Title: Oriflame Cosmetics
1Oriflame Cosmetics
2Introduction to Oriflame
Sales by Region 2008
CIS Baltics, 59
- Founded in 1967
- Cosmetics company selling direct
- 2.8 million sales consultants
- Operations in 61 countries of which
- Franchisees in 13 countries
- Production facilities in Poland, Sweden, India,
China and Russia - 7,500 employees
EMEA, 30
Asia, 6
Latin America, 5
) Before restructuring costs due to the new
operational platform of 8.7m. (25.8m)
3A Long Term Growth Company
1990 - 2008 CAGR organic sales of over 17
Our Logotype Slogan
To be the 1 BeautyCompany Selling Direct
Our Vision
Where were going
To Fulfil Dreams
Our reason for being
Our Mission
Our Offer
What we offer
Our Business Opportunity concept
What we should be best in the world at
How we create and build the business opportunity
Our Strategy
Togetherness, Spirit PassionRespect People,
Focus on Customers, Demand Quality,Seek
Simplicity and Cost-efficiency, Pursue Long-term
Our Values OperatingPrinciples
How we work together
5Brands and Products
Sales by Category 2008
Fragrances 20
- Natural Swedish Cosmetics
- 950 products of which 1/3 new each year
- RD
- Product stories and catalogue communication
- New product category
- Wellness
Skin Care 25
Colour C. 26
Personal Hair Care 20
Accessories 9
Wellness Bringing Beauty from Within
6The Oriflame Catalogue
- Oriflames shop window
- New offers and catalogues every third week
- 35 languages
- Forceful combination of product and catalogue
development in Stockholm
7Our Business Model
8Our Business Opportunity is Unique
The Direct Selling Industry is divided into two
9Production and Supply Chain
- Over 700 million units sourced annually
- of which approx. 50 in-house
- Own factories in Poland, Sweden,
- India, China and Russia
- Product Fulfilment Project
10Market Opportunity
- Cosmetics and Toiletries Industry Dynamics
2007 Cosmetics Toiletries Spending per Capita
Asian average
2007 GDP per Capita EUR
Source Euromonitor
11Projected Market Size and Growth by Region
(Oriflame markets)
Fixed 2007 exchange rates. Value at current
) Real Growth (fixed prices)
- Second priority
- Open markets where possible
- First priority
- Defend market share in a more competitive
environment - Grow market share where we have a low penetration
Source Euromonitor
12Direct Selling Industry - Product categories
Direct selling channel categories
USD Billion
A 111bn industry with 62 million independent
consultants (2007). Source WFDSA 2008.
Source Oriflame estimation based on Euromonitor
data and other sources Selected products in
major markets Includes skin care, make up and
other cosmetics Other includes jewellery,
gift items, auto care, pet products, various
services (e.g. flower delivery) and other
consumer goods items not accounted for elsewhere
13Financial Highlights 2008
- Sales 20 in Euro
- 23 in local currency.
- Operating profit 21 to 187.3m (155.4).
- Operating margin 14. (14.0).
- Net profit 133.1m (116.0m).
) Before restructuring costs of 14.0m in Q407,
8.7M in FY08 and 25.8m in FY08
14Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Highlights
- Net debt 196.3m (182.0m)
- Net debt/EBITDA 0.91 (1.00)
- Full year interest cover 7.0 (7.5)
- Operating cash flow 91.3m (102.2m)
- Cash flow from investing activities -34.4m
(-36.8m) - Retained dividend of 1.25 (1.25) per share
15Regional Overview, Jan - Dec 2008
16Financial Outlook and Policies
- Sales growth for 2009 is expected to be above
10 in local currency and the operating margin
is expected to be around 11. - Long term financial targets are to achieve local
currency sales growth of around 10 per annum
and to reach 15 operating margin. - Dividend policy is to distribute at least 50 of
net profit annually
17Cautionary Statement Some statements herein are
forward-looking and the actual outcome could be
materially different. In addition to the factors
explicitly commented upon, the actual outcome
could be materially effected by other factors
like for example, the effect of economic
conditions, exchange-rate and interest-rate
movements, political risks, impact of competing
products and their pricing, product development,
commercialization and supply disturbances.