Title: A CostEffective Foundational Certified Code System
1A Cost-Effective Foundational Certified Code
- Susmit Sarkar
- Thesis Proposal
2Motivation Grid Computing
- Idle computing cycles over the network e.g.
SETI - Code Consumers download and execute code from
Code Producers - Code Producers not trusted, or known
3Solution Certified Code
- Solution Package certificate with code Necula
Because I can prove it is safe!
Why should I trust the code?
4Safety Policy
- Certify compliance with Safety Policy
- Define what is safe
- Trusted Component of system
5Traditional Certified Code Architecture
- Safety Policy Trusted Type System
Concrete Machine
Type System
6Problems with Traditional Approach
- Flexibility One Type System (and its
limitations) - Safety Proof of Type Safety not verified
(usually) - Safety Soundness of Type Checker not verified
7Foundational Certified Code
- Safety Policy Formalized Concrete Machine
Appel Felty
Concrete Machine
8Important Issue Proof Size
- We want small proofs
- Transport over network
- We want fast checking
- Consumer side overhead
- Previous Iterations of our system problems on
both accounts
9Important Issue Intellectual Effort
- We want Reasonable Intellectual Effort
- Proof Engineering task
- FPCC Project has taken considerable man-years
10Thesis Statement
- A practical certified code system, with
machine-checkable proofs of safety of code
relative to a concrete machine architecture, can
be built in a cost-effective manner, with proofs
which are small enough to be packaged with code,
fast to check, and with the proof infrastructure
built with reasonable intellectual effort.
11Proof Strategy basic approach
Generic Proof Obligation
Concrete Machine
Here is a formalization! Prove your code is safe.
Specific Proof Obligation
Here is a class of programs
Here is some code!
Code Consumer
Code Producer
12Generic Proof CADE 03
- Define Safety Policy
- Subset of x86 Architecture
- Define Generic System
- TALT Crary
- Prove Safety of Generic System w.r.t. Safety
13Representing Type Systems
- A Type System is a particular logic
- So is the Safety Policy
- LF is designed for representing logics
- A dependently typed language
- Uses higher-order abstract syntax
- Mature Implementation Twelf
14Type Safety
- Previous work CADE 03
- We use syntactic method (based on operational
semantics) - Semantic methods also possible Appel et al
- We formalize our proofs in the Twelf metalogic
Schürmann - Other choices possible Appel et al, Shao et al
15Approaches to Program-Specific Proof
- Typing Derivations
- (Typed) Logic Programs
- Functional typecheckers
16Approach send direct proof
How do I know your code belongs to this class ?
proof checker
Here is a proof
Code Producer
Code Consumer
17Approach Certified Type Checker
- Need Certified Type Checkers
Does the checker correctly implement the class ?
How do I know your code belongs to this class ?
Here is a checker for the class. Run it and see!
Code Producer
Code Consumer
18Type Checking Logic Programming
- An LF signature can be given an operational
interpretation - This gives us a (typed, higher-order) logic
programming language Appel Felty - Idea Use this as a type checker
19Example Simply Typed Lambda
- of term -gt tp -gt type.
- of_unit of unitTerm unitType.
- of_app of (app E1 E2) T12
- lt- of E1 (arrow T2 T12)
- lt- of E2 T2.
- of_lam of (lam T1 E) (arrow T1 T2)
- lt- (xterm of x T1 -gt of (E x)
20Example Simply Typed Lambda
- of term -gt tp -gt type.
- of_unit of unitTerm unitType.
- of_app of (app E1 E2) T12
- lt- of E1 (arrow T11 T12)
- lt- of E2 T2
- lt- tp_eq T11 T2.
- of_lam of (lam T1 E) (arrow T1 T2)
- lt- (xterm of x T1 -gt of (E x)
T2). - tp_eq tp -gt tp -gt type.
21A Type Checker
- of term -gt tp -gt type.
- of_unit of unitTerm unitType.
- of_app of (app E1 E2) T12
- lt- of E1 (arrow T11 T12)
- lt- of E2 T2
- lt- tp_eq T11 T2.
- of_lam of (lam T1 E) (arrow T1 T2)
- lt- (xterm of x T1 -gt of (E x)
T2). - solve DERIV of (lam unitType (xterm unit))
22Certified Type Checking
- LF strongly typed and dependently typed
- Partial Correctness cf Appel Felty ensured
- Dependent Types allow stating (and verifying)
such constraints - Logic program certified type checker
23Problems with Logic Programming
- Typechecker has to run on consumer side
- Once per program
- Requirement minimize time overhead
- Problem Logic programming is slow
- Control limited to depth first search
- Higher-order Twelf adds more problems
- Not tuned for particular problem
24Solution Functional Typechecker
- We want a functional typechecker
- Can be tuned to application
- Can be efficient and fast (we expect)
- We also want Certified Typecheckers
25System Architecture
Type Safety proof
Type system is safe
Type system
Type checker correctly implements type system
Code belongs to Type System
Code Producer
Code Consumer
26Problem Statement
- Design a Functional Language to write Certified
Type Checkers in - Close to ML (mostly functional, datatypes)
- Dependent Types
- Manipulate LF types
- Static typechecking
- Full Type Inference not a goal
27Indexed Types (DML)
- Dependent types Xi over index domain
- Our index domain LF terms
- Recall programmer in this system is code
producer - explicit annotations are okay
- Make typechecking as easy as possible
28Example Simply Typed Lambda
- Index ML Types with LF terms
- ML terms dynamic representation of LF terms
typecheck Context
? tmptermq.
? tp tp q.
? dpof tm tq.
29Type Checker (application)
- fun typecheck ctx _ (App e1, e2 (e1, e2))
- let
- val ltty1,d1,TY1gt typecheck ctx e1 e1
- val ltty2,d2,TY2gt typecheck ctx e2 e2
- in
- case TY1 of
- Arrow ty11, ty12 (TY11,TY12)) gt
- let
- val ltd3,()gt eqType ty11,
ty2 -
(TY11, TY2) - in
- ltty12,(of_app d3 d2 d1),TY12gt
- end
- _ gt error
- end
- ...
- fun typecheck ctx (App (e1, e2))
- let
- val lt TY1gt typecheck ctx e1
- val lt TY2gt typecheck ctx e2
- in
- case TY1 of
- Arrow (TY11,TY12)) gt
- let
- val lt ()gt eqType
(TY11, TY2) - in
- lt TY12gt
- end
- _ gt error
- end
- ...
of_app of (app E1 E2) TY12 lt- of
E1 (arrow TY11 TY12) lt- of E2 TY2
lt- tp_eq TY11 TY2.
30Problem Open Terms
- What about terms that add binding?
- Consider the usual rule for abstraction
- ...
- typecheck ctx (Lam ty1 e2)
- let
- val ctx ContextCons (ctx, ty1)
- val ty2 typecheck ctx e2
- in
- Arrow (ty1, ty2)
- end
31Open Terms contd.
- Higher-order abstract syntax will use the LF
context - of_lam of (lam T1 E) (arrow T1 T2)
- lt- (xterm of x T1
- -gt of (E x) T2).
- Inefficient solution Express everything in
first-order - We need a handle on the context
32Solution Abstract over context
- Abstract dependencies over context
- Like Closure Conversion
- Represent contexts as products
- Requires adding ?-types in LF
- Similar to typical implementation Twelf
33Amended Definitions
- datatype Context ptypeq -gt TYPE
- and Exp (?cptypeq. pc -gt termq )-gt TYPE
- typecheck ? ctxptypeq.
- ? tmpctx-gttermq.
- Context ctx
- -gt Term (ctx,tm)
- -gt ? tpptpq.
- ? dp ? cctx. of (tm c) tpq.
- Tp tp
34Type Checking Abstraction
- ...
- typecheck ctx, _ ctx (Lam _, ty1, e2 (ty1,
e2)) - let
- val ltctx1,ctx1gt ltpctx (?e1term. of e1
ty1)q - Cons ctx, ty1 (ctx,
ty1)gt - val e2 ??². e2 (?1 ?, ?1(?2?) )
- val ltty2,d,ty2gt typecheck ctx1,e2
- (ctx1, e2)
- val d ?cctx.
- of_lam (?eterm. ?d1of e
ty1. - d (c,
e, d1) ) - in
- ltparrow ty1 ty2q, d,
- Arrow ty1,ty2 (ty1,
ty2)gt - end
... typecheck ctx (Lam
(ty1, e2)) let val lt ctx1gt
lt Cons
(ctx, ty1)gt val lt ty2gt typecheck
(ctx1, e2)
in lt Arrow
(ty1, ty2)gt end
e2 ctx -gt (term -gt term)
of_lam of (lam TY1 E2) (arrow TY1 TY2)
lt- (e1term of e1 TY1
-gt of (E2 e1) TY2).
35Related Work
- Foundational Certified Code Systems
- FPCC Appel et al.
- LF based typechecking
- Convert to Prolog for speed
- FTAL Shao et al
- Partial Correctness of Theorem Provers Appel
36Related Work (contd...)
- Dependent Types in ML Xi et al, Dunfield
- Simpler Index domains
- Delphin Schürmann et al
- Operational Model close to Logic Programming
(backtracking, unification)
37Related Work (contd)
- Tactics in Theorem Provers
- Types Proof produced is valid LCF
- Dependent Types proof of particular theorem
- NuPRL Integrate proof representation and
programming language - Guaranteed Tactics Knoblock
- Uses Reflection Constable
38Work Plan
- Meta Theory of LF?,1 1
mth - Writing Type Checker for ML(LF) 4 mths.
- Translator to ML
3 mths. - TALT Type Checker 3
mths. - Dissertation Writing
4 mths. - Total
15 mths.
39 Thank You!