Title: Designing Distance Delivery Courses
1Designing Distance Delivery Courses
2What is the objective?
- What do we want to accomplish with
- Distance delivery?
- Computer aided delivery?
- Internet delivery?
- CD Delivery?
- Interactive delivery?
- Blackboard system?
Whatever we call it
3How do we get there
- If you dont know where you are going, you may
not get there.
4Potential Objectives
- Save money
- Extend offerings
- Introduce creativity
- Remain competitive
- Reduce effort
- Improve quality
5Experience with change
- Presently experiencing a revolution in education
delivery - The industrial revolution is recognized as an
earlier era of rapid and dramatic changes.
Elements from the past persisted in that
revolution until suitable replacements were
- The builders of the world's first iron bridge
across the Severn Gorge in Shropshire, England
constructed it in 1779 with the technology
previously employed for building wooden bridges.
- Their choice of iron as a building material
stemmed from the overabundance of iron in the
bridge's immediate vicinity. - Constructing this bridge was a seminal event in
the industrial revolution. - It took years before the technological advantages
of this new material, iron, were appropriately
integrated into bridge construction.
7Professor Rebholz
8Professor Rebholz with his class at the Severn
Gorge in Shropshire, England
9Close up look at bridge construction
10ATM Machine Locations
- Originally inside banks
- Still some locked inside buildings in Europe
- Today placing them accessible 24 hrs/day
- Problem with robbery
11Current standing with distance delivery
- How far have we progressed in developing modern
tools appropriately suited for the task?
12Distance delivery assessment
- Many studies attempt to show distance delivery to
be as good as regular classes.
Russell, Thomas L. The No Significant Difference
Phenomenon 1999
13Need to move beyond being Just as good as.
14Creative possibilities
- Understand logical connections
- Visit unusual locations during course
- Schedule lectures by executives
15Explaining trading at the temple of Mithras
Connection between trading and locations where
people live
16Understanding trading room configuration
Line of site needs
17Need for proximity
- Financial services
- Legal services
- Technical skills
18Getting about in London
19Significant speakers in all areas
- International finance
- World center
- Chemistry
- Vast number of advances near London
20Bradley chemistry students visit Oxford Professor
Peter Atkins officeto Learn physical chemistry
from popular author.
21Historic significance
- Visit locations where things originate
22Visiting worlds oldest structures
23Temples in Malta predate pyramids and Stonehenge
First location on earth where people built
24Students visit Stubai glacier
25Innsbruck Universitys Professor Göertner
explains Alpine habitat to Bradley students
26American Secretary of State observed vacationing
in Austria
27Opportunity to encounter others
- Dignitary visitors to Peoria can be scheduled
- Sometimes easier to encounter them abroad
28Secret Service Agent pauses to photograph
Madeline Albright with Bradley students and
faculty members
29Notable financial institutions
- Bank of England
- Over 300 years old
- Located on Threadneedle St.
30Visiting The Old Lady of Threadneedle Street
31Creative course structure
- General questions from text loaded into
Blackboard in Peoria - Preliminary quizzes taken from the US - online at
any Internet accessible location - Lectures, discussion and visits to major
financial institutions in London - Reports submitted through digital drop box from
London Cyber café - Questions from visits added to Blackboard in
London - Final supervised exam taken in London Cyber café
32Fundamentals for a better courseImproving Quality
- Basic factors relevant to education
- What should be done
- What should be avoided
33Considerations for structure
- Audience
- Place bound people
- Time constrained people
- Knowledge constrained people
- Content
- Logical topical sequence
- Uniformity of pace
- Remediation possibilities
- Reading, Lectures, Problems
34More on structure
- Research
- Historically great search effort
- Overwhelming information access
- Sustaining interest
- Encouraging class attendance
- Encouraging class participation
- Reducing withdrawals
35Additional structure considerations
- Rigor
- Insuring exacting achievements
- Difficulty unnecessary
- Assessment
- Reliability consistency with other devices
- Validity measure of understanding produced
- Tests
- Full assortment of capabilities
36More on structure
- Research reports and essays
- Delivered through digital drop box
- Comment with post-it and audio
- Problem solving
- Targeted areas
- Simple answers common
- Multiple similar calculations
- Explain reason for identified errors
- Inappropriate collaboration
- Advance exam copies
- Sharing experience
- Limit available time
- Personalize experience Random questions
- Buried HTML code to prevent printing copying
- Cracking into the system
- Constant worry with computers
- Experience with office break in
38Integrity continued
- Plagiarism
- Detection
- Quality anomaly
- Simple search
- Bibliography
- Previous reports
- File descriptive information
- Buried HTML in text
- Services
- mydropbox.com
- Open
- Fixed deadlines
- Blend
- Keeping people on track
- Accomplished with frequently due tasks
- Need to introduce more creativity
- Need to emphasize fundamentals
- Need to move beyond Just as good as.