Brussels - Belgium
- Tel 00 32 2 296 79 51
- Fax 00 32 2 295 74 82
- e-mail firstname.lastname_at_cec.eu.int